Pelosi is a cross between Inspector Clouseau and the Mad Queen


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Karl Rove hits back at the Former Maniac Speaker of the House. She is completely insane.

Her comments yesterday were over the top "I could have arrested Karl Rove anytime I wanted to".

And today the Former Lunatic Speaker of the House accused the Congress of wanting to "get Holder" to prevent him from suing States for Voter Registration Laws; Nancy the knumbskull actually said "voter suppression laws".


If you ever wonder why the country is FUBAR'D look no further than the likes of Pelosi or Reid or Sheila Jackson Lee. They are old and crazy. America ruled by dementia and lunacy. :cuckoo:

Here's part of the article.

“I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day,” she said. “I’m not kidding. There’s a prison here in the Capitol. If we had spotted him in the Capitol, we could have arrested him.”

However, Rove noted that while a House committee cited him for contempt in the investigation of the firing of U.S. attorneys in 2007, the House never took up the resolution.

“So it's nice to know that Speaker Pelosi wanted to have me arrested,” he said in an appearance on Fox News. “It's nice to know that she thinks she had the power to. But we're still a nation of laws, and she had no authority to do so, and had she attempted to arrest me on any of the number of times that I was in and out of the Capitol, without a resolution passed by the entire House of Representatives, she would have been up the proverbial creek without the proverbial paddle.

“You know, she sounds a little bit like Inspector Clouseau and a little bit about the mad red queen. But you know, Speaker Pelosi was dead wrong in her assertion today. I'm sure she had a good laugh, and it's nice to know that she dreams of slapping me in her own personal jail, but didn't have any authority to do it.”

Read more on Rove: Nancy Pelosi the Inspector Clouseau of House Speakers
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She actually said that she could have arrested Carl Rove but she gave him a break. How does this woman function in modern society?
She actually said that she could have arrested Carl Rove but she gave him a break. How does this woman function in modern society?


Some of my fave quotes by the Queen of Quackery:

“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”

“I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels.”

“We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it”.

And I love this quote I found on line by a gentleman called Doug Powers:

“In the real world, demonstrating lunacy of this magnitude is known as a “cry for help” and an intervention involving large nets, straight-jackets and electric shock therapy is in order.

But not in Washington, DC, where free-range crazies are allowed to pick pockets, loot futures, and all too often get re-elected”.

Awesome and sooooo very true.

She actually said that she could have arrested Carl Rove but she gave him a break. How does this woman function in modern society?[/Q

She should be locked up for treason to.... didn't her brother get phony solar money without any intent of selling any solar products? :lol: yep pretty much

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