Pelosi Dismisses Idea of Congress Releasing Tax Returns


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Miami Herald:

Congressional leaders were defiant Thursday that Capitol Hill lawmakers should not release their tax returns - even as Democrats kept demanding Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney release his.

A day after McClatchy Newspapers reported that most members of Congress refused repeated requests to release their tax returns, Pelosi talked at some length about why Romney, who has released 2010 returns and says he will release 2011 data when it's ready, should release even more returns.

"If you release them you tell a story," she said. "If you don't release them you leave it up to the imagination of anybody who wants to talk about it to talk about it."

But she reacted testily when asked whether she and members of Congress should abide by such rules.

"There are no rules. There are no rules. There's no rule about releasing his tax return, so what rules are you referring to?" she asked, growing clearly frustrated. Asked about the standard she had cited for a presidential candidate, Pelosi said: "It's up to the American people. The American people are the judges of that."

After being questioned about why her demand for more transparency from Romney shouldn't apply to Congress as well, she briefly changed course and said the issue of tax returns was not important.

So Pelosi literally has a double standard.

Why am I not surprised?
Typicall liberals, do as I say not as I do. And people actually like that, it's amazing.
Congressional Democrats are richer than congressional Republicans. And, their Returns are probably more crooked, too.
This is gold!

And if tax returns tell a story, I'd sure like to read about Nancy's story and Hoyer's story, oh tell us a story Democrats.

Miami Herald:

Congressional leaders were defiant Thursday that Capitol Hill lawmakers should not release their tax returns - even as Democrats kept demanding Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney release his.

A day after McClatchy Newspapers reported that most members of Congress refused repeated requests to release their tax returns, Pelosi talked at some length about why Romney, who has released 2010 returns and says he will release 2011 data when it's ready, should release even more returns.

"If you release them you tell a story," she said. "If you don't release them you leave it up to the imagination of anybody who wants to talk about it to talk about it."

But she reacted testily when asked whether she and members of Congress should abide by such rules.

"There are no rules. There are no rules. There's no rule about releasing his tax return, so what rules are you referring to?" she asked, growing clearly frustrated. Asked about the standard she had cited for a presidential candidate, Pelosi said: "It's up to the American people. The American people are the judges of that."

After being questioned about why her demand for more transparency from Romney shouldn't apply to Congress as well, she briefly changed course and said the issue of tax returns was not important.

So Pelosi literally has a double standard.

Why am I not surprised?

I wonder who her chiropractor is. He must be really good, to keep her spine in alignment with all that bending, twisting and flipping sh does.
Miami Herald:

Congressional leaders were defiant Thursday that Capitol Hill lawmakers should not release their tax returns - even as Democrats kept demanding Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney release his.

A day after McClatchy Newspapers reported that most members of Congress refused repeated requests to release their tax returns, Pelosi talked at some length about why Romney, who has released 2010 returns and says he will release 2011 data when it's ready, should release even more returns.

"If you release them you tell a story," she said. "If you don't release them you leave it up to the imagination of anybody who wants to talk about it to talk about it."

But she reacted testily when asked whether she and members of Congress should abide by such rules.

"There are no rules. There are no rules. There's no rule about releasing his tax return, so what rules are you referring to?" she asked, growing clearly frustrated. Asked about the standard she had cited for a presidential candidate, Pelosi said: "It's up to the American people. The American people are the judges of that."

After being questioned about why her demand for more transparency from Romney shouldn't apply to Congress as well, she briefly changed course and said the issue of tax returns was not important.

So Pelosi literally has a double standard.

Why am I not surprised?

Not surprised, Pelosi is one of the most corrupt politicians in D.C.'s history!
No doubt it's a good side story to Mitt reluctance to release his. But Mitts story is like the t-bone and Pelosi's is the mashed potatos on the side...with cheese son!

I'm for all of them to release tax returns. If they are casting votes supposedly without being influenced (no bid contracts, kickbacks, etc.) for the people back home. Donors and tax returns should be released.

How many of you non partisans can say shit?
Pelosi is the most repulsive human that still has a modicum of power. I'm sending her a chupacabra as her personal pet. Borders are open Nancy....
John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi Agree Lawmakers Shouldn't Have To Release Their Tax Returns

WASHINGTON -- It turns out House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) agree on at least one thing: they don't want to release their tax returns.

Both party leaders were asked, in light of Mitt Romney facing increasing pressure to release more of his tax returns, whether they think members of Congress should be held to the same standard as presidential candidates.

More: John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi Agree Lawmakers Shouldn't Have To Release Their Tax Returns
This is gold!

And if tax returns tell a story, I'd sure like to read about Nancy's story and Hoyer's story, oh tell us a story Democrats.


[ame=]Jack, tell me a story! - YouTube[/ame]
Pelosi is the most repulsive human that still has a modicum of power. I'm sending her a chupacabra as her personal pet. Borders are open Nancy....

It looks like Bachman has picked up that mantle.. Cons have a high ratio of crazy women to sane in your party.. Unbelievably high ratio.
truthfully? I think all elected officials should release them. I don't care what office they hold. Local government is one thing, a corrupt person can only do so much damage at the local level....unless we are talking about a major city. But State and Federal? Absolutely.
LMAO Does anyone think any of those Clowns in Congress want their tax returns under investigation??

Of course its okay for Romney to release his 1st to Last but anybody else?? Hell No.

Hell most of Barrys picks couldn't make it because of "Tax Issues."

Would make for a fun time in Congress as they all scrambled to try and cover their asses.
LMAO Does anyone think any of those Clowns in Congress want their tax returns under investigation??

Of course its okay for Romney to release his 1st to Last but anybody else?? Hell No.

Hell most of Barrys picks couldn't make it because of "Tax Issues."

Would make for a fun time in Congress as they all scrambled to try and cover their asses.

That's right, neither will Romney.

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