Pelosi as new candidate for potus in 2012.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It seems even Pelosi has more chance to win the next president elections as unsuccessful Joke Obama, thoughts.

President Palin? lolol.


Pelosi is just as bad for her party like Palin is for hers. So, it's kinda a done deal if she runs for Potus and wins the candidacy, which she probably won't. At least some of us know what a Neo con is.
Pelosi is just as bad for her party

HaHaHa, it's difficult to believe you mind the Tea Party which hero is Sarah Palin! BTW the Tea Party is the best Party in the U.S., twenty times better as GOP and its RINOs.
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Pelosi is just as bad for her party

HaHaHa, it's difficult to believe you mind the Tea Party which hero is Sarah Palin! BTW the Tea Party is the best Party in the U.S., twenty times better as GOP and its RINOs.

Yeah, because Sarah Palin's record is something to be proud of.

Not to mention the fact she quit during her term of Governor. For what? Money? lol.. I think now we know what she's really after.. Just another Politician making the spotlight yet, won't do shit. And while that happens she's getting bank.

Tea party? I used to like the Tea Party. You know when they actually meant what they stand for, oh and let's not forget when Palin became the so called "Leader" of the Tea Party that's when I was like, well, you screwed the pooch on this one tea party.

Best party? I'd prefer to keep myself from entangling with the 2 party system.

Oh the joy of being a Independent. :eusa_pray:
Except Pelosi, Boxer, some ACLU morons and surely Clinton and Obama Dems have nobody more as a possible candidate right.

Well, in 08 the best they could do was some jerkwater first term senator with no experience. How's that working out for you?

We already know what a good swath of the Country thinks of Obama.

*sarcasm alert*

What are you talking about man...?

It was a huge failure for Tea partiers.....
Well, in 08 the best they could do was some jerkwater first term senator with no experience. How's that working out for you?

We already know what a good swath of the Country thinks of Obama.

*sarcasm alert*

What are you talking about man...?

It was a huge failure for Tea partiers..... :rolleyes:

"...Or so the Germans would have us belive..." ~ Norm Macdonald :lol:

That's what they want to say? So be it. The Tea Party saved the GOP's ass. That's fact. ;)
Pelosi for President? She'd be the ugliest President the US ever had and except for Obama and Carter, she'd be the dumbest.
Best party? I'd prefer to keep myself from entangling with the 2 party system.

It is too difficult to distinguish between GOP and Dems seemingly the both will be merged together not later as in ten years, anyway I prefer only the Tea Party.
It seems even Pelosi has more chance to win the next president elections as unsuccessful Joke Obama, thoughts.


Oh, God!!! Is there something we can do to help you past this nightmarish thought? Hold you? Hug you? Rock you gently? I would never sleep another night if I thought Nancy Pelosi stood a snowball's chance on the sun of ever becoming president of the US.
It seems even Pelosi has more chance to win the next president elections as unsuccessful Joke Obama, thoughts.
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the Left.

No lack of envy and hatred in your post.
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