Peggy noonan schools mika brzezinski on obama ‘mischievously’ misinforming public abo


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
During a panel discussion on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” about the growing controversy surrounding the Obama administration’s contraception mandate, co-host Mika Brzezinski took issue with Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan’s comment that the administration is “mischievously” misinforming the public on this issue.

Noonan shared her observations on exactly how the White House and the liberal community are disingenuously spinning the subject for political gain.

Peggy Noonan Schools Mika Brzezinski on Obama Contraception Mandate During ‘Morning Joe’ Panel Discussion | Video |
Wanting to remove the scumbag currently in the White House does not mean we're against contraception
Meeker doesn't have a clue as to what's going on over there until Joe
tells her...She is a total ditz.

She does have those big Polish titties and she likes to show them so she's OK in my book.
Just as long as she doesn't talk too much she's OK.
Peggy Noonan? Hmm, where have I seen that face before?



Peggy Noonan? Hmm, where have I seen that face before?

A Lefty avoids comment on the subject at hand and goes straight for an ad hominem attack? I for one am shocked...shocked I tell you!

I bet I've watched Peggy Noonan more than you ever have since she's on Morning Joe at least twice a week. Peggy acts how she imagines smart people act. But it's an act. She is as silly and ignorant as Mika who got her job because of who her father is.
Peggy Noonan? Hmm, where have I seen that face before?

A Lefty avoids comment on the subject at hand and goes straight for an ad hominem attack? I for one am shocked...shocked I tell you!

I bet I've watched Peggy Noonan more than you ever have since she's on Morning Joe at least twice a week. Peggy acts how she imagines smart people act. But it's an act. She is as silly and ignorant as Mika who got her job because of who her father is.

Gotta tell you, Deanie..."YOU" commenting on ignorance has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen here.

In case you haven't're widely viewed as one of the more ignorant posters on the board. 101 Dalmations? That's your response as you call someone else ignorant? Priceless...
Peggy Noonan? Hmm, where have I seen that face before?

A Lefty avoids comment on the subject at hand and goes straight for an ad hominem attack? I for one am shocked...shocked I tell you!

I bet I've watched Peggy Noonan more than you ever have since she's on Morning Joe at least twice a week. Peggy acts how she imagines smart people act. But it's an act. She is as silly and ignorant as Mika who got her job because of who her father is.
You got that right.

It took Current TV's two-double-whammy of Bill Press and Stephanie Miller to finally pull me away from that tripe.

I finally do not watch it anymore.

I've stop Tivoing that and am now DVRing Bill Press and Stephanie Miller...which I listened to on the radio anyway, now it's nice to be able to work and catch both shows w/o hving to sit through the commercials.

Lost of listening and viewers are switching from Morning Blow Joe to Bill Press and Stephanie...woohooo!!! :clap2:

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