Pedophiles and violent sex criminals


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
life without parole or death-------no more trying to rehab these folks---I dont care how big the damn prison has to be---if we can't protect our kids we should be ashamed!
If rehab is possible, I'm all for a second chance, after paying the penalty, of course. A few months ago, I would have agreed with you, but since then, I've had a friend busted for child porn. He's a good guy, he just has a problem and with the help of God and some rehab, I think he can get over the problem.
Hobbit said:
If rehab is possible, I'm all for a second chance, after paying the penalty, of course. A few months ago, I would have agreed with you, but since then, I've had a friend busted for child porn. He's a good guy, he just has a problem and with the help of God and some rehab, I think he can get over the problem.
Did your friend actually do anything to the kids? If no, then he may be rehabed. But the scumsuckingcommunist to created the kiddieporn needs to be strung up by his nads and disected with a dull razor and flayed with barbed wire for forty days and forty nights. At that point we will give into our base urges and really make him suffer.
Hobbit said:
If rehab is possible, I'm all for a second chance, after paying the penalty, of course. A few months ago, I would have agreed with you, but since then, I've had a friend busted for child porn. He's a good guy, he just has a problem and with the help of God and some rehab, I think he can get over the problem.

So, because it's your friend, you had a change of heart, but if it's any common stranger....string'm up? :eek2:
dilloduck said:
life without parole or death-------no more trying to rehab these folks---I dont care how big the damn prison has to be---if we can't protect our kids we should be ashamed!
agreed. we should be ashamed if we cant protect our little ones
green lantern said:
agreed. we should be ashamed if we cant protect our little ones

I agree. But if we cannot protect them, at least allow us to avenge them.
well soemthing needs to be done that is for sure. those 2 in FLA were both taken by child molesters. plus the one we had here close to home. well not close to home, but still in my area, was taken by a previously convicted child molster (to be more precise his brother, also a child molster, had also did something with that same girl). i beleive, following that incident, it was either IA or IL that was making a 2 strike rule for child molesters. but the problem with that is that, some some sick reason, there has to be a second strike. a reported second strike. so when they do it again, and they manage to (heaven forbid) sucessfully hide the body or scare the child enough into not saying anything. those are the ones that need to be addressed.
i guess what im saying is how do we know someone who appears to be rehabed is in fact rehabed? we dont. something from my drug rehab days comes to mind; fake it til you make it.

for real, they shouldne be released period. there is no way shape or form that i can be convinced.
Shattered said:
So, because it's your friend, you had a change of heart, but if it's any common stranger....string'm up? :eek2:

No, what I'm saying is that being in the middle of the issue changed my perspective.
Hobbit said:
If rehab is possible, I'm all for a second chance, after paying the penalty, of course. A few months ago, I would have agreed with you, but since then, I've had a friend busted for child porn. He's a good guy, he just has a problem and with the help of God and some rehab, I think he can get over the problem.
Nice sentiments.... but I'm afraid he's a goner.....

I probably told this story once, but I went to a school meeting once and the head of the county parole board gave a presentation on child offenders. The question about rehabilition came up. His answer, people who engage in pedophilia are very unlikely to be rehabilitated. To prove his point, he named a program in another state that was said to be the best in the country and it had a success rate of .....25%. That's it .... 25 percent.

. No offense, but for the sake of children, people that molest kids should get ONE strike and then go to jail for life, no parole. Furthermore, it should be a law that anyone that deliberately kills a kid should get the death penalty. Remember Susan Smith, the woman that killed her own kids? Last I heard, she's in jail looking for pen pals! Her kids are dead and she's living off of the taxpayer.... that's not right.
Hobbit said:
If rehab is possible, I'm all for a second chance,

Read a study on the matter where rehab is completley out of the picture. With medication the whole sexual behaviour can be put back and constant consultation is required to keep them ontop of their emotions, but there is just no way of reliable rehabilitation. The process would be the same of trying to "correct" a heterosexual into becoming homosexual. It is nearly impossible.

The biggest problem to solve is the attitude towards the people suffering from the disorder. They might recognize their condition but there is just no way for them to seek help. If they commit a crime and get cought it is already far too late.

Maybe if there was some sort of channel for them to "register" they could ban themselves from professions and certain events wich would put them into tempting situations...?
This is probably too much information for this board, but here goes...

My 10 year old niece (brothers daughter) is on her way to court right now for a jury trial against her stepfather. Approx. 3.5 years ago, she was molested by this man. It took her almost a year to tell someone because he threatened her with all kinds of things - one of them being that she would never see her (real) father again. She finally told her counseler (counseling to help her through her parents divorce), all hell broke loose (imagine that). While a court case was being built against him, he did it *again*. The first trial was put on hold, and they filed a second charge against him of "first degree sexual assault - second offense - same child". This trial has been put off for almost 3 years now, and today, it's finally starting to take place, since the judge said there will be no more postponements.

Here's the kicker.. When she was molested, this man was not married to her mother.. When this all came out into the open, her mother insisted that it could not be this person, and she married him anyway.

Do you think I want this man going through rehabilitation? Fuck no. I want him dead. Period. I want her mother dead as well. I'm all for shipping both of them to the nearest state that still has the death penalty.

Rehabilitation, indeed. I don't think so.
Shattered said:
This is probably too much information for this board, but here goes...

My 10 year old niece (brothers daughter) is on her way to court right now for a jury trial against her stepfather. Approx. 3.5 years ago, she was molested by this man. It took her almost a year to tell someone because he threatened her with all kinds of things - one of them being that she would never see her (real) father again. She finally told her counseler (counseling to help her through her parents divorce), all hell broke loose (imagine that). While a court case was being built against him, he did it *again*. The first trial was put on hold, and they filed a second charge against him of "first degree sexual assault - second offense - same child". This trial has been put off for almost 3 years now, and today, it's finally starting to take place, since the judge said there will be no more postponements.

Here's the kicker.. When she was molested, this man was not married to her mother.. When this all came out into the open, her mother insisted that it could not be this person, and she married him anyway.

Do you think I want this man going through rehabilitation? Fuck no. I want him dead. Period. I want her mother dead as well. I'm all for shipping both of them to the nearest state that still has the death penalty.

Rehabilitation, indeed. I don't think so.

After this man gets his due process and if he is convicted, what is wrong with putting him if prison for life without parole? Has the mother been charged with anything?
dilloduck said:
After this man gets his due process and if he is convicted, what is wrong with putting him if prison for life without parole? Has the mother been charged with anything?

What's wrong with killing him?

Charged? No. SHe has very restricted, and very limited visitation rights, tho.
Shattered said:
What's wrong with killing him?

Charged? No. SHe has very restricted, and very limited visitation rights, tho.

Right now it's against the law and so is killing the mother who isn't even charged with anything. Don't let your anger get the best of you or you may get in trouble too!
dilloduck said:
Right now it's against the law and so is killing the mother who isn't even charged with anything. Don't let your anger get the best of you or you may get in trouble too!

Why do you suppose I'm not at the hearing? Because I'm smart enough to know that if I'm within 100 feet of them, I'll flip my lid, and I doubt I have enough bail money saved up to match the extent of my anger.
Shattered said:
Why do you suppose I'm not at the hearing? Because I'm smart enough to know that if I'm within 100 feet of them, I'll flip my lid, and I doubt I have enough bail money saved up to match the extent of my anger.

Wise move !!!! :clap:
I'm still waiting for an explanation on why he deserves life, and rehabilitation..
dilloduck said:
who said rehab?---I said life without parole--

It was someone else that suggested rehab for these guys.. Life without parole isn't much different.. They still get to wake up in the morning, eat 3 times a day, have various activities, sleep at night, etc. and we get to pay for it. But... does the state get to pay for the counseling this little girl's going to need for a long time to come? Noooooooooo. Her parents have to foot that bill, with only a part of it being paid by their health insurance company.
Shattered said:
It was someone else that suggested rehab for these guys.. Life without parole isn't much different.. They still get to wake up in the morning, eat 3 times a day, have various activities, sleep at night, etc. and we get to pay for it. But... does the state get to pay for the counseling this little girl's going to need for a long time to come? Noooooooooo. Her parents have to foot that bill, with only a part of it being paid by their health insurance company.

would killing him make her therapy any cheaper?

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