Pedophiles and the Death Penalty

Should pedophiles face the possibility of a death sentence?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 61.5%

  • Total voters


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Some of us oppose a death penalty for any reason.

Some of us endorse a death penalty for some reasons.

It is a given that there is no "cure" for pedophilia.

So, the question is:

Do you support the option, in your state's criminal law, of the possibility of the imposition of a death penalty for pedophiles?

EDIT: I voted "yes." I am not a particularly strong proponent of the death penalty in general, but for the protection of society, that option needs to be on the table for pedophiles, imho.
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I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

In cases of long jail terms I would require:

1- removal of thumbs...that way they cannot grab hold of anyone efficiently ever again.

2- removal of they can no longer seduce with their voice or words.

3 psychical castration.

And optional depending of what they did, Cutting them off at the they will always have a child's perspective of how threatening an adult looks towering over them.

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I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

In cases of long jail terms I would require:

1- removal of thumbs...that way they cannot grab hold of anyone efficiently ever again.

2- removal of they can no longer seduce with their voice or words.

3 psychical castration.

And optional depending of what they did, Cutting them off at the they will always have a child's preservative of how threatening an adult looks towering over them.

I assume you meant perspective, and sorry I believe in the Constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment.

What I find most odd about your stance is that you are perfectly ok with all forms of child abuse except for sexual abuse.
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

But castration wouldn't stop molesting..
I am mixed on this. I do support the death penalty, but not sure here...though I have felt like I could kill a molester myself at times when I hear about heinous crimes against children.

So seriously, how would the be stopped, if not by death?
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

But castration wouldn't stop molesting..

It stops the desire. At least that is my understanding.

hmm I am not so sure. I was thinking I have heard castration would not stop such crimes.
Is child molesting merely about sex? We know rape is more about power.
I support the death penalty and would support it in this case.

Life imprisonment with zero chance of parole would also work.
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

In cases of long jail terms I would require:

1- removal of thumbs...that way they cannot grab hold of anyone efficiently ever again.

2- removal of they can no longer seduce with their voice or words.

3 psychical castration.

And optional depending of what they did, Cutting them off at the they will always have a child's preservative of how threatening an adult looks towering over them.

I assume you meant perspective, and sorry I believe in the Constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment.

What I find most odd about your stance is that you are perfectly ok with all forms of child abuse except for sexual abuse.

Im hiring you as "my follow me around editor", thanks for the catch.

Now don't go spreading around your BASELESS LYING agenda.


get over your 3 zip loss.
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

But castration wouldn't stop molesting..

It stops the desire. At least that is my understanding.

Sadly, it is apparently not the case. Child molesting pedophile scum (like many rapists) are not showing sexual desire when they engage in their criminal behavior. It is instead, most often, just a psychologically very disturbed desire for power. They get off on a perverse form of control. Pedophiles who have been castrated have been known to substitute fingers or objects in place of their failed erections.
I support the death penalty and would support it in this case.

Life imprisonment with zero chance of parole would also work.

The life imprisonment with no chance of parole proviso would sufficiently stop those bastards, individually (specific deterrence). But there would be a cost or two. (1) As long as the scum is alive, he can try to do such things again, perhaps to some young or tiny fellow inmate. I'm not sure that would be the right thing to do to even an inmate who has little chance for assistance from anyone else. (2) Society would be deprived of the "general deterrence" benefit of the execution of a pedophile. If some pedophile sees another child molesting piece of shit getting the death penalty, it might just make him hesitate before doing the same thing to any other victim.
I support the death penalty and would support it in this case.

Life imprisonment with zero chance of parole would also work.

The life imprisonment with no chance of parole proviso would sufficiently stop those bastards, individually (specific deterrence). But there would be a cost or two. (1) As long as the scum is alive, he can try to do such things again, perhaps to some young or tiny fellow inmate. I'm not sure that would be the right thing to do to even an inmate who has little chance for assistance from anyone else. (2) Society would be deprived of the "general deterrence" benefit of the execution of a pedophile. If some pedophile sees another child molesting piece of shit getting the death penalty, it might just make him hesitate before doing the same thing to any other victim.

I'm not one to believe that the death penalty prevents criminals from committing crime. The death penalty has been around for eons and the crime rate is rising. It just makes criminals go to more extreme lengths to not go to prison and that usually involves committing more crimes in the process.

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