Peanuts, Anyone?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
The US Dept of Transportation is now accepting public comments on possibly banning peanuts from airplanes for the benefit of those allergic. I have mixed feelings about this. WTF would miss the wretched things?

But part of me suspects this is more of the "accommodate me, I'm ultra-sensitive" bullshit that has stolen so much of our social lives so far. Either way, it's kinda sorta hard to imagine anyone but a peanut farmer giving a shit.

Ban peanuts on planes? It's not nutty to allergics |
Any food that wears a monocle and a top hat is a stylish killer.

Keep the nuts and let Darwin sort it out.

Many airlines have already switched to pretzels: Cheaper and the high road of protecting the allergic.
Warning. Pretzels may contain peanut product or Chinese peasant body parts.
The nastiest ones are the fake mustard flavored ones.

Now I would restrict the serving of soft pretzels to old un-viagra imbibed men on planes.
Of all the fucking things going on right now, the DoT is worrying about this? I'd rather they ban fat people, nothing makes me sicker than having to sit next to fat fuck who's sweating all over me.
The way to avoid this is to sit in the back of the plane, it is a trade secret that they have to put all the really fat people balanced right near the wings.
The sex is better too in the back plane toilet, even better than first class.

Women who like it in the back are kinky.
The way to avoid this is to sit in the back of the plane, it is a trade secret that they have to put all the really fat people balanced right near the wings.

I've taken to wearing my BDUs when I fly. Airlines like to take care of military men, and women.
Unless you are C-130 don't do that on any trip to Saudi Arabia.

And hide your booze well, these barbarians literally believe inebriation is a sin?
A big part of me suspects that what we now call "allergic" was once better known as "insufferably fuss budget".

you realize people with strong allergic reactions die on the spot right?

Maybe they shouldn't accept the free peanuts.

are you really this stupid? the allergy can be triggered even by inhaling the "dust" from the peanut packets that other people open aka the person sitting next to you or the person chewing peanuts a foot from your mouth
The government has no place in deciding what proteins are available on an airplane. I say ban the government types who think this is a good idea, from flying.
The government's role is more like letting people sue the airlines over peanut exposure. Even though the government made the peanut company label the bag with, "WARNING: This product may contain peanuts and cause an allergic response. Consult your physican before ingesting peanuts."

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