
Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Which is worse, Palin Derangement Syndrome or Birther Deranagement Syndrome?

I say BDS by a c-hair.

What say you?
Need to call the birther stuff "BiDS", as "BDS" is good old Bush Derangement Syndrome. He was there first.
I'd say BDS is well out in front right now.

Palin has not been in the news for a while, so some peoples PDS is in remission.

But all's it takes is a single posting to send people back off the deep end.
I'll go with PDS because I don't get people who become hysterical over someone who has so little impact on their lives....although it's entertaining as hell to watch them.
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I'd say BDS is well out in front right now.

Palin has not been in the news for a while, so some peoples PDS is in remission.

But all's it takes is a single posting to send people back off the deep end.

I agree. Lately the Birthers have been foaming at the bit like you read about.

But like you said, PDS can erupt into a pandemic over a single story about Palin's dog's vitamins, or something equally newsworthy.
I'll go with PDS because I don't get people who become hysterical over someone who has so little impact on their lives....although it's entertaining as hell to watch them.

It doesnt matter which side is doing it, i agree its entertaining. Bush Derangement Sydrome and Obama Deragement Syndrome are the best to compare.

For good old BDS my favorite was that people who had it could see Bush as this evil genius, and a blundering idiot, at the exact same time, leading to a new personality type, the blundering idiotic evil genius. Either that or they called him a tard and made Cheney the evil mastermind and puppetmaster.
I'd say BDS is well out in front right now.

Palin has not been in the news for a while, so some peoples PDS is in remission.

But all's it takes is a single posting to send people back off the deep end.

I agree. Lately the Birthers have been foaming at the bit like you read about.

But like you said, PDS can erupt into a pandemic over a single story about Palin's dog's vitamins, or something equally newsworthy.

Palin gives her dogs human vitamins!!!

What's next? Shooting Benji from helocopters?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And that took much much longer to type than make up in my head.
I think ERDS (Evul Rich Derangement Syndrome) is far worse and much more destructive to our society.
Whoever posts the Birther or Palin threads are guaranteed to make us all laugh anyway, so I say keep em' coming!

It's hysterical how worked up they get over either one.

It's free entertainment to watch these peeps!
Bachmann Derangement Syndrome is starting to challenge PDS, so we can add that to the list as well.
Whoever posts the Birther or Palin threads are guaranteed to make us all laugh anyway, so I say keep em' coming!

It's hysterical how worked up they get over either one.

It's free entertainment to watch these peeps!

Its all in the presentation. For example, a reasoned person could consider Palin a political lightweight, due to her experience consisting of being a mayor and then a governor of a small town/small state repsetively. they could even question her intellectual prowness, or a lack of defined political beliefs.

I'd say BDS is well out in front right now.

Palin has not been in the news for a while, so some peoples PDS is in remission.

But all's it takes is a single posting to send people back off the deep end.

I agree. Lately the Birthers have been foaming at the bit like you read about.

But like you said, PDS can erupt into a pandemic over a single story about Palin's dog's vitamins, or something equally newsworthy.

Palin gives her dogs human vitamins!!!

What's next? Shooting Benji from helocopters?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And that took much much longer to type than make up in my head.

and like clockwork... :lol:

I agree. Lately the Birthers have been foaming at the bit like you read about.

But like you said, PDS can erupt into a pandemic over a single story about Palin's dog's vitamins, or something equally newsworthy.

Palin gives her dogs human vitamins!!!

What's next? Shooting Benji from helocopters?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And that took much much longer to type than make up in my head.

and like clockwork... :lol:


Oh The Irony!

Best comment on that thread so far;


Thought provoking.




Not gunna do nothin
Which is worse, Palin Derangement Syndrome or Birther Deranagement Syndrome?

I say BDS by a c-hair.

What say you?

ODS is the worst. Obama Derangement Syndrome. Basically BDS, it just covers everything the affected hates about Obama.

I can see that.

The cure for ODS is electing someone else.
BDS will carry on long after and haunt him to his childrens dying day.

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