Paycheck-to-paycheck: US households barely getting by


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Paycheck-to-paycheck: US households barely getting by — RT

More than one-third of American households are barely able to manage their bills, getting by financially only paycheck-to-paycheck, a new study reveals.
Research out of the Consumer Federation of America and the Consumer Planner Board of Standards, Inc. suggests that Americans are less well off now than during the Clinton administration, with 38 percent of households questioned — nearly two-fifths — saying they are only barely able to get by. According to their survey of 1,508 US households, not only do a substantial sample of those polled say they live paycheck-to-paycheck, but nearly one-third, 30 percent, say they are actually financially comfortable. Additionally, only 34 percent say that they feel like they will be able to retire by age 65.
The results of the responses out of the later study offer a sharp contrast to the findings of a previous analysis published in 1997. When the CFA participated in a similar poll 15 years earlier, only 31 percent said they lived paycheck to paycheck, showing an increase of seven percentage points in just a decade and a half. The federation adds that the percentage of respondents who indicated they felt comfortable financially has fallen significantly as well.

It will only get worst as Obama bankrupts this nation..



The local university is making a few seats available for the public to audit various course classes for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............

I signed up for this one:

Economics of Social Issues

This is an applied economics course. It analyzes current social issues using concepts, principles, and models from economic theory

Haven't been in a classroom for 35 years. Should be fun.

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