Paul Ryan--"Path to Prosperity" Visualized video's 1 and 2


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is Paul Ryan in 2 great video's (through a visual process)-explaining our debt crisis and the problem with Medicare and how to fix it. "The Path to Prosperity"

[ame=]The Path to Prosperity (Episode 1): America's two futures, visualized - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Path to Prosperity (Episode 2): Saving Medicare, Visualized - YouTube[/ame]
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OMG--a politician that is actually relying on the "intelligence" of the American public to get elected.


1 TRILLION DOLLARS--$100.00 bills stacked together. We are 16 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and it is rising rapidly. The INTEREST alone--on this debt will add another 5 TRILLION dollars to our debt--over the next decade.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Interest rates on U.S. bonds may be ridiculously low, but that doesn't mean the country's future interest payments on the national debt will be.
Uncle Sam will shell out more than $5 trillion in interest payments over the next decade, according to the latest projections from the Congressional Budget Office.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Now you liberals don't get your panties all tied up in a WAD over FACTS.
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O.K. everyone the above video is Paul Ryans plan for Medicare and he explains the debt that is smothering economic growth in this country--and there are no replies. What's UP?
Gawd, it will be exciting to have real leadership once again!

No Kidding. LEADERSHIP and BRAINS is key to putting this country back on track--and who did we get over the last 4 years--who wants another 4?



"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

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