Paul Ryan Has News For The Birthers: He’s Not One Of Them


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Ryan J. Reilly

Paul Ryan has figured out a way of letting the birthers down gently.

Like many of his fellow congressmen, Ryan has been bombarded for years with letters from conspiracy theorists who believe President Obama was somehow secretly born in Kenya and so is ineligible to be president. The missives began even before Ryan became one of the president’s biggest foes on budget issues and more recently as he joined the GOP ticket alongside MItt Romney.

But unlike some in his party who have been embarrassed by their own clunky and awkward responses to the birthers, Ryan has come up with an easy solution to deal with them.

He simply sends them a copy of the president’s birth certificate.

More: Paul Ryan Has News For The Birthers: He’s Not One Of Them | TPMMuckraker
Glad to see Ryan isn't a birther. I'd have hated to see one of those guys get elected, and right now it's looking like Romney might have a shot.

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