Paul Krugman: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
At some point, of course, doomsayers such as Krugman are going to be right. In the past 60 years the United States has been hit with recessions in 1960–61, 1969–70, 1973–75, 1980, 1981–82, 1990–91, 2001, and 2007–09. History says we’re probably due for another one soon. When it hits, Krugman will blame tax cuts, unfettered capitalist greed, a dearth of regulations — and maybe climate change, or whatever hobbyhorse he’s riding at the time. MSNBC hosts will hail him as a seer.

Paul Krugman: Wrong about Trump Economics | National Review

At some point, of course, doomsayers such as Krugman are going to be right. In the past 60 years the United States has been hit with recessions in 1960–61, 1969–70, 1973–75, 1980, 1981–82, 1990–91, 2001, and 2007–09. History says we’re probably due for another one soon. When it hits, Krugman will blame tax cuts, unfettered capitalist greed, a dearth of regulations — and maybe climate change, or whatever hobbyhorse he’s riding at the time. MSNBC hosts will hail him as a seer.

Paul Krugman: Wrong about Trump Economics | National Review

Krugman is an IDIOT. The End.
Paul Krugman is wrong about everything...

Contra Krugman: The Podcast that Refutes Krugman Every Week

I wonder if Krugman's Nobel Prize was a participation trophy from the Nobel committee like Obama's.
He didn't get it for macroeconomcs, the subject he knows next to nothing about yet talks of it as though he's a savant.
He tweaked the theory of comparative advantage to make it marginally better for economic theorists. If it has been used in the commodity markets that then it is a deeply held secret.

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