Path to electoral victory for Democrats


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
Let's hope the Democrats change. Right now the party is worthless: the plaything of plutocrats who love transgender activists and hate working folk.

The Clintons were bumbling imperialists and totally corrupt. We are lucky to be rid of them.
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Get rid of neo-communists, anti-Americanism and racist, class war efforts to keep the poor, poor. Furthermore, embrace the constitution and America First rather than being a flop house for International exploitation.
Clarify the message, marginalize the PC/Identity Politics/SJW/Regressive zealots, and stop insulting & mocking people who dare to disagree.

That, combined with the fact that the GOP is clearly incapable of governing in its present form, should be enough.
You're counting the republicans out a little prematurely, aren't ya Mac? Don't they have another year and a half to get things done?

Your left leaning wouldn't be showing again would it?
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Clarify the message, marginalize the PC/Identity Politics/SJW/Regressive zealots, and stop insulting & mocking people who dare to disagree.

That, combined with the fact that the GOP is clearly incapable of governing in its present form, should be enough.

You propose to marginalize the group that makes up the core of the Democrat Party...funds it, leads it and drives it? If you marginalize the America haters, the globalists, the transgender in every bathroom warriors and the white western male haters you simply have no party left. Poof..its gone.

And especially if they do it predicated on the GOP not being able to govern. That will mean they are still delusional and psychotic and dont realize it is they themselves screeching and foaming at the mouth to block any governing process.
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
You are basically telling democrats... NOT TO BE DEMOCRATS.

This will NEVER happen. I will validate that statement with the continued vile behavior of all the leftists here on this board. They won't change, and neither will any of the other democrats. In fact, they'll probably sneer and laugh to themselves when they read your suggestions.

Nice try though.
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
The path to a Demcorat Party victory? Yeah move to Cuba...
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
You are basically telling democrats... NOT TO BE DEMOCRATS.

This will NEVER happen. I will validate that statement with the continued vile behavior of all the leftists here on this board. They won't change, and neither will any of the other democrats. In fact, they'll probably sneer and laugh to themselves when they read your suggestions.

Nice try though.

I'm talking about the Democrats returning to what it was to be a Democrat. The party that controlled congress for. Decades. The Party that held the majority of State Legislatures, State Governorships, and accomplished some pretty damned impressive things.

Republicans did not have a majority in either house of Congress during the Reagan years. So even if you argue, with some merit, that Reagan revolutionized the Republican Party, then you have to admit that revolution did not translate to Republican control of congress until Newt.

Newt was a genius. He found ten issues that the people supported, and he focused the entire congressional campaign on those ten issues. Those ten issues, the Contract with America was downplayed and even mocked by the press, and the Republicans still won. The Democrats took back the House and Senate, but they campaigned on the image of Republican Corruption. They didn't follow the playbook of finding issues, using them to unite the party, and gain electoral victory. The result has been predictable, and disappointing from both parties.

I want to see the parties return to issues. I want to see the parties returning to core beliefs. Right now, the political landscape in this nation looks like a Homecoming football game. We're going to win because we're red. Blue sucks. Blue is totally going to win, Red sucks.

Democrats need a Newt to find those populist issues and make them the core of the campaign. Then again the Republicans need it too. Because all the Republicans are certain they are for is whatever the Democrats are against. The Democrats are against whatever the Republicans are for. Nobody is for the people, nobody is out there espousing core beliefs and arguing for them. We are left with the fractionally less evil of the two evils.
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
You are basically telling democrats... NOT TO BE DEMOCRATS.

This will NEVER happen. I will validate that statement with the continued vile behavior of all the leftists here on this board. They won't change, and neither will any of the other democrats. In fact, they'll probably sneer and laugh to themselves when they read your suggestions.

Nice try though.

I'm talking about the Democrats returning to what it was to be a Democrat. The party that controlled congress for. Decades. The Party that held the majority of State Legislatures, State Governorships, and accomplished some pretty damned impressive things.

Republicans did not have a majority in either house of Congress during the Reagan years. So even if you argue, with some merit, that Reagan revolutionized the Republican Party, then you have to admit that revolution did not translate to Republican control of congress until Newt.

Newt was a genius. He found ten issues that the people supported, and he focused the entire congressional campaign on those ten issues. Those ten issues, the Contract with America was downplayed and even mocked by the press, and the Republicans still won. The Democrats took back the House and Senate, but they campaigned on the image of Republican Corruption. They didn't follow the playbook of finding issues, using them to unite the party, and gain electoral victory. The result has been predictable, and disappointing from both parties.

I want to see the parties return to issues. I want to see the parties returning to core beliefs. Right now, the political landscape in this nation looks like a Homecoming football game. We're going to win because we're red. Blue sucks. Blue is totally going to win, Red sucks.

Democrats need a Newt to find those populist issues and make them the core of the campaign. Then again the Republicans need it too. Because all the Republicans are certain they are for is whatever the Democrats are against. The Democrats are against whatever the Republicans are for. Nobody is for the people, nobody is out there espousing core beliefs and arguing for them. We are left with the fractionally less evil of the two evils.
I think the Democrats that you are talking about, have all but died out, and todays Democrats are killing their unborn children at the rate of 33,000 a month. How can Democrats regain power, when the last one in office, tried to fundamentally transform America by bringing in illegal aliens and Radical Muslims by the thousands? US citizens woke the fuck up and decided enough was enough, now with the burning of cities and violence against Republicans, the Democrat party even with the lickspittle, liberal, lame stream media wont see power for the next 100 years.

Get rid of neo-communists, anti-Americanism and racist, class war efforts to keep the poor, poor. Furthermore, embrace the constitution and America First rather than being a flop house for International exploitation.

If they didn't have those folks, they wouldn't have a party.
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
You are basically telling democrats... NOT TO BE DEMOCRATS.

This will NEVER happen. I will validate that statement with the continued vile behavior of all the leftists here on this board. They won't change, and neither will any of the other democrats. In fact, they'll probably sneer and laugh to themselves when they read your suggestions.

Nice try though.

I'm talking about the Democrats returning to what it was to be a Democrat. The party that controlled congress for. Decades. The Party that held the majority of State Legislatures, State Governorships, and accomplished some pretty damned impressive things.

Republicans did not have a majority in either house of Congress during the Reagan years. So even if you argue, with some merit, that Reagan revolutionized the Republican Party, then you have to admit that revolution did not translate to Republican control of congress until Newt.

Newt was a genius. He found ten issues that the people supported, and he focused the entire congressional campaign on those ten issues. Those ten issues, the Contract with America was downplayed and even mocked by the press, and the Republicans still won. The Democrats took back the House and Senate, but they campaigned on the image of Republican Corruption. They didn't follow the playbook of finding issues, using them to unite the party, and gain electoral victory. The result has been predictable, and disappointing from both parties.

I want to see the parties return to issues. I want to see the parties returning to core beliefs. Right now, the political landscape in this nation looks like a Homecoming football game. We're going to win because we're red. Blue sucks. Blue is totally going to win, Red sucks.

Democrats need a Newt to find those populist issues and make them the core of the campaign. Then again the Republicans need it too. Because all the Republicans are certain they are for is whatever the Democrats are against. The Democrats are against whatever the Republicans are for. Nobody is for the people, nobody is out there espousing core beliefs and arguing for them. We are left with the fractionally less evil of the two evils.
I know exactly what you're talking about. You have good suggestions. But what I'm afraid you don't realize is, the democrat party has been hijacked by their ultra radical alt left wing. There are no old school dems left, and if there are, they're scared shitless to cross those new radical dems. They're reaping what they have sown now. The party is in collapse, and although you might have a winning strategy, it'll be a cold day in hell before you'll get all those core radical snowflakes to embrace any of it. They've been indoctrinated, and they're not changing.
Clarify the message, marginalize the PC/Identity Politics/SJW/Regressive zealots, and stop insulting & mocking people who dare to disagree.

That, combined with the fact that the GOP is clearly incapable of governing in its present form, should be enough.
You're counting the republicans out a little prematurely, aren't ya Mac? Don't they have another year and a half to get things done?

Your left leaning wouldn't be showing again would it?
Yes, I consider myself to be a left-leaning independent, and I think the link at the end of my sig bears that out nicely.

And yes, the GOP could turn this around and kick ass. I hope they do. And if they do, you're welcome to rub my nose in it.
Clarify the message, marginalize the PC/Identity Politics/SJW/Regressive zealots, and stop insulting & mocking people who dare to disagree.

That, combined with the fact that the GOP is clearly incapable of governing in its present form, should be enough.

You propose to marginalize the group that makes up the core of the Democrat Party...funds it, leads it and drives it? If you marginalize the America haters, the globalists, the transgender in every bathroom warriors and the white western male haters you simply have no party left. Poof..its gone.

And especially if they do it predicated on the GOP not being able to govern. That will mean they are still delusional and psychotic and dont realize it is they themselves screeching and foaming at the mouth to block any governing process.
Hey, I'm just proposing, I'm not expecting anything.

Regarding the GOP's ability to govern, early returns aren't very impressive, but we'll see.
Have you considered that after defeating the Democrats it is also possible to repeal and replace the GOP? Democrats are a nasty bunch and that infection has to cleansed. In fact it is basically done. They are defeated across the board in government from the county dog catchers to the Senate.
I think it's now time to start replacing Republicans who don't know what to do with the gift the American people have given them.
Or who know but refuse.
Clarify the message, marginalize the PC/Identity Politics/SJW/Regressive zealots, and stop insulting & mocking people who dare to disagree.

That, combined with the fact that the GOP is clearly incapable of governing in its present form, should be enough.

1. The zealots have taken over, if not the entire party, the parts of it that matter.
2. If you continue with the message of "you aren't smart enough to keep your guns, manage your own health care, or handle your own money" clarifying it won't help
3. If they stopped mocking people who disagreed with them they wouldn't have any playbook left.

At least the Republicans have a much clearer, but equally harder path.

2. See step #1.
There is a path to victory for Democrats. It won't be easy, but it does exist. The Democratic Party has been struggling for a path since the unexpected defeat of Hillary in 2016. Since I used to vote exclusively Democrat I thought I'd help out since the Third Way think tank can't seem to figure out the blatantly obvious. Romney-Clinton Voters Can’t Deliver a Democratic Majority

First, stop telling the people what they care about. The argument that they are idiots for voting against their own interests is just stupid. People care about their own interests. If you want to represent them, you have to know what those interests are. You can't just tell the people they are idiots because they don't see things as you do. If you want to represent them, you have to know what they care about, and actually represent those concerns. Otherwise they will vote for the candidate who does represent those concerns.

Second. Stop trying to repackage a Turd Sandwich. In a lot of ways the Democratic Party of today sounds like that old joke about the Dog Food. The CEO is railing at the people, decrying the horrible sales. They have the best jingle, the best packaging, the best commercials, and they aren't selling any dog food. The problem one exec says, is that the dogs don't like it. If the people don't like what you are selling, it doesn't matter how you package it.

Third. Figure out that the nation is pretty big, with a lot of people, and the various regions have different views. Then you have to do the hardest thing ever. You have to realize those views are just as valid to the people there, as the views of the people in San Francisco.

Fourth. Stop shouting that anyone who disagrees with you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, or Nazi's. Try listening to what they say, and try understanding them instead of just shouting at them. Because here is a secret, the people you shout at, probably won't vote for you. For some reason, people don't like being insulted, and then being asked to vote for the folks who just insulted them.

I said it wouldn't be easy. It won't. Because the liberal scions from all over the nation will have to smile and accept that the Democrats from the rural areas are important. When those Rural Democrats tell you they can't win elections if you do this, or that, shrugging and saying good riddance means you're in the minority again. As you are learning, being in the minority means you don't get to do anything but shout and scream it's not fair.

That's the next part of this simple but difficult plan. You have to view every Democrat as vital for the party. You have to worry about a moderate Democrat from Georgia losing their seat. You have to wring your hands about a Conservative Democrat from Arkansas being defeated. You can't just denounce them as a DINO, and cheer when the Republican Lite is defeated.

Finally. This is the hardest thing of all. You have to develop some core beliefs. A core belief if you've never heard of this is something you believe and drives you. I hate Trump, or I hate Republicans, or Republicans are evil is not a core belief. OK, it might be your core belief, but it is not one that should be the guiding belief of the party.

You have to believe in issues. You have to care about the issue above the party. Now, what that means is this. If a Republican does something that you would cheer when a Democrat did it, then you cheer the Republican, you don't denounce the Republican as a traitor or racist. You put issues, over party identity.
You are basically telling democrats... NOT TO BE DEMOCRATS.

This will NEVER happen. I will validate that statement with the continued vile behavior of all the leftists here on this board. They won't change, and neither will any of the other democrats. In fact, they'll probably sneer and laugh to themselves when they read your suggestions.

Nice try though.

I'm talking about the Democrats returning to what it was to be a Democrat. The party that controlled congress for. Decades. The Party that held the majority of State Legislatures, State Governorships, and accomplished some pretty damned impressive things.

Republicans did not have a majority in either house of Congress during the Reagan years. So even if you argue, with some merit, that Reagan revolutionized the Republican Party, then you have to admit that revolution did not translate to Republican control of congress until Newt.

Newt was a genius. He found ten issues that the people supported, and he focused the entire congressional campaign on those ten issues. Those ten issues, the Contract with America was downplayed and even mocked by the press, and the Republicans still won. The Democrats took back the House and Senate, but they campaigned on the image of Republican Corruption. They didn't follow the playbook of finding issues, using them to unite the party, and gain electoral victory. The result has been predictable, and disappointing from both parties.

I want to see the parties return to issues. I want to see the parties returning to core beliefs. Right now, the political landscape in this nation looks like a Homecoming football game. We're going to win because we're red. Blue sucks. Blue is totally going to win, Red sucks.

Democrats need a Newt to find those populist issues and make them the core of the campaign. Then again the Republicans need it too. Because all the Republicans are certain they are for is whatever the Democrats are against. The Democrats are against whatever the Republicans are for. Nobody is for the people, nobody is out there espousing core beliefs and arguing for them. We are left with the fractionally less evil of the two evils.
I know exactly what you're talking about. You have good suggestions. But what I'm afraid you don't realize is, the democrat party has been hijacked by their ultra radical alt left wing. There are no old school dems left, and if there are, they're scared shitless to cross those new radical dems. They're reaping what they have sown now. The party is in collapse, and although you might have a winning strategy, it'll be a cold day in hell before you'll get all those core radical snowflakes to embrace any of it. They've been indoctrinated, and they're not changing.

The hijacking was electoral defeat. The party ignored them when they won in 2006. Moderate Dems didn't have time to establish the power base they needed to wrest some control over direction. Moderate Dems still exist.

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