Pat Robertson Bringing God Into Politics

When you tie religion to the state, you are also tying the state to your religion. And the next thing you know, the government is telling you how to run your business if you want the government money to keep coming into your faith-based business. Taxpayer money corrupts the church and its leadership.

But the problems are far deeper than that, and were far better stated 180 years ago. One of the reasons the religious founders of our Northern colonies came to this continent was to escape the corruption of the Church-as-State in Europe. Our country was founded upon the absolute conviction we must not allow that to happen here. And a visitor from France observed the striking difference between our nation and Europe.

On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and explained my doubts. I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone, and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation of church and state. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet a single individual, of the clergy or the laity, who was not of the same opinion on this point.

My, how we have strayed from this conviction.

Pay particular attention to this part below and see how what Alexis de Tocqueville said about Europe two centuries ago applies to the state of politics in America today.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17

And today, the Unbelievers have turned it around. THey now see anyone who disagrees with them as heretics of their secular dogma.

Rather they be religious conservatives like Pat Roberson, or secular conservatives like Milo, or even populists nationalists like Donald Trump.

All are dealt with the same way, branded as heretics and demonized and attacked with a religious fervor that the Crusaders would have found overly strident.
They brought it on themselves. The warning is right there: "The unbelievers... attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief;"

"The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity;"
It is a disgusting example, and goes against many of the teachings Jesus Christ. He basically equates God with Trump (watch the video):
Pat Robertson Says People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God

Looks like some people want to turn the USA into a Christian version of ISIS. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scary thought.

Poor pathetic snowflake, he didn't equate Trump with God, that's just what you wanted to hear. Try listening to the scripture he quoted and then attempt to put your little pea brain in gear.

He said that if you oppose Trump, you oppose God. How much more specific do you need?

And how did that track with the scripture he quoted? It's all about context child.

It was the words out of his mouth.

The mouth of a man who believes God choses our leaders, being a regressive, I guess you don't think he's entitled to his beliefs.

Odd that he didn't seem to be as accepting of the last president that God chose. Did God make a mistake that time?
Poor pathetic snowflake, he didn't equate Trump with God, that's just what you wanted to hear. Try listening to the scripture he quoted and then attempt to put your little pea brain in gear.

He said that if you oppose Trump, you oppose God. How much more specific do you need?

And how did that track with the scripture he quoted? It's all about context child.

It was the words out of his mouth.

The mouth of a man who believes God choses our leaders, being a regressive, I guess you don't think he's entitled to his beliefs.

Odd that he didn't seem to be as accepting of the last president that God chose. Did God make a mistake that time?

Wouldn't know, I don't follow the guy, I just know the scripture he quoted in this video backed up what he said. The OPs contention that he equated Trump with God is BS, like I said, it's all about context.
He said that if you oppose Trump, you oppose God. How much more specific do you need?

And how did that track with the scripture he quoted? It's all about context child.

It was the words out of his mouth.

The mouth of a man who believes God choses our leaders, being a regressive, I guess you don't think he's entitled to his beliefs.

Odd that he didn't seem to be as accepting of the last president that God chose. Did God make a mistake that time?

Wouldn't know, I don't follow the guy, I just know the scripture he quoted in this video backed up what he said. The OPs contention that he equated Trump with God is BS, like I said, it's all about context.

We both know what the jerk said. Why do you bother defending such blatant crap?
Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.
Obama, with his muslim outreach policies.
Public education pushing evolution (which is not verifiable science), while banning any discussion of creation.

That is only thought to be true by people who did not pay attention in science classes.
And how did that track with the scripture he quoted? It's all about context child.

It was the words out of his mouth.

The mouth of a man who believes God choses our leaders, being a regressive, I guess you don't think he's entitled to his beliefs.

Odd that he didn't seem to be as accepting of the last president that God chose. Did God make a mistake that time?

Wouldn't know, I don't follow the guy, I just know the scripture he quoted in this video backed up what he said. The OPs contention that he equated Trump with God is BS, like I said, it's all about context.

We both know what the jerk said. Why do you bother defending such blatant crap?

Sorry child, you heard what you wanted to hear. I explained what it meant in context, you have every right to be as ignorant as you want to be, just don't expect me to buy into your ignorance.
Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.
Obama, with his muslim outreach policies.
Public education pushing evolution (which is not verifiable science), while banning any discussion of creation.

That is only thought to be true by people who did not pay attention in science classes.

Really, how about you prove creation and evolution are mutually exclusive.
Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.
Obama, with his muslim outreach policies.
Public education pushing evolution (which is not verifiable science), while banning any discussion of creation.

That is only thought to be true by people who did not pay attention in science classes.

Really, how about you prove creation and evolution are mutually exclusive.

I never said they were. The Bible said God made everything. It didn't say how.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.
Obama, with his muslim outreach policies.
Public education pushing evolution (which is not verifiable science), while banning any discussion of creation.

That is only thought to be true by people who did not pay attention in science classes.

Really, how about you prove creation and evolution are mutually exclusive.

I never said they were. The Bible said God made everything. It didn't say how.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
It is a disgusting example, and goes against many of the teachings Jesus Christ. He basically equates God with Trump (watch the video):
Pat Robertson Says People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God

Looks like some people want to turn the USA into a Christian version of ISIS. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scary thought.

Poor pathetic snowflake, he didn't equate Trump with God, that's just what you wanted to hear. Try listening to the scripture he quoted and then attempt to put your little pea brain in gear.

He said that if you oppose Trump, you oppose God. How much more specific do you need?
Actually, he did not say that. That is what you wanted to hear.

Watch it again and provide the actual quote itself - not your interpretation of it.
It is a disgusting example, and goes against many of the teachings Jesus Christ. He basically equates God with Trump (watch the video):
Pat Robertson Says People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God

Looks like some people want to turn the USA into a Christian version of ISIS. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scary thought.

Poor pathetic snowflake, he didn't equate Trump with God, that's just what you wanted to hear. Try listening to the scripture he quoted and then attempt to put your little pea brain in gear.

He said that if you oppose Trump, you oppose God. How much more specific do you need?
Actually, he did not say that. That is what you wanted to hear.

Watch it again and provide the actual quote itself - not your interpretation of it.

You watch it again. That pig became a millionaire by bilking old women out of their retirement money. He disgusts me.
Who is imposing anything on anyone?
Show me where the government has done that.
It hasn't because it's been stopped by SCOTUS and legislators. Isn't that the discussion here? Do you believe government should dictate religion? Yes or no, please.

Scroll up and look at all the anti-American authoritarians proposing that their religious views be the law of the land. Didn't Sarah Palin say the same thing?

No one is arguing for government to dictate religion. It's a straw man
Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.
Obama actually did that. Celebrated Ramadan instead of national day of prayer. Goggle it.

My Goggles are missing.
Golly! No goggles, no Google!
Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.
It's refreshing after 8 years of promoting Islam and atheism.

who's done that? :cuckoo:

you can tell the same lies over and over... but that doesn't make them any less lies. thanks goebbels.

Trump wants to put God back in America. Nothing wrong with that.

"God" has been in America since Bush 43 came into office, in case you haven't noticed. The evangelicals are the ones backing the stupid bathroom bills, Sharia Law scares, closing down Planned Parenthood and trying to reverse Roe v. Wade, and repeal the ACA laws.

If by Bush 43 you really mean Washington 1, then you'd be correct.

^Super winner right there! :badgrin:

"Almighty GOD; we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection, that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States of America at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of The Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen"

^Who said that?
The ACTUAL quote:

I think, somehow, the Lord’s plan is being put in place for America and these people are not only revolting against Trump, they’re revolting against what God’s plan is for America. These other people have been trying to destroy America. These left-wingers and so-called progressives are trying to destroy the country that we love and take away the freedoms they love. They want collectivism. They want socialism. What we’re looking at is free markets and freedom from this terrible, overarching bureaucracy. They want to fight as much as they can but I think the good news is the Bible says, “He that sits in the heavens will laugh them to scorn,” and I think that Trump’s someone on his side that is a lot more powerful than the media.
It is a disgusting example, and goes against many of the teachings Jesus Christ. He basically equates God with Trump (watch the video):
Pat Robertson Says People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God

Looks like some people want to turn the USA into a Christian version of ISIS. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scary thought.

There are many NaziCon Christians who want an American Christian theocracy - including Steve Bannon.
Washington Redskin, everyone knows you help being pussy whipped....
When you tie religion to the state, you are also tying the state to your religion. And the next thing you know, the government is telling you how to run your business if you want the government money to keep coming into your faith-based business. Taxpayer money corrupts the church and its leadership.

But the problems are far deeper than that, and were far better stated 180 years ago. One of the reasons the religious founders of our Northern colonies came to this continent was to escape the corruption of the Church-as-State in Europe. Our country was founded upon the absolute conviction we must not allow that to happen here. And a visitor from France observed the striking difference between our nation and Europe.

On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and explained my doubts. I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone, and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation of church and state. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet a single individual, of the clergy or the laity, who was not of the same opinion on this point.

My, how we have strayed from this conviction.

Pay particular attention to this part below and see how what Alexis de Tocqueville said about Europe two centuries ago applies to the state of politics in America today.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17

And today, the Unbelievers have turned it around. THey now see anyone who disagrees with them as heretics of their secular dogma.

Rather they be religious conservatives like Pat Roberson, or secular conservatives like Milo, or even populists nationalists like Donald Trump.

All are dealt with the same way, branded as heretics and demonized and attacked with a religious fervor that the Crusaders would have found overly strident.
They brought it on themselves. The warning is right there: "The unbelievers... attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief;"

"The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity;"

Except that the atheistic cultural marxists have been the aggressors, trying to marginalize anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

WIth regard to religious people that disagree with them, their pretext for attack in the supposedly issue of Religion in the Public Square, as though that is wrong.
When you tie religion to the state, you are also tying the state to your religion. And the next thing you know, the government is telling you how to run your business if you want the government money to keep coming into your faith-based business. Taxpayer money corrupts the church and its leadership.

But the problems are far deeper than that, and were far better stated 180 years ago. One of the reasons the religious founders of our Northern colonies came to this continent was to escape the corruption of the Church-as-State in Europe. Our country was founded upon the absolute conviction we must not allow that to happen here. And a visitor from France observed the striking difference between our nation and Europe.

On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and explained my doubts. I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone, and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation of church and state. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet a single individual, of the clergy or the laity, who was not of the same opinion on this point.

My, how we have strayed from this conviction.

Pay particular attention to this part below and see how what Alexis de Tocqueville said about Europe two centuries ago applies to the state of politics in America today.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17

And today, the Unbelievers have turned it around. THey now see anyone who disagrees with them as heretics of their secular dogma.

Rather they be religious conservatives like Pat Roberson, or secular conservatives like Milo, or even populists nationalists like Donald Trump.

All are dealt with the same way, branded as heretics and demonized and attacked with a religious fervor that the Crusaders would have found overly strident.
They brought it on themselves. The warning is right there: "The unbelievers... attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief;"

"The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity;"

Except that the atheistic cultural marxists have been the aggressors, trying to marginalize anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

WIth regard to religious people that disagree with them, their pretext for attack in the supposedly issue of Religion in the Public Square, as though that is wrong.

And it's generally a false pretext. Case in point: This entire thread.
When you tie religion to the state, you are also tying the state to your religion. And the next thing you know, the government is telling you how to run your business if you want the government money to keep coming into your faith-based business. Taxpayer money corrupts the church and its leadership.

But the problems are far deeper than that, and were far better stated 180 years ago. One of the reasons the religious founders of our Northern colonies came to this continent was to escape the corruption of the Church-as-State in Europe. Our country was founded upon the absolute conviction we must not allow that to happen here. And a visitor from France observed the striking difference between our nation and Europe.

On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and explained my doubts. I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone, and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation of church and state. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet a single individual, of the clergy or the laity, who was not of the same opinion on this point.

My, how we have strayed from this conviction.

Pay particular attention to this part below and see how what Alexis de Tocqueville said about Europe two centuries ago applies to the state of politics in America today.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17

And today, the Unbelievers have turned it around. THey now see anyone who disagrees with them as heretics of their secular dogma.

Rather they be religious conservatives like Pat Roberson, or secular conservatives like Milo, or even populists nationalists like Donald Trump.

All are dealt with the same way, branded as heretics and demonized and attacked with a religious fervor that the Crusaders would have found overly strident.
They brought it on themselves. The warning is right there: "The unbelievers... attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief;"

"The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity;"

Except that the atheistic cultural marxists have been the aggressors, trying to marginalize anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

WIth regard to religious people that disagree with them, their pretext for attack in the supposedly issue of Religion in the Public Square, as though that is wrong.

And it's generally a false pretext. Case in point: This entire thread.

Religious people have a right to engage in public discourse and debate.

Lefties just pretend to be offended by the fact that their political positions are effected by their religious beliefs.

YOu note that they don't have a problem with some black preacher is talking about how bad white America, is or some catholic bishops are bad mouth the US military over nuclear weapons.

Then it's different. Because, umm, reasons.

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