Pat Dollard captures my feelings about Obama today


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Check out Pat Dollard. I love this guy. He simply captures my feelings about the CIC at this moment in time.

Obama Sends Out Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”, No Tweet Thanking Navy SEALS, Military



As of the time of this post, about 1:30 in the afternoon, D.C. time, Barack Obama tweeted nothing thanking or acknowledging the military’s involvement in the killing of Osama bin Laden one year ago today. This marks PRECISELY the behavior of a narcissist and even a psychopath. So I sent him one of my own:


Thanks Pat! Couldn't have said it better myself!


Obama Sends Out Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”, No Tweet Thanking Navy SEALS, Military « Pat Dollard
Only a Breitbart bootlicker would attribute a quote to Obama that Obama never said.

par for the course, and the #fag hashtag really helps the case. Fucking idiots.
I never heard of Dollard, but if Obama really did tweet that, then shame on him for being such a narcissist. How dare he take all the credit when he didn't put himself in danger. Had the mission failed, he wouldn't have taken the heat. The SEALS and our brave men and women in the military have been involved for years and now they don't even get a mention as Obama uses this as a campaign ad.
I never heard of Dollard, but if Obama really did tweet that, then shame on him for being such a narcissist. How dare he take all the credit when he didn't put himself in danger. Had the mission failed, he wouldn't have taken the heat. The SEALS and our brave men and women in the military have been involved for years and now they don't even get a mention as Obama uses this as a campaign ad.

Obama's campaign tweeted a photo of his staff in the war room with a caption "One year ago today". The rest is pure rightwing bootlicking fantasy.

Twitter isn't private - you can look for yourself!
Oh, by the way, where is the:

"Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”?

All I see is a picture of the situation room.

How badly did Dollard fry his brain during his drug use years?
I never heard of Dollard, but if Obama really did tweet that, then shame on him for being such a narcissist. How dare he take all the credit when he didn't put himself in danger. Had the mission failed, he wouldn't have taken the heat. The SEALS and our brave men and women in the military have been involved for years and now they don't even get a mention as Obama uses this as a campaign ad.

Obama's campaign tweeted a photo of his staff in the war room with a caption "One year ago today". The rest is pure rightwing bootlicking fantasy.

Twitter isn't private - you can look for yourself!

The Breitbart goons count on the general public being too stupid too fact check their bullshit.

It worked for ACORN!
Sorry you can't stand success from a Dem president, brainwashed Pub dupe. More horseshytte from the disgraceful Pub propaganda machine. You enjoy spreading lies, bad citizen?
Oh, by the way, where is the:

"Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”?

All I see is a picture of the situation room.

How badly did Dollard fry his brain during his drug use years?

So, they showed a pic of the situation room where Obama looked like the least important person in the room, with a coat thrown over his golf shirt. And we know it was a staged photo op because they admitted later they were looking at nothing but a blank screen. A year ago they posed for a silly looking photo op while the SEALS did a magnificent jobs of getting bin Laden.
The #fag hash tag really articulates Dollard's point. Truly he is a serious contributor on this matter....

Who the fuck is Patrick Dollard anyways?

Pat Dollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another Breitbart douchebag that couldn't be bothered to carry a rifle for his country you say?


He has the right to his opinion whether he has served or not. Otherwise most of the people on this board wouldn't have the right to voice their thoughts.

Neither would the CIC would he now?

What a bullshit yardstick.
Oh, by the way, where is the:

"Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”?

All I see is a picture of the situation room.

How badly did Dollard fry his brain during his drug use years?

So, they showed a pic of the situation room where Obama looked like the least important person in the room, with a coat thrown over his golf shirt. And we know it was a staged photo op because they admitted later they were looking at nothing but a blank screen. A year ago they posed for a silly looking photo op while the SEALS did a magnificent jobs of getting bin Laden.

I'd heard it was a staged photo op.
I never heard of Dollard, but if Obama really did tweet that, then shame on him for being such a narcissist. How dare he take all the credit when he didn't put himself in danger. Had the mission failed, he wouldn't have taken the heat. The SEALS and our brave men and women in the military have been involved for years and now they don't even get a mention as Obama uses this as a campaign ad.

Obama's campaign tweeted a photo of his staff in the war room with a caption "One year ago today". The rest is pure rightwing bootlicking fantasy.

Twitter isn't private - you can look for yourself!

The Breitbart goons count on the general public being too stupid too fact check their bullshit.

It worked for ACORN!

More ACORN fantasy from the dupes. A bunch of min wage workers making up names to get paid becomes stealing the election for brainwashed ignorami...keep it up, you're Dems' best pals! Change the channel!:eusa_angel:
Oh, by the way, where is the:

"Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”?

All I see is a picture of the situation room.

How badly did Dollard fry his brain during his drug use years?

So, they showed a pic of the situation room where Obama looked like the least important person in the room, with a coat thrown over his golf shirt. And we know it was a staged photo op because they admitted later they were looking at nothing but a blank screen. A year ago they posed for a silly looking photo op while the SEALS did a magnificent jobs of getting bin Laden.

I'd heard it was a staged photo op.

In the staged photo, Hillary has her hand over her mouth, as if in shock. No doubt they were all trying to appear as if they were actually watching the SEALS take down bin Laden. I'd like to know who the photographer was and who called him into the situation room. Anyway, after it came out that it was merely staged and they saw nothing on the screen, Hillary claimed the look on her face and her hand over her mouth were due to allergies.
Quick bio for people. And he may not have fought for his country with a rifle, but he made an amazing documentary "Young Americans".

And he had more balls than most keyboard left wing warriors who knock him.

While still running a management company, repping Soderbergh and helping to service Soderbergh and George Clooney's production company at Warner Brothers (Section 8 Films),
Dollard decided to do a little side project for a few weeks in the three worst combat zones in Iraq: Fallujah, The Triangle of Death, and Ramadi.

What was supposed to be a 2-4 week quickie documentary, morphed instead into a 7 month, graphic, unfettered portrait of the frontline hell of these three combat zones.

Dollard lived constantly in the dangerous "hootches" with the Marines he covered, and patrolled with them and was severely wounded on more than one occasion. He shot 700 hours of hi-def footage, as reported by the website "Confederate Yankee".

His work has been discussed at U.S. News and World Report, Variety, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Fox News (Guest Appearance), The Washington Times, and "Vanity Fair".

The Wikipedia bio is a bit scant in describing how Pat got wounded: Dollard was in Humvees hit by IEDs not twice, one of which killed two of the Marines he was with, and filled his legs with shrapnel. Crazy, brave, or perhaps a lot of each, Dollard returned each time, and intends to return again.

Confederate Yankee: Dollard on Limbaugh
So, they showed a pic of the situation room where Obama looked like the least important person in the room, with a coat thrown over his golf shirt. And we know it was a staged photo op because they admitted later they were looking at nothing but a blank screen. A year ago they posed for a silly looking photo op while the SEALS did a magnificent jobs of getting bin Laden.

I'd heard it was a staged photo op.

In the staged photo, Hillary has her hand over her mouth, as if in shock. No doubt they were all trying to appear as if they were actually watching the SEALS take down bin Laden. I'd like to know who the photographer was and who called him into the situation room. Anyway, after it came out that it was merely staged and they saw nothing on the screen, Hillary claimed the look on her face and her hand over her mouth were due to allergies.

Thanks for this.
The #fag hash tag really articulates Dollard's point. Truly he is a serious contributor on this matter....

Who the fuck is Patrick Dollard anyways?

Pat Dollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another Breitbart douchebag that couldn't be bothered to carry a rifle for his country you say?


He has the right to his opinion whether he has served or not. Otherwise most of the people on this board wouldn't have the right to voice their thoughts.

Neither would the CIC would he now?

What a bullshit yardstick.

He has a right to look like an ignorant, deceitful fucktard for calling the president a "fag" prefaced on a lie he told.

You have the right to be an ignorant lemming for not being smart enough to spot a blatant lie.

I am always just amused by the fact that those who run their mouth the most have done the least.

Those are snazzy Marine fatigues he is wearing in that twit pic, btw....
Quick bio for people. And he may not have fought for his country with a rifle, but he made an amazing documentary "Young Americans".

And he had more balls than most keyboard left wing warriors who knock him.

While still running a management company, repping Soderbergh and helping to service Soderbergh and George Clooney's production company at Warner Brothers (Section 8 Films),
Dollard decided to do a little side project for a few weeks in the three worst combat zones in Iraq: Fallujah, The Triangle of Death, and Ramadi.

What was supposed to be a 2-4 week quickie documentary, morphed instead into a 7 month, graphic, unfettered portrait of the frontline hell of these three combat zones.

Dollard lived constantly in the dangerous "hootches" with the Marines he covered, and patrolled with them and was severely wounded on more than one occasion. He shot 700 hours of hi-def footage, as reported by the website "Confederate Yankee".

His work has been discussed at U.S. News and World Report, Variety, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Fox News (Guest Appearance), The Washington Times, and "Vanity Fair".

The Wikipedia bio is a bit scant in describing how Pat got wounded: Dollard was in Humvees hit by IEDs not twice, one of which killed two of the Marines he was with, and filled his legs with shrapnel. Crazy, brave, or perhaps a lot of each, Dollard returned each time, and intends to return again.

Confederate Yankee: Dollard on Limbaugh


No. I actually carried a rifle in the combat zone for my country.

For a whole year.

Which is five more months in the box then Dullard spent on his venture capital project.

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