Paris Violence Works To Advantage of Kurds--Not So Much To ISIS, After All


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The U. S. experience of kamikaze attacks tends to originate more of the Shinto religious loyalists, than of Islamic wannabe adherents. Kamikazes tend to be inept, as well as miscalculating. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are actually no longer, Kamikaze recruiting locations. Also, lost to most reports, Mostly Kamikazes are dead(?)! In Syria, many jihadists formerly alive are likely meeting the same fate. Within a mile of Raqqa, the pretend capital of the neo-Caliphate: Mostly the Kurds seem to be impressed with the reaction to the Paris attacks. Mainly the Republicans, apparently, are not. The various national militaries have upped the attack.
Exclusive: Just outside ISIS's base in Raqqa

Noted in the link, entire national militaries are now aware of likely points of penetration. The Administration sent in 50 intelligence gathering special ops. A mile away, there are already victorious Kurds. And the allied reaction to the Paris attacks seems to be encouraging them to even further successful operations, against ISIS people only a mile or so away. Berlin, at the end, had battle lines that closely drawn.

Germany is now actually the most major Syrian refugee destination point in Europe, with no apparent violence or intolerance noticeable. Moslem nations are refugee destinations, with no intolerance or violence noted. 27 of the United States are actually not refugee destinations, with no violence noted. Contrasting, many even wonder of Black Lives even matter, in the 27 subject states.

So much color seems to be a difficult proposition to so many, especially at the religious holidays season(?). For eight days straight, possibly anyone has to ask just who seems to be affected--even at this time of year(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Jews already turned away in WWII, many others then to arrive later on, even in Venice, CA. UN recognized Israel, and suddenly. . . . .(?)Maybe giving concept, "refugees" a bad name, or something(?)! The 27 governors could otherwise maybe suggest that the Syrians just Covert(?)!) Then Senator Cruz, or Governor Bush, could welcome maybe some of them in(?)--Jews for Jesus(?)!)
Coming out of the 4 mil. year fossil record, only about 5000 years ago were humans finally doing farming. In ancient Sumer, a loan of three barley measures created a repayment of four. The barley rates are considered to be the first use of interest rates in Western Civilization. They were likely a positive influence in creating said civilization. Code of Hammurabi tried to regulate interest rates. Human fathers, not to slick with math, could even sell the wife and kids into slavery, for three years, to settle all bills. The wife and kids had clothing, food, shelter, and maybe such school--if there were any. The husband was free, and with no attorney fees(?). Well after that, Moses became a well-educated personage out of Imperial Egypt. Acts 7:22 reports that he was likely bright, and well-educated in the Imperial Subjugation ways of the Monarchy. That is not so-stated directly.

To the matter of garbled, Moses would even set forth Genesis stories, ascribed to single deity like he may have learned about in School. The first commandments included party hearty, multiply, fill all the earth, subdue it (Gen 1:28), and then later on. . ."Oh! And Screw 'Em!" (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). Civilizing usury, interest rates, became a further tool of subjugation. Interest could not be charged within Israel. The idea was clearly gouge the foreign. Centuries later, the effect became an actual story in the New Testament. Matthew 25:14-30 can even be said to apply the Pythagorean Theorem, of the greater gods of subjugating, conquering Greece and Rome. The square of five squared, of the five talents, plus the square root of the five talents--the doubled talents, also at two: Is the square root of the new household riches. The concept described is ancient interest rates, usury. The subjugating outcome is clear, and further: There should have been eight new talents, but there were only seven. An economic collapse crisis is even computed. An further contrasting, a remedy is shown. An inverse usury, in Matthew 20:1-16, provides a equal amount--a relative greater percentage daily wage, for those who worked less. Then they would go to the market place. Those better off could put it to the exchangers. Those less well-off could buy necessities, or hookers, as they saw fit.

Lehman Brothers managed to show how widely ignored the story in Matthew 25 was found to be in Modern times. The Republicans took the Make Work Pay, Equal Amount Refundable Income Tax Credit away, in 2011, from the Obama Stimulus of 2009.

In the interim--Mohammed the Prophet ignored the simple stories, and went on to garbling instead. Adam Smith, the economist, ignored the simple stories, and went on to garbling instead. Karl Marx was no different. Milton Friedman was no different. John Maynard Keynes, notably gay, used the fixed percentage interest rate concept as a key to his entire concept of economic reform. The stories were not noted. In the event of failure: "He bade the people bend over, and await the Public Works."

And so no claims anything, anywhere else: To be garbled at all(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Totem Pole of Deities--Not thought a hierarchy of numbers, even now(?)!)

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