Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targe


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.
I always believe what I read is factual when an article begins with:

It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
I always believe what I read is factual when an article begins with:

It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.

Because it is true.

The report showed that most of the nations are FAILING to meet the agreed Paris guidelines, that is a FACT!

While America stopped increasing emissions, that is a FACT!
I was reading an article today saying that even when EV sales get to 2.4 million, it would reduce CO2 by just 1%.:spinner::spinner::spinner: These people who push this stuff are so fucked in the head it's dizzying.:shok:
Now that Europe should stop bashing America for not participating in the Paris accords, since they are now the hypocrites.

It is clear that emission reductions paradigm are a lot of hooey.
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.

How much of that failure is due to the ignorance and cowardice of people like you acting against our best interests for the last two decades?
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.

How much of that failure is due to the ignorance and cowardice of people like you acting against our best interests for the last two decades?

It is clear you have no answer to Europe's self inflicted failure to keep up with their own emission cutting efforts....
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.

How much of that failure is due to the ignorance and cowardice of people like you acting against our best interests for the last two decades?

After 40 years of smoking, I quit recently and for 3 months now have been vaping. Love it and no more tar. You're the type of guy who's first response would be, "Well, you know, those vapor cigs are not healthy!!!"

Some people just always feel compelled to display that they are the smartest person in the room. EVERY fucking time!:113:

Few take them seriously climate crusaders. The last to be invited to any party:2up: ( ahhh shit....i guess I gotta invite him!" )
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.
What makes me laugh is the irony here. You, being an idiot denier, are implicitly admitting the accepted AGW theories by accepting this report. Can't fix stupid...
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.
What makes me laugh is the irony here. You, being an idiot denier, are implicitly admitting the accepted AGW theories by accepting this report. Can't fix stupid...

It is clear you have no answer to Europe's self inflicted failure to keep up with their own emission cutting efforts....

I posted this article which you have yet to dispute, showing that most of the nations who lambasted America for not joining with them are the same ones who are failing to meet the emission cuts, while America has been meeting them and more.

Your name calling content free comment is a sign of desperation...
No Tricks Zone

By P Gosselin on 19. June 2018

Paris Accord Humiliation: 23 Of 28 EU States Graded “Poor” Or “Very Poor” On Achieving Climate Targets!


"It’s schadenfreude time for the skeptics of so-called “green energies”, and humiliation time for green energy cheerleaders.
Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets, a new analysis by CAN Europe finds.

It’s been close to three years since countries worldwide signed the Paris Agreement, which obligates nations pledge to commit themselves to intending (or something like that) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to “safeguard the planet’s future”.
What makes me laugh is the irony here. You, being an idiot denier, are implicitly admitting the accepted AGW theories by accepting this report. Can't fix stupid...

Lol....calling deniers stupid!! How's that strategy working out for you guys? Been saying it for 10 years and these climate summits still dont accomplish dick!:113::cul2::cul2:

Spiking the football while standing in front of a billboard is ghey. We get to spike the football because nobody is giving a rat's ass about climate change in the real world!!:hello77:


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