Paring Down The Right-Ward Shift (Barely 40 Tea Party Wins--Not 129)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So News One will be the shift of the House from Democrats voted in by women, to Republicans voted in by men, and people who are old.

News Two should also be the ineffective Tea Party efforts. They did get involved in 135 elections, but they didn't do as well as first reported.

"*** The Tea Party’s successes and failures: So how did the Tea Party fare last night? By our count, 113 of the 129 House GOP nominees we identified as being associated with the Tea Party won their congressional races, which is an astounding success rate. [CORRECTION: After 20+ hours of crunching numbers, your First Read authors looked up on MSNBC and heard the above number rattled off, and we included here. We went back and checked and the number is much lower. Tea Party-backed candidates only won overall about 32% of their races. Just 40 of 130 won races (so far) in the House. That's just 31%. For more on Tea Party numbers, click here.] On the other hand, we can count at least two Senate races (Delaware and Nevada) -- and possibly a third (if Ken Buck loses in Colorado) -- that the GOP lost because its Tea Party nominees were too conservative for their states. Make no mistake: If Republicans had already won in Colorado, Delaware, and Nevada, they’d be just one seat away from taking the Senate. And we’d be glued to the final votes coming from Washington state..."

The shift to the right is only half the story. The other half is the shift back to the left, and the rejecttion of the crazy people running.

Anyone notices that the shift back to the ObamaCare, Big Government, Redistributive Agenda is also on the books. In Colorado, the liberals actually pushed Senator-elect Bennet into office so far.

There is no loud expression of repeal of heatlh care, or stifling of the stimulus, Or ending the Obama tax cuts, or even of keeping the tax break for the rich: In the results that solidify all the previous two years of progressive gains.

The machinery has not been elected to office, to even begin to start to do that!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Equal Amounts Refundable Tax Credit Even: Is likely Not Going To Be Taken Away!)
When was the last time an 18 month old grass roots movement won 40 seats?
It's okay to keep downplaying the tea partiers. We hope you do. Just remember that this is a loosley fit, unorganized bunch with no official party tag that, in less than two years, has now overturned a huge majority of dems with a historic national election. Keep downplaying them though.
A number of the Tea Party happening will just as likely be dead or in a home, and even by 2012, as opposed to paying very musch attention to the politics of Washington, D. C.

Other groups seem to have been able to tune out the elections, altogether, themselves.

Supposing that the economy has improved--There are employment gains already being noticed in the October data--and since the Central Government will have two liberal branches--including with a moderate libertarian, who will caucus with the GOP, and a screeching mad Alaskan woman, likely neo-moderate, who will caucus with the GOP--then the Great Electoral Time-Frame, of Perceptions, is with the Liberal Democrats.

A Speaker Pelosi was new to the Public Awareness of the federal legislature. Most people know very little now, about Speaker-To-Be-Boehner, and will likely know as much: Two years from now.

Name "recognition" may even be the first and greatest of the obstacles, the Republicans will have. Spelling "Murkowski," at least makes everyday sense, and in English! Easily 10% or more of the "red tide" electorate: Now thinks that a Jew is in charge of things, along with the colored guy, and just as likely both are outright Muslims!

This is America, where these things have famously happened, even in the recent past!

We have to wait until they do a budget!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(White Eyes New Leader: Maybe Not Leprechaun at End of Rainbow! Hmmmm!)
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When was the last time an 18 month old grass roots movement won 40 seats?
The movement has been around a lot longer than that. The evangelicals which comprise about third of tea party have been pushing the tea party agenda for a number of years. Once deficits and unemployment falls, the Evangelicals agenda will take center stage. That's when the broad appeal of the tea party will disappear.
So News One will be the shift of the House from Democrats voted in by women, to Republicans voted in by men, and people who are old.

News Two should also be the ineffective Tea Party efforts. They did get involved in 135 elections, but they didn't do as well as first reported.

"*** The Tea Party’s successes and failures: So how did the Tea Party fare last night? By our count, 113 of the 129 House GOP nominees we identified as being associated with the Tea Party won their congressional races, which is an astounding success rate. [CORRECTION: After 20+ hours of crunching numbers, your First Read authors looked up on MSNBC and heard the above number rattled off, and we included here. We went back and checked and the number is much lower. Tea Party-backed candidates only won overall about 32% of their races. Just 40 of 130 won races (so far) in the House. That's just 31%. For more on Tea Party numbers, click here.] On the other hand, we can count at least two Senate races (Delaware and Nevada) -- and possibly a third (if Ken Buck loses in Colorado) -- that the GOP lost because its Tea Party nominees were too conservative for their states. Make no mistake: If Republicans had already won in Colorado, Delaware, and Nevada, they’d be just one seat away from taking the Senate. And we’d be glued to the final votes coming from Washington state..."

The shift to the right is only half the story. The other half is the shift back to the left, and the rejecttion of the crazy people running.

Anyone notices that the shift back to the ObamaCare, Big Government, Redistributive Agenda is also on the books. In Colorado, the liberals actually pushed Senator-elect Bennet into office so far.

There is no loud expression of repeal of heatlh care, or stifling of the stimulus, Or ending the Obama tax cuts, or even of keeping the tax break for the rich: In the results that solidify all the previous two years of progressive gains.

The machinery has not been elected to office, to even begin to start to do that!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Equal Amounts Refundable Tax Credit Even: Is likely Not Going To Be Taken Away!)

So I guess you were happy with the way things were? Having the choice of the lesser of two evils, Letting the media tell you who to vote for? Unless you are satisfied with what we had before the election you should "man up" and join the TEA PARTY. We seem to get criticized by voters that are just as unhappy as we are but don't want to do anything about it. The TEA PARTY is the first group in a long time that has made changes in politics as usual. Instead of criticizing jump in and let your ideas help form the TEA PARTY, Unless your happy with business as usual in Washington.

they told us the Tea Party was INSIGNIFICANT..

yeah we got it mascale...The Tea Party failed. blah de blah blah blah.

It was such sweet, wonderful failure!!!
It doesn't matter who many tea party canidates got elected. What matters is The Tea Party woke up the republican party. They may only have 40 canidates in office but the rest of the republicans know that they will be voted out in the primaries if they pull another hiest like they did under Bush.

This is the LAST CHANCE for the republicans. If they betray us again the party will be destroyed. Conservatives don't have a tendency to be loyal to a party like progressives. They are loyal to an ideology that if the republicans don't embrace they they will be reduced to a minority party, just like what ALMOST happened in the Colorado Gov race.

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