Pardon Power


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I am against the power to pardon, another part of the other Elite World used to get them out of trouble after courts have made examples out of them. There are some examples of pardons of the middle-lower classes as well ~ in fairness. Regardless, the law is to apply equally to all, and pardon is not reserved for everybody, just a few, thus it is unconstitutional and flys in the face of equal justice.

So I Oppose the pardoning power of Presidents and Governors of states, and think it should be taken away from them. Your thoughts.
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Originally jurors were instructed and allowed to pardon anybody regardless of whether or not they committed the crime because some crimes are morally justifiable.

Jury nullification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like the original tea party was a crime justifiable under the auspice of a justified revolution.

Times have changed, juries are no long properly instructed and in fact they are lied to about the rights/responsibilities of jury nullification.

But governors and presidents still retain authority to issue pardons to right wrongs committed by the system.

There is nothing wrong with this precedent. There is only a moral deficiency in those who hold these positions and wield that power.

No one size fits all system can properly mete justice or insure equality under the law. The pardon system is a final check against a system gone wrong.

Admonish it at your own peril. It is still an essential check against abuse of power and a guardian of your liberties.
What if someone is on death row, and the only person who can prevent the execution is the governor while new evidence is introduced? If the governor doesn't have pardon power, I suppose that person is toast.

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