Palin on Greta: Obama called me

The Paperboy

Times Square
Aug 26, 2008
Times Square
You'll have to wath the interview to hear what Obama said.

This is an excellent interview of a sharp, tough and obviously intelligent woman.

She clears up:

1. The clothes
2. Africa
3. Going rogue

Link here
You'll have to wath the interview to hear what Obama said.

This is an excellent interview of a sharp, tough and obviously intelligent woman.

She clears up:

1. The clothes
2. Africa
3. Going rogue

Link here

I knew that Africa comment was bullshit. This is one case where I"m giving her the benefit of the doubt. I've always known that Fox News was lying about this, and that some McCain staffers were intentionally totally taking out of context what she said.

I really doubt she was walking around half naked in a wet towell in front of McCain staff either. I don't even think hillbillys do that.

Its hard to feel sorry for her, after she called half the nation anti-americans, and she called a democratic presidential candidate a "marxist".

But, it kind of sucks that the Rovian republicans have stooped to smearing her with every appalling "stupid female" stereotype in the book. Its really f*cked up.
You'll have to wath the interview to hear what Obama said.

This is an excellent interview of a sharp, tough and obviously intelligent woman.

She clears up:

1. The clothes
2. Africa
3. Going rogue

Link here

Or you could save people the time of having to sift through all of that nonsense:

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you ever talked to President-elect Obama?
PALIN: Not yet. I look forward to it. He called when we were on the trail, I talked to him there. He was just saying good luck. That was great. He's was cool too, saying, "Good luck, but not that much luck."
VAN SUSTEREN: Is that what he said?
PALIN: He did. He was fun. That was right after I was announced. But I look forward to speaking with him, and I think that we will find common ground on the developments that are needed to allow us to become more independent.

I'm sorry to complain here, but if this woman is so tough, why does she constantly need to clear the record about her clothes? It's not what people say about you that defines you as a good candidate, it's how you react to what people say about you. She's spending way too much time on frivilous issues. I think the national spotlight is too bright for this woman.

One thing I will ask... where the hell is McCain? He was the one who made the final decision to pick Palin and he hasn't so much lifted a finger to defend her and to speak out against these accusations being made about her. When Joe the Plumber was talking about Obama being the death to Israel, when there were idiots and hate mongerers attending his rallies, where was John McCain?

I question John McCain's honor. He hasn't so much lifted a finger to speak out against anything that everybody knows is wrong.

And I'm not the only one here saying this:
Where's John McCain's honor when we need it?
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Or you could save people the time of having to sift through all of that nonsense:

I hope you're feeling better. That being said you bore me to death.

I'm off to Boston for a couple days to meet with a fictious new client for my fictious business so the board is all yours. Looking forward to some yummie clam chowder at the No Name Restaurant :D
I read a lot of the transcript last night. I'll tell you what bothers me. And it isn't anything that proves anything, it just bothers me.

Palin never said "I" in any of her responses. She said things like:

"Didn't buy the clothes. Didn't step foot in Niemann Marcus. "

It bugs me. I realize it might be nothing more than a mannerism, but dammit it sounds like she is wriggling.

Second, she went to pains in the interview to actually name countries in Africa and NAFTA. It sounded rehearsed, forced, like bush saying the names of umpteen million foreign leaders at the 2004 debates after mangling them in 2000. It sounded like a college student asking for a regrade on a test.

So, although in a sense she cleared up the issues, and I suspect they were blown out of proportion (WAY out), I still definitely do not think she is any way national material. She sounds very third tier to me.
But, it kind of sucks that the Rovian republicans have stooped to smearing her with every appalling "stupid female" stereotype in the book. Its really f*cked up.

Well, it is wrong ~ to be sure! ~ to do that.

But that's what the cabal which is leaving office have been doing to anyone they considered a policital enemy for years and years.

I am rather happy that our Republican chums can see how thoroughly vile those people really are.

Better late than never, eh?
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Palin never said "I" in any of her responses. She said things like:

"Didn't buy the clothes. Didn't step foot in Niemann Marcus. "

Good point. :thup:

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I agree with you they're irrelevant. It's just that the number was so horrific. I mean, $150,000 was a giant number. And it seemed, you know, that all of a sudden, you got hammered with it. And I was trying to figure out, you know, it is fair, is it unfair, or you know, why is it that this became an issue? And I don't mean to harp on it, but why did this become an issue?

PALIN: Well, that is a good question. Again, arriving at the convention, being told that along with staging and lighting and everything else was wardrobe for my family and me to wear during the convention, and you know, just kind of going with the flow. OK, sounds -- that sounds fine. If that's the way that they do this, that's good, wearing the clothes during that time.

There's no way it could have been $150,000 worth of clothes, though, not unless every jacket and pair of shoes were $10,000, $20,000. I don't see how it added up.

But it was for eight people, not just for myself. And my understanding is right off the bat, about a third of the clothes had been returned because they just weren't going to work. Another third of the clothes that we were wearing all got returned to the RNC. And another third of the clothes -- we never did see them. Evidently, they were in the belly of the plane, and those got sent back also.


Palin Post Mortem. Out of the Closet. Mudflats

RNC lawyers have been discussing with Palin whether what's left of the clothing and accessories purchased for her on the campaign trail will go to charity, back to stores or be paid for by Palin, a McCain-Palin campaign official said Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the campaign hadn't authorized comment.
This was an easy interview for Palin. Greta didn't push it on any issues or do anything to contradict or make Gov. Palin provide details or proof. Its easy for Gov. Palin to just brush off her respsonsibility for the way she managed herself during the campaign. Oh, she didn't know. She's just a plain, ol' hockey mom. This is what she as always does: "folksy"-ing her way through the interview/debate. Her schmaltziness is a cover for her inability to articulate intelligent thought.

She says she wished she could've spoken more about John McCain! Well, then she shouldn't have spoken so much about Barack Obama!

She was bullied over by her own staff and the GOP instead of taking the reigns of her role in the campaign into her own hands. That decries "not ready to govern"!

And she admits that she'll take any opportunity that is presented to her as long as it good for her and her family. She didn't mention her country as in "Country First". She got the tap for VP, and even though she had no national experience and no real knowledge of national issues (or even knowledge of political issues outside of Alaska), she jumped right on it. Sounds like ambition instead of a true dedication to selfless service.

And Greta's comment on feminism being far left...sheesh.

Gov. Palin: "I consider myself, too, as a feminist, whatever that means..." A feminist pro-life proponent? There's no such thing!

What mistakes did the media make about Gov. Palin? That comedians and late night talk show hosts joked about her daughters pregnancy or whether Trig was actually her son or not? Okay: they're not media.

I'm sure Wasilla politics are pretty tough!

She has no business in national politics. She's a figurehead for conservatives and conservative leaning moderates to cheer for and that's about it. I'm glad she wasn't elected and hope that we never see her again.
She isn't the brightest bulb in the batch.

She, inmyfuckingopinion, is too intellectually lazy to spend the next four years learning the national and international information she would need to compete in the Republican primaries.

She won't be given a free ride then like she got this time.

Let's just wait and see.
She isn't the brightest bulb in the batch.

She, inmyfuckingopinion, is too intellectually lazy to spend the next four years learning the national and international information she would need to compete in the Republican primaries.

She won't be given a free ride then like she got this time.

Let's just wait and see.

If someone wants it badly enough, they'll make her cry. The nation won't give two shits once one of the Big 3 fail. Her repeated lines "winning the wars and getting the economy back on track" will fall on deaf ears. She'll need more than talking points... she'll need ideas of her own, which she has none of.
For anybody who wants to whine and bitch cause Palin has no knowledge or experience, (just overlook the fact she kicked a 30 year Senators ass in the debate (we won't hold ya too that) wink wink) why don't ya tell us how successfull All the people in Washington who have all the knowledge and experience you say she dosen't have,, tell us how fucking successful that's turned out to be? Now Alaska on the other hand,, seems to be doing pretty darn good. An 80% approval rating and she kicked the oil executives booty.. :eusa_whistle:

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