Palin lies throughout investigation


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
First Palin says that no one on her staff ever talked to the public safety department about trooper Wooten. Then an audio tape surfaces where a member of her staff is doing just that. So she admits she lied. Then she says she will co-operate fully with investigators. Now her staff won't talk to investigators without being subpoenaed. What else is she lying about?
Cooperating means honoring subpoenas. Nothing more.

And was she with her staff when that person was talking to the public safety dept?
Cooperating means honoring subpoenas. Nothing more.

And was she with her staff when that person was talking to the public safety dept?

Wrong. Her staff was available to the investigators until she started running for vice president.

Listen to the link I posted. It sounds like a mafia shakedown.
Wrong. Her staff was available to the investigators until she started running for vice president.

Listen to the link I posted. It sounds like a mafia shakedown.

Lol. Where was your righteous indignation when Hillary was stuff those whitewater files under her bed?

Or when she was holding onto her tax returns?

I'd require subpoenas as well, at this point. There's no telling who is sniffing around, and who is trying to set her up. Obama has sent a legion of attorneys to Alaska to scoop dirt on her. I reckon that's about the point I'd quit being so accessible as well. And I'm sure those who are legitimate members of the investigative team understand it.
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Lol. Where was your righteous indignation when Hillary was stuff those whitewater files under her bed?

Or when she was holding onto her tax returns?

You are right. I don't want Hillary as president either.

But getting back to Palin...

She lied to the public twice about the investigation, and she lied repeatedly in her acceptance speech. She is TOTALLY unqualified to be vice president and the McCain campaign is terrified of her answering questions because she doesn't know sh*t.
She didn't lie in her acceptance speech. The left smear campaign is doing everything they can, looking under every scrap, rock and into every bog they can to find single comments here and there which will make her a liar.

Sorry, cutting $250 MILLION of $500 MILLION in earmarks is pretty fucking impressive. So is 80 percent approval rating. So is cutting the oil mongers down to size, and sending all Alaskans a $1200 kicker check.

Those are the little things that I think qualify her. Has Obama done anything like that?

So far you're having a tough time of it, and I'm sorry for you. Honestly, sometimes I look at Obama and I just want to vote for him out of pity; he seems sort of sad, and lost, and confused....
If she is indicted it is all over for McCain. Now try Old Man.
You are right. I don't want Hillary as president either.

But getting back to Palin...

She lied to the public twice about the investigation, and she lied repeatedly in her acceptance speech. She is TOTALLY unqualified to be vice president and the McCain campaign is terrified of her answering questions because she doesn't know sh*t.

Wait so a women who has ran a town and a state is "totally un qualified to be vice president" yet a man who has never ran anything, and only been in congress for 3 years(where he voted present most of the time) is qualified to be President.

Man that is some fucked up logic.
Wait so a women who has ran a town and a state is "totally un qualified to be vice president" yet a man who has never ran anything, and only been in congress for 3 years(where he voted present most of the time) is qualified to be President.

Man that is some fucked up logic.

She has ZERO foreign policy experience. She has only been governor for 20 months and is already under investigation for abuse of power.
Wait so a women who has ran a town and a state is "totally un qualified to be vice president" yet a man who has never ran anything, and only been in congress for 3 years(where he voted present most of the time) is qualified to be President.

Man that is some fucked up logic.

The PEOPLE decided Obama was qualified...that's how he got elected to be the nominee...

Palin wouldn't have won a primary race much less the nomination.
Palin was warned by a judge years ago to stop disparging Wooten...

Palin Warned to Stop Disparaging Sister's Ex | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

An Anchorage judge three years ago warned Sarah Palin and members of her family to stop "disparaging" the reputation of Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten, who at the time was undergoing a bitter separation and divorce from Palin's sister Molly.

Allegations that Palin, her husband Todd, and at least one top gubernatorial aide continued to vilify Wooten—after Palin became Alaska's governor and pressured state police officials to take action against him—are at the center of "Troopergate," a political and ethical controversy which has embroiled Palin's administration and is currently the subject of an official inquiry by a special investigator hired by the state legislature.

Court records obtained by NEWSWEEK show that during the course of divorce hearings three years ago, Judge John Suddock heard testimony from an official of the Alaska State Troopers' union about how Sarah Palin—then a private citizen—and members of her family, including her father and daughter, lodged up to a dozen complaints against Wooten with the state police. The union official told the judge that he had never before been asked to appear as a divorce-case witness, that the union believed family complaints against Wooten were "not job-related," and that Wooten was being "harassed" by Palin and other family members.
You know, there have been quite a few lies told about the pitbull that wears lipstick with a crotch that smells like fish.

Just watched AC360 on CNN, and they fleshed out and corrected some things..

She never banned books. However.......she DID inquire about it, as well as threatened to fire the librarian. She didn't though, she was pressured out of it.

The thing that REALLY steams me :mad: is the fact that she lifted the ban on hunting wolves out of airplanes. Yeah....I get it.....she's a hunter. However, speaking as a man who spent his youth in the mountains of Montana, who also hunted (didn't know what store bought food was until I was a teenager), I can tell you the following things about hunting.......

If you're hungry, and looking for food, then by all means, use whatever you've got, bow and arrow, gun, knife, but STAY ON THE GROUND. Remember you big brave hunters, you're supposed to at least give the animals a chance. Same for those fat rednecks who hunt from the back of a pickup truck.

Nope.....she may look good (did you know that men like her whereas women don't), but it's just fluff and nonsense. You know what artificial intelligence is? A blonde who dyes her hair brown. I wonder if Palin is a dye job bimbo. As far as I'm concerned, she's a political playboy bunny......nice to look at but no substance or intelligence behind her eyes.

She fakes good though.
...just like Joe Biden

Joe Biden has 30 years in the Senate and is well qualified to be president.

Palin is a half term governor with no foreign policy experience who used to be a sportscaster.

No comparison....
Joe Biden has 30 years in the Senate and is well qualified to be president.

So much for change we can believe in, eh?

Palin is a half term governor with no foreign policy experience who used to be a sportscaster.

Obama's never made an executive decision in his life. He's been part of committees that vote on decisions. He's never had to decide the course of action of a group of people. Nor has Biden. Palin has. The entire state of Alaska rests primarily on her shoulders. It's a burden Obama will never understand until he has to make his first real decision. Let's hope to God it's nothing something important.
Joe Biden has 30 years in the Senate and is well qualified to be president.

Palin is a half term governor with no foreign policy experience who used to be a sportscaster.

No comparison....
but the people didnt vote for him, just like what silence said about Palin
can you at least admit the line was made
So much for change we can believe in, eh?

Obama's never made an executive decision in his life. He's been part of committees that vote on decisions. He's never had to decide the course of action of a group of people. Nor has Biden. Palin has. The entire state of Alaska rests primarily on her shoulders. It's a burden Obama will never understand until he has to make his first real decision. Let's hope to God it's nothing something important.


Being a Senator involves hundreds of executive decisions about the future of our country. Obama's knowledge and experience and judgement are great.

Palin is a half term governor who has abused her power everywhere she has gone. She believes creationism should be taught in schools. She is against abortion in the case of rape or incest. She is under investigation and may be indicted soon. She lied to the public about that investigation and now is trying to stonewall the investigation.
So much for change we can believe in, eh?

Obama's never made an executive decision in his life. He's been part of committees that vote on decisions. He's never had to decide the course of action of a group of people. Nor has Biden. Palin has. The entire state of Alaska rests primarily on her shoulders. It's a burden Obama will never understand until he has to make his first real decision. Let's hope to God it's nothing something important.

If Palin's so great, why is she terrified of talking to the press?

I'll tell you why, she's a former sportscaster who doesn't know sh*t.

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