Palin is Thrilled By Political Upsets.


May 29, 2010
God Bless the Palins. This is what she did in Alaska and she broke through barriers and shook up the establishment. She beat two seasoned politicians for governor and had a great record at policy making. Sarah Palin is a force to be reckoned with and her endorsements will pay off for her when she runs for president. By the way, she is a true blooded natural born citizen.

Palin Says She'S Thrilled by Political Upsets | Eyewitness News 9

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says tea party-backed politicians are "shaking up the good old boys" with their movement that she said represents mainstream ideals of restoring prosperity.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate told an audience of about 10,000 people Thursday at a gospel music convention in Louisville that she's thrilled with the emergence of underdog candidates. Palin said those newcomers bring new energy to politics as they push for the U.S. to grow and prosper again.
Sarah Palin continues to draw attention from millions of Americans. Some adore her. Some can't stand her. Nevertheless, she draws attention from every where she goes. I don't know of a single person in America that seems to be followed as closely as she is being followed from all sides. She is growing in prominence and the voices against her are beginning to be ignored by many. Say what you care to say but this woman has political clout. You'll be hearing more from her the closer it gets to 2012. Her role in the 2012 national elections is not clear at this point but she will have some sort of a role, I betcha.
she is a true blooded natural born citizen.

You personally saw her birth certificate? I heard she was born Hong Kong to a Buddhist priest. I want to see her BC before this goes any further.
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