Palin; “gadaffi got to go”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Ya betcha girl. Just brilliant.

“If we leave him in place, he is going to take revenge and come after us.”

Gitmo Detanee; “After 9-11 there were 50 Al Qaeda. Because of the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, there are a half million and growing and we will kill you.”They kill us and we take revenge and kill them, they take revenge and kill more of us.” What kind of reasoning is this? We killed 1 million innocent men, women and children in Iraq. Of course they are going to come after us.

It is time we take the lead and stop this craziness acts of revenge. There are no winners. They cannot kill all of us and we cannot kill all of them. Someone commenting on why Obama is not going to try to oust Kaddafi is because it is not in his DNA.

The Christian bible, that Conservatives are alway quoting and get their morals from, say:

Rom 12;19-21….Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I guess we have lost our faith in GOD since we cannot wait for him to act in our behalf like he did in behalf of Israel, until they chose to act independently of him and he withdrew his protection. And you know the rest. It appears we are falling into the same trap.

As a result of our revenge;---1 million innocent Iraqis died. Almost 6,000 young American men and women died. 33,000 wounded. Total suicides may total more than the combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thousands of troops suffer with PTSD. Sound like we are really winners?

“Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.” Austin O'Malley
She wants him gone? is she going to pick up an M-16 and go over there and fight against Ghaddafi? of course not, she will just send someone elses son or daughter over there to risk their lives.
She wants him gone? is she going to pick up an M-16 and go over there and fight against Ghaddafi? of course not, she will just send someone elses son or daughter over there to risk their lives.

Her son is in the Military. Just sayin'.

Oh, and we have no 'boots on the ground' there.... nor will we.
She wants him gone? is she going to pick up an M-16 and go over there and fight against Ghaddafi? of course not, she will just send someone elses son or daughter over there to risk their lives.

Her son is in the Military. Just sayin'.

Oh, and we have no 'boots on the ground' there.... nor will we.

I hope not, we got out hands full with Iraq and Afghanistan.
She wants him gone? is she going to pick up an M-16 and go over there and fight against Ghaddafi? of course not, she will just send someone elses son or daughter over there to risk their lives.

Her son is in the Military. Just sayin'.

Oh, and we have no 'boots on the ground' there.... nor will we.

I hope not, we got out hands full with Iraq and Afghanistan.

What we're doing with the Libya situation is nothing like Iraq and Afghanistan. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
Her son is in the Military. Just sayin'.

Oh, and we have no 'boots on the ground' there.... nor will we.

I hope not, we got out hands full with Iraq and Afghanistan.

What we're doing with the Libya situation is nothing like Iraq and Afghanistan. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

I would rather we use the cruise missiles and fighter jets we have in Libya on Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan.

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