Palin discusses her future


*****istrator Emeritus
Mar 13, 2006

WASILLA, Alaska (CNN) — Sarah Palin appeared calm and confident Tuesday morning during her brief sojourn to Wasilla, Alaska, where she greeted hometown supporters and cast her ballot before departing for Phoenix to join John McCain for an election night rally.

The governor voted shortly after 7 a.m. at her former workplace, Wasilla City Hall. According to the National Weather Service, the temperature at the time was 18 degrees.

Wearing jeans and accompanied by her husband Todd, Palin told reporters who had gathered to watch her vote that she is “very optimistic.”

“Now tomorrow, I hope, I pray, I believe that I'll be able to wake up as Vice President elect, and be able to get to work in a transition mode with the President elect, John McCain,” she said.

Palin refused to say if she had voted to re-elect Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, who was convicted last week of seven felony corruption charges.

“I am also exercising my right to privacy, and I don't have to tell anybody who I vote for, nobody does, and that’s really cool about America also,” she said.

Savoring her final solo appearance as a vice presidential candidate, Palin lingered for several minutes in front of local and national media, taking question after question despite multiple attempts by her staff to end the press conference.

The campaign entourage made two coffee runs while in Wasilla, stopping first in Kaladi Coffee, where the governor ordered two lattes and five regular coffees for her secret service agents.

Before leaving the shop, Palin noticed Tuesday’s edition of the Anchorage Daily News, which led with the news that Alaska’s Personnel Board had cleared the governor of any wrongdoing in the firing of the state’s public safety commissioner. “Board exonerates Palin,” blared the paper’s front page.

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Palin refused to say if she had voted to re-elect Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, who was convicted last week of seven felony corruption charges.

Translation - She voted for a convicted felon. LOL

I can only pray Sarah Palin is the GOP nominee in 2012.

But, assuming McCain loses, he turn in the spotlight is over.

There's NEVER been a vice presidential nominee in recent history who lost and election, who was able to come back to win a nomination. There's no historical model for it. Lieberman, Edwards, Geraldine Ferroro. They cratered.

Once you are tagged with the label of loser, the stench don't come off. And that's particularly true for Vice Presidential nominees who get their doors blown off.
Board exonerates Palin,” blared the paper’s front page

too little to fucking late wouldn't you say?
Looking forward to seeing her in 2012

Me too

If Obama wins, it will be a slaughter unless most of this country becomes ultra christian conservative over night and or Obama does a massive horrible job.

Either way, if your HOPING for one of those two things then I suggest start drinking heavily.
It doesn;t have to be for a ticket position, but she has a bright future in front of her in government.

Personally i see Jindal being the new face of the party starting in 2012 hopefully.
Translation - She voted for a convicted felon. LOL

I can only pray Sarah Palin is the GOP nominee in 2012.

But, assuming McCain loses, he turn in the spotlight is over.

There's NEVER been a vice presidential nominee in recent history who lost and election, who was able to come back to win a nomination. There's no historical model for it. Lieberman, Edwards, Geraldine Ferroro. They cratered.

Once you are tagged with the label of loser, the stench don't come off. And that's particularly true for Vice Presidential nominees who get their doors blown off.

Although Nixon wasn't running as vice president at the time, he did lose to JFK in 1960 later to be elected president in 1968.
It doesn;t have to be for a ticket position, but she has a bright future in front of her in government.

Personally i see Jindal being the new face of the party starting in 2012 hopefully.

But wait!

His name is Piyush! That's a terrorist name! :rofl:

And don't forget he'll be questioned whether he was born here.

Oh and he was born a Hindu, that will come up by..Oh wait, this is what some Republicans would be doing if he were the Democrat.

Nah, they would only be questionin ghim if he was hanging out with people that bombed fedral buildings and were spokesmen for the PLO, then they would question Jindal.

But I am sure the Dems will say he is like a Tan Bush though :)
Board exonerates Palin,” blared the paper’s front page

too little to fucking late wouldn't you say?
I thought it was interesting they released the day of the election! I think they are worried she will loose and still be their governor!:D
“I am also exercising my right to privacy"

uh.. talk about naral soundbite gold!
Future Palin jobs.......

1) Replacement for Elizabeth Hasslebitch on the View.

2) Pole dancer in local strip club.

3) Porno actor for Larry Flynt so he doesn't need to use look alikes.

4) Replacement for Ted Stevens (hey, the corruption ain't gonna make itself).
Future Palin jobs.......

1) Replacement for Elizabeth Hasslebitch on the View.

2) Pole dancer in local strip club.

3) Porno actor for Larry Flynt so he doesn't need to use look alikes.

4) Replacement for Ted Stevens (hey, the corruption ain't gonna make itself).


Where ya been? The Blue Oyster been keeping you busy? i know how busy the type of biker bars you hand out at get.

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