Palin again off her rocker

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt

Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt

Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt

Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

I think it matters greatly what type of government gets into power there.

Why is it free speech is only tolerated by the Liberals if they agree with your point of view.
Sarah Palin is not allowed to offer her opinion on anything?...Why is that.If she decides to mouth off why does it bother the left so much.

On one hand you guys say she is a political light weight who doesn't have a clue and then when she says something you treat it as a profound revelation then spend a week on MSNBC analyzing her every word.Crazy shit man...:eek:
Why is ANYONE listening to this woman's ideas on ANYTHING political to begin with? Maybe if she was talking about how to change diapers or cook a nice caribou steak, but not POLITICS.

Women were never intended to be involved in politics at ANY level, so why anyone listens to any woman about politics is beyond me.
Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.
Well then you must be angry with Obama right?:
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt talks - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Frank Wisner, who has acted as an envoy for Obama by carrying a message to Mubarak, said on Saturday that the Egyptian president "must stay in office to steer" a process of gathering "national consensus around the preconditions" for the way forward.
Why is ANYONE listening to this woman's ideas on ANYTHING political to begin with? Maybe if she was talking about how to change diapers or cook a nice caribou steak, but not POLITICS.

Women were never intended to be involved in politics at ANY level, so why anyone listens to any woman about politics is beyond me.

You and Sunni Man must get along wonderfully.
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt

Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

Then why has Obie Wan Salami already positioned himself and said that Mubarak should go sooner rather than later?
Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

Then why has Obie Wan Salami already positioned himself and said that Mubarak should go sooner rather than later?

:blahblah: he can't help heself.
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt

Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

Then why is Obama telling Mubarak to resign now? Is that, in itself, interfering in the politics of another nation?

Honestly, Charlie, engage brain before posting.
Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

Then why is Obama telling Mubarak to resign now? Is that, in itself, interfering in the politics of another nation?

Honestly, Charlie, engage brain before posting.

He's saying it because most of the people in Egypt want Mubarak to step down, moron.
Interesting statement....If that's true then the Obama administration will be the first ever maybe that didn't care about foreign policy.To say or imply that what happens in Egypt shouldn't interest the United States is quite childish actually.:eusa_whistle:

Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

I think it matters greatly what type of government gets into power there.

Why is it free speech is only tolerated by the Liberals if they agree with your point of view.
Sarah Palin is not allowed to offer her opinion on anything?...Why is that.If she decides to mouth off why does it bother the left so much.

On one hand you guys say she is a political light weight who doesn't have a clue and then when she says something you treat it as a profound revelation then spend a week on MSNBC analyzing her every word.Crazy shit man...:eek:

This thread isn't about free speech and liberals jackass, its about Palin being off of her rocker, get with the program.
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Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

Then why is Obama telling Mubarak to resign now? Is that, in itself, interfering in the politics of another nation?

Honestly, Charlie, engage brain before posting.

He's saying it because most of the people in Egypt want Mubarak to step down, moron.

We have no way of knowing what 'most of the people' in Egypt want. In a country of 80 million, we have only the protests of the thousands that protested. Moron.
Why should it matter, seriously? Its not our job to get involved, running off at the mouth about who should be in charge over there.

I think it matters greatly what type of government gets into power there.

Why is it free speech is only tolerated by the Liberals if they agree with your point of view.
Sarah Palin is not allowed to offer her opinion on anything?...Why is that.If she decides to mouth off why does it bother the left so much.

On one hand you guys say she is a political light weight who doesn't have a clue and then when she says something you treat it as a profound revelation then spend a week on MSNBC analyzing her every word.Crazy shit man...:eek:

This thread isn't about free speech and liberals jackass, its about Plain being off of her rocker, get with the program.

You may want to get some perspective before you post bullshit, Charlie. Palin had a point.... and, again, I don't like Palin.... but when someone makes a valid point, the point is still valid, no matter who says it.
Obama's Egypt response largely supported by Republicans
January 31, 2011, 9:02 a.m.

Republican leaders John Boehner and Mitch McConnell offer no criticism of the White House's actions on Egypt. John McCain also backs Obama's response but says the U.S. needs to push harder for reform .....

WASHINGTON — Republicans on Capitol Hill largely are supporting the Obama administration's take-it-slow approach on the crisis in Egypt, with one notable exception — Sen. Rand Paul, the face of the GOP's "tea party" wing.

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky both endorsed the White House's actions in talk-show interviews Sunday.

"I don't have any criticism of President Obama or Secretary [Hillary] Clinton at this point," McConnell said on NBC's Meet the Press. "I mean, they know full well that we can't give the Egyptians advice about who their leadership is. That's beyond the reach of the United States. And I think we ought to speak as one voice during this crisis."

"Our administration so far has handled this situation pretty well," Boehner said on Fox News. "Reforms need to occur in Egypt. And frankly, any place around the world where people are calling out for freedom [and] democracy, I think we have a responsibility to respond."

..... Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the former GOP presidential candidate, said, also backed Obama's response, but said the U.S. needed to push harder for reform. "I think the president needs to be a little farther ahead."

Republicans on Egypt: Obama's Egypt response largely supported by Republicans -
If Obama and the "demonRats" are "so damn DUmb" what does that make House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. John McCain, (the former GOP presidential candidate) who "largely support" his handling of the Egyptian unrest.

As for "Palin again off her rocker" - how would we know the difference?
O has already stated that mubarak must leave. In essence, he is taking sides. Where was O when the people of Iran were trying to throw out the crazies, nutjobs in that country? Why didn't he ask nutjob to step down as he did mubarek?

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