Palestinians Celebrating 9/11 Attack (Shocking)

Palestinians people are celebrating the death of nearly 3000 innocent americans
Do you really want to support them now?

Palestinians hate America and would love to see 9/11 happen everyday, but people here will continue to support them.
Acknowledging that Israel's behavior toward the Palestinians is little different from the Nazis behavior toward the Poles in the 1930s is not "supporting" the Palestinians. Supporting the Palestinians would be giving them some tanks, a lot of heavy-duty infantry weaponry and an annual $3 billion welfare check.

"The friend of my enemy is my enemy" is an old Arab proverb. And we are the best friend of the Palestinians' worst enemy. Were it not for our support of Israel the Palestinians' troubles would soon be ended. So can we blame them for celebrating our misfortune?

You're under no obligation to explain anything to me so I appreciate your willingness to do so.

USMB is a decent board, but insults and stupidity are commonplace here. I occasionally embarrass myself by addressing worthwhile posters with the same kind of acerbity I channel in my responses to trolls. I'm also an emotional person by nature... our discussion happened to touch on one of the issues that frequently stirs my anger.

You're under no obligation to explain anything to me so I appreciate your willingness to do so.

USMB is a decent board, but insults and stupidity are commonplace here. I occasionally embarrass myself by addressing worthwhile posters with the same kind of acerbity I channel in my responses to trolls. I'm also an emotional person by nature... our discussion happened to touch on one of the issues that frequently stirs my anger.

Thank you Kalam. Now I hope I do not need to post linkage after linkage to support my view with you. I will if you demand it, because your view of my view matters to me. For me it is not a "Why Not", it is a "Please Do". But it's rather boring to compile what is out there and which I have previously researched off and on to support this view of mine. However, I found it all before and my memory is excellent so I do not doubt I can find it again if you so desire. Onward to my personal viewpoint, logical deductions and summation.

My personal belief is that our children, our young (all people's own children) are priceless, and the children of others need also be as priceless to them as ours are to us. Targeting children is, to me, the most sickening of all acts. When it is done for politics as in a cause, it is anathema to humanity. Responding to civilian deaths with suicide attacks on the opponents children is not war. It is not a cause. It is a systematic programmed course pointedly aimed at murdering the young of a people. As a personal choice, it removes soul power from a human being when they choose to kill another. When that other is a child, far more of the souls power is gone. When it is done as a course of action followed by a group of people, it is pure evil. Again, this is my own personal view and my people have seen this kind of evil many times before and it now comes from your causes allowance to let the MB into your cause. They will further their cause which is not your real cause. (again, to my view)

Now, the method I stated above is used by many of the fanatic minded extremists. It has been proven that these ones also use their own young as civilian shields in their armed depots. It has been proven that they bring them to the arena for that purpose. Their own children. So, when I see those that your cause supports, using the same fanatic terminology, and methods (MB) against the country you are fighting with and suicide bombing schools to kill their innocent children to further a political agenda, I say to myself, the pattern 'seems' the same. So I think yes, they likely also do the other. They post media pictures of their dead children all over the place. So do the Palestinians. This is not to say that children are not killed in the respondent attacks by Israel. I do not doubt that at all and it sickens me. It sickens me more that there is organizing in the deaths of children anywhere in the world. I can think of nothing more against G-d. Regardless of the belief. It is a method or ideological slant if you will. It is not a belief that does this thing and is a symptom of the ideological cultural teachings that produces a generational shift to that extremism.

So, by logical extension, I think your cause also puts some of those children in areas of warring contention as launching pads or warring munition dumps, etc. I don't need to prove this as my logic is not faulty. It is deductive logic, and passes all the symbolic logic truth tables for my above noted extension. I think that the extension I make is clear and supportable, so I move on with this extension.

Young girls, being sent to explode themselves around the innocents of Russia to support this cause of yours is in error with regards to most world opinion.

The Chechen have been there for a long time and have their legitimacy with generational indigence. They have struggled, lost, gained and lost again. I can relate this to the Jewish cause. The difference is that Israel picked an opportune time to advance their desires which began long before Hitler. Your cause is at an inopportune time, but the MB will not let your more moderates in to moderate. For them, your cause is an opportune one to extend their goals, which again I state that I don't think your causes goals are the same as MB. But I don't know how much you have researched them.

Looking for independence recognition from the free world when Russia is concerned will not likely come at this time. Let's face it Kalam, the Muslim Brotherhood is the root of Islamic fundamentalist organizations, and as mentioned which has set up bases in Chechnya is actually where the use of children as human shields in areas of military significance was put forward.

So, yes, I think it is very likely possible that the pictures of children that you show me have some that have been put forward as tools towards a systemic method
of fanatic warfare to gain emotional reactions, just as they did with the Palestinians. It is not working for them either.

Certainly young women at sixteen are still children to my view, and they are being used as suicide bombers. We are at odds on the decision to suicide as well Kalam. Great odds there I put to you, but I could be wrong.

So, I say that yes, your cause is just. Your methods are not, and I believe these methods extend to using their young to further their political ideologies, just as the
Muslim Brotherhood did with the Palestinians. Just because you have a just cause does not mean those you support will not have to fight for it, just that they need to deal with the fanaticism in their midst first and then allow the 'heat' to die down, as it were. A generation or two should do it. Now much of the world sees your cause as "Baby Killers" and believe me, we Jews understand that attack. Nu?

Your cause, to my view, is taking a wrong direction. They now need to remove the Muslim Brotherhood from their arena, and remove themselves from the struggle for a generation or two.

This comes from one who understands. This is not the most opportune time, with self exploding fanatics running all over the world, to look for recognition with those acts. Now the MB is removing your causes moderates and replacing them with highly extreme fanatics following a far different ideology than your indigent Chechen moderates.

I see that as their major problem at this time, not independence which will always be a door there. The MB and their form of extremism has changed the perception of the West towards your struggle. They did this with the Palestinians and it will likely take a generation or two before they gain an acceptance themselves.

In Summation, I believe...

Chechnya needs to move into a restructuring and rebuilding for a renewal. Protect your children. Return to the battle when the time is more opportune and remove yourself from the fanatic methods, and influences of the MB. Are they yet in control of your causes education systems? If so, then your cause is in greater trouble than you might imagine.

If they continue on in their methods, they will lose all support from the West and I think you realize that is not the preferable track anyway. I agree, your cause did not get their acceptance when they tried more moderate methods. But from that part of the spectrum to the MB's methods?
I'll do my best to respond to this properly tomorrow (or later today, I suppose.) Thank you for taking the time.
The solution:

1. Imprison all the leaders of Hamas and Fatah for life.
2. Ban the radical Jewish parties.
3. Make Jerusalem a open city, divided into sectors by religion (and make a secular section of the city).
4. Israel and Palestine border's established, full land rights provided, compensation given for those evicted by the Israeli government as a result of the conflict.
4. Israel becomes a secular democracy, Palestine established and becomes a secular democracy (direct result of 1. 2. 3. and 4.).
5. Return of Palestinian refugees to Palestine (being the Palestinian nation) which would at least consist of Gaza and the West Bank.
6. Israel and Palestine establish a unitary market, currency, and dual citizenship for all Palestinians and Israeli's.
7. Israel invests in Palestine and brings the Palestinians out of poverty and unemployment.

But will never happen as the Palestinians have been totally indoctrinated in hate (and thus will never listen to reason) from people like this guy:

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