Palestinian Youth Unite Against Normalization With Israel

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
In commemoration of the anniversary of the Nakba, and as an expression of our commitment to resisting Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid in accordance with international law, we (Palestinian youth organizations signed below) declare our rejection of normalization with the Israel on all levels.

We call upon all Palestinian youth in occupied Palestine and in the Diaspora, as well as those youth around the world who stand in solidarity with our just cause, to endorse our statement and actively work towards isolating all projects and activities that normalize and legitimize Israel’s occupation and colonization of, and apartheid policies towards, the Palestinian people.

Endorsed by:

Birzeit University’s student council
An-Najah University’s student council and the majority of student blocks on campus
Hebron University’s student council
Bethlehem University’s student council
Arab American University in Jenin’ student council
Al-Quds University’s student council
Palestine Technical College’s student council -Aroub
Al-Quds Open University’s student council-Tulkarem
Al-Quds Open University’s student council-Qalqilia
Palestine Technical College’s student council - Khadouri
The Palestinian Student Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI)
Progressive Student Union Bloc-Gaza
Fateh Youth Organization- Gaza
Progressive Student Labor Front-Gaza
Islamic Bloc-Gaza
Islamic League of Palestinian Students- Gaza
Student Unity Bloc-Gaza*
Union of Youth Activity Centers in Palestinian Refugee Camps
Palestinian Youth Network-all branches
General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS)-Chile
General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS)-Colombia
General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS)-France
General Union for Palestinian Youth
Palestinian Federation –Chile
Palestinian Federation- Argentine
US Palestinian Communities Network (USPCN)
Palestinian Community of Catalonia

And the following groups:
Center for Argentinean -Palestinian Friendship- Rosario/Argentina
Arab Youth for Palestine Valdivia/ Chile
Arab Youth for Valparaiso-Viña Del Mar/Chile
Arab Youth of Concepción – Concepción /Chile
The youth group of the Evan Lutheran Church-Beit Sahour
Sheppard’s Scouts Troup-Beit Sahour
The Papal Scout Troop- Beit Jala
Student Council of the Evangelical Lutheran School-Beit Sahour
Student Council of the Evangelical Lutheran School- Ramallah
Student Council of the Friends Boys School-Ramallah
Student Council of the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School- Ramallah
Student Council of St. Joseph’s School - Ramallah
Jafra Palestinian Youth Center-Al-Yarmouk Refugee Camp
Joint Advocacy Iniciative- The East Jerusalem YMCA and YWCA of Palestine
* The undersigned student blocks in Gaza represent the majority of Palestinian students in Gaza

Palestinian Youth Unite Against Normalization With Israel

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