Palestinian efforts to isolate Israel like 'war'

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
JERUSALEM (AFP) – A senior Israeli defence official has warned that Palestinian efforts to isolate Israel and secure recognition of a state were as serious for the Jewish state as a "war," media reports said.

The comments, made by Amos Gilad during a private meeting but recorded and broadcast by Israel's Channel 10 television on Monday, highlight Israeli fears about the Palestinians' growing diplomatic successes.
"A senior Israeli defence official has warned that Palestinian efforts to isolate Israel and secure recognition of a state were as serious for the Jewish state as a "war," media reports said. The comments, made by Amos Gilad during a private meeting but recorded and broadcast by Israel's Channel 10 television on Monday, highlight Israeli fears about the Palestinians' growing diplomatic successes."
In plain english - "If our sore palisimian asses get shafted in the process (as usual), we'll flood Europe". Why not the arab states? Because they will be kicking that foreign "palistanian" arse all the way. The humanitarian transfer of palistanians is the option. The only viable one, of course. But, while condemning-banning the cosmetics experimentation on rabbits, the progressive international community is all for experimenting on live palistanians.
and in other great news..

Israel’s Iron Dome halts Gaza rocket for 1st time

ASHKELON, Israel (AFP) - Israel's Iron Dome short-range missile defence system on Thursday intercepted a rocket fired from Gaza for the first time over the city of Ashkelon, an AFP correspondent said.

Israel's Iron Dome halts Gaza rocket for 1st time | Islam Tribune


It will cost the $50,000-$100,000 to shoot down each Palestinian rocket. Qassams cost about $100. Grads are about $700-$800 each.

Knock yourself out.
It will cost the $50,000-$100,000 to shoot down each Palestinian rocket. Qassams cost about $100. Grads are about $700-$800 each. Knock yourself out.
Indeed, it's an asymmetric warfare, which Israel should reconsider in favor of the "proportionality" concept, which had been trumpeted by the international community. An israeli hi-tech approach is, indeed, disproportionate. Adopting a rocket for a rocket, a mortar shell for a mortar shell, fired in the general direction of Gaza will be proportionate and in line with the international community wishes.

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