Palesteenian Muslim Locks 11 Year Old Muslima Daughter In Bathroom For 9 Years


Jun 29, 2011
Palestinian Muslim man locks 11 year old Muslima daughter in bathroom for 9 years, gave her a razor blade and told her to kill herself[ame=]Palestinian Woman locked for 9yrs in the Bathroom by Her Father Speaks out - YouTube[/ame]
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Hasidic Hell: Married at 17, Girl Runs From Her Orthodox Roots
Every aspect of Feldman was tightly controlled for fear of being on "God's blacklist," according to her book, including incessant physical inspections of body and rules about her behavior.

Groomed to be pious, she spoke in Yiddish and was banned from going to the public library to read secular English books. She never got a traditional education.
Hasidic Jew Runs Away From Her Orthodox Roots After Arranged Marriage, Child - ABC News
This happens in The US:eek:
Hasidic Hell: Married at 17, Girl Runs From Her Orthodox Roots
Every aspect of Feldman was tightly controlled for fear of being on "God's blacklist," according to her book, including incessant physical inspections of body and rules about her behavior.

Groomed to be pious, she spoke in Yiddish and was banned from going to the public library to read secular English books. She never got a traditional education.
Hasidic Jew Runs Away From Her Orthodox Roots After Arranged Marriage, Child - ABC News
This happens in The US:eek:

Sadly there are crazy people everywhere in the world ... However the bigger question is whether or not this is an isolated incident condemned by society (Like it is in the US or Israel's case ) or is it a social norm (Like it is in Arab\Muslim countries).

while this topic is largely addressed in Western countries and adequate policies formulated to deal with it, in Arab and Islamic societies, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing
frequency and its serious consequences.
research on domestic violence in some Arab countries has provided considerable evidence to debunk the myth that wife-battering affects only a small percentage of women. In Egypt, the Egyptian Demographic and Health Survey of 1995 (El Zanaty et al., 1996), conducted among a national random sample of 14, 779 women, indicated that one out of three Egyptian women ever married has been beaten at least once since marriage and one
third of those were abused during pregnancy.
In Palestine, two national surveys were undertaken in the West Bank and Gaza Strip using
systematic random samples of respectively 2,410 (1994) and 1,334 (1995) married Palestinian women (Haj Yahia, 2001). The results showed that up to 34% of women participating in the first survey and 37% of those participating in the second survey reported having experienced one or more acts of physical violence at least once during the 12 months
This is from the archive of Women's Mental Health.
Violence against women in Arab and Islamic countries.pdf - - document sharing - download

While domestic violence against women is widely condemned in western countries,however in Islamic countries this is a social norm ... and that is the problem we talk about.
If you watch the OP video you may notice it was the Palestinian Police who rescued her and Handed the Israeli citizen over to the Israeli Police

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