Page Four


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Greyhawk

For New York Times readers, the big news on September 12th this year was the Chicago teacher's strike

Near the middle of the front page - just above the fold - they were treated to an exposé of Mitt Romney's college years (he didn't protest Vietnam!!!!). Those who actually unfolded a copy might have noticed something in the lower left corner of the front page about "Anti-American anger" erupting somewhere or other. A thumbnail image was captioned

Protesters, at right, angry over a video denouncing Islam attacked the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing a State Department officer.

Any reader wanting details could turn to page 4.

By the time they were reading it, President Obama was jetting off to Vegas for a campaign fundraiser. Of course, the Benghazi incident couldn't really stay on page four. In fact, by the 13th, intrepid reporters at CBS had spent hours investigating the story, and were already 'raising questions' - like the one in their big headline that day ...

(More to follow.)

Posted by Greyhawk / October 29, 2012 11:25 AM | Mudville Gazette where you can view the images.

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