PA TV lauds Facebook forum calling to "delete" Israel

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
"Our final topic for the day is Facebook: Facebook as a new battleground between the Arabs and Israel. "Israel is not a country!... Delete from Facebook as a country!" This is the title of an Arab forum which includes thousands of Americans, foreigners and even Jews, on the well-known Internet site, Facebook. The number of members to date is around 36,000. The group demands that Israel be regarded as an occupying entity and not as a country...

Let me make it clear for all who do not understand. This group is not against peace. If Facebook changed the name [of Israel - Ed.] to "Occupied Palestine", I think we could all agree that, that is a just solution.”

Palestinian history fabricated | PMW
Just one problem Israel IS a Nation and has been one since 1948. What is pathetic is Palestine could have been a Country too. But rather then be peaceful, create a Country and get along, they chose to side with 5 INVADING States who's purpose was to kill all the Jews and drive them into the Sea.

They foolishly picked the wrong side in a war and LOST. Anything they get now will be decided by Israel. Which has tried what 3 times since 2000 to form a Palestinian Country? They don't want a Country. They want to hate and kill. They are baby murderers. They target women and children. They avoid the military. They aim at schools and day care centers with their rockets and mortars. They target shopping malls, pizza parlors and buses with their suicide Bombers.

Hell they do not even like each other. Murdering each other and dividing what they do have into 2 enclaves. They hide amongst civilians and use them as human shields while they murder Jews. They are scum.
They are saying that there was no "Israel" to invade.

A bunch of foreigners declared themselves to be a state in Palestine. What was there to invade? It was strictly defensive.
And again you are simply wrong. The world except a couple nations has recognized Israel as a Nation. The UN recognizes Israel as a Nation and allows it a seat in that Body. Go pedal your delusions to some retard down the block.

By the way, dumb ass? Exactly what gave those 5 Nations the right to Invade Palestine or Israel? None of them owned the land, according to current history NONE of the people from that area were even their citizens.
By the time of the so called invasion, "Israel" had run the population out of hundreds of Palestinian villages creating about 300,000 refugees. BTW, about 100,000 of those were Christians.

The "invading armies" set up defensive positions in the remaining villages. That is probably why "Israel" did not take all of Palestine in that war. That is surely what would have happened with Israel's military attacking civilian populations.
By the time of the so called invasion, "Israel" had run the population out of hundreds of Palestinian villages creating about 300,000 refugees. BTW, about 100,000 of those were Christians.

The "invading armies" set up defensive positions in the remaining villages. That is probably why "Israel" did not take all of Palestine in that war. That is surely what would have happened with Israel's military attacking civilian populations.

Sure thing retard.
By the time of the so called invasion, "Israel" had run the population out of hundreds of Palestinian villages creating about 300,000 refugees. BTW, about 100,000 of those were Christians.

The "invading armies" set up defensive positions in the remaining villages. That is probably why "Israel" did not take all of Palestine in that war. That is surely what would have happened with Israel's military attacking civilian populations.

Sure thing retard.

Look it up!
There are more.

Name: 1 Million Strong for Palestine | Dedicated to GAZA
Type: Common Interest
Members: 797,874 members

Name: If we reach 500,000 members, I will know people support Palestine!!
Type: Common Interest
Members: 180,587 members

Name: Palestine
Type: Geography
Members: 14,178 members

Name: Free Palestine
Type: Club
Fans: 53,787 fans

Name: **Palestine**
Type: Other Business
Fans: 4,520 fans

Just to name a few.

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