PA preventive security deputy head Hisham Al-Rakh assassinated

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
JENIN, (PIC)-- Unknown gunmen on Wednesday night killed deputy director of the Palestinian authority preventive security forces Hisham Al-Rakh in Jenin city.

The reason why he was targeted and who was behind the attack are still not known.

An informed source told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that Rakh was shot several times in his legs and chest and rushed to Martyr Khalil Suleiman hospital, but he died upon arrival at the hospital.

Rakh was notorious for his enmity towards the Palestinian resistance and in 2007 he boasted in a statement to Israel's channel 2 about his cooperation with the Israeli side and handing it an officer who infiltrated into Jenin city and was spotted by citizens outside the grand Mosque.

Last May, he ordered the arrest of many Fatah gunmen during a large-scale security crackdown in Jenin district after the home of governor Qaddura Musa was attacked causing him a deadly heart attack.

PA preventive security deputy head Hisham Al-Rakh assassinated
JENIN, (PIC)-- Unknown gunmen on Wednesday night killed deputy director of the Palestinian authority preventive security forces Hisham Al-Rakh in Jenin city. ... Last May, he ordered the arrest of many Fatah gunmen during a large-scale security crackdown in Jenin district after the home of governor Qaddura Musa was attacked causing him a deadly heart attack.
Ah, Jenin clans' turf wars. Typical.
JENIN, (PIC)-- Unknown gunmen on Wednesday night killed deputy director of the Palestinian authority preventive security forces Hisham Al-Rakh in Jenin city.

The reason why he was targeted and who was behind the attack are still not known.

An informed source told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that Rakh was shot several times in his legs and chest and rushed to Martyr Khalil Suleiman hospital, but he died upon arrival at the hospital.

Rakh was notorious for his enmity towards the Palestinian resistance and in 2007 he boasted in a statement to Israel's channel 2 about his cooperation with the Israeli side and handing it an officer who infiltrated into Jenin city and was spotted by citizens outside the grand Mosque.

Last May, he ordered the arrest of many Fatah gunmen during a large-scale security crackdown in Jenin district after the home of governor Qaddura Musa was attacked causing him a deadly heart attack.

PA preventive security deputy head Hisham Al-Rakh assassinated

It might be enlightening to add these notes...

1. And a clear nexus of death cults: the Nazis were largely responsible for the creation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the first modern mass movement of political Islam (1928): they hoped to use the Brotherhood against the British in the Middle East. Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 60,
and John Loftus, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood, The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda

a. Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler. FrontPage Magazine - Islamo-Fascism Denial

2. Islamism also has roots in Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Turkish journalist Mustafa Akyol has written about the influence of Marxism on the godfathers of Islamism, Sayyid Qutb, Muslim Brotherhood theoretician, and Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi, major 20th century Islamist thinker, and Ali Shariati, the 'ideologue of the Iranian Revolution'. Akyol wrote in ‘Bolshevism in a Headdress,’ that many ex-Marxists joined the Islamists.

a. The Ayatollah Khomeini incorporated the Marxist paradigm of a world divided into oppressors and oppressed, but made it Islamic by using the terms ‘mostakbirine’ (the arrognant) and ‘mostadafine’ (the weakened).

3. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.”

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.” Know Thy Enemy - Michael Ledeen - National Review Online
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These are the commonalities of TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES the most prominent of the past 100 years------Nazism, Communism, Islamicism

for those who have not noticed that the current "arab spring" is TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN MOVEMENT---
you are braindead
These are the commonalities of TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES the most prominent of the past 100 years------Nazism, Communism, Islamicism
You left out Zionism:eusa_whistle:

zionism is not and NEVER WAS a totalitarian utopian ideology -----there was a time when christianity was-----a feature actually inherited from ROME -----the roman concept of world wide PAX ROMANA included a kind of world wide conversion to the ROMAN WAY OF LIFE with rome at the controlling center The idea is not ENTIRELY new to rome----Alexander the Great had played with his own version of a WORLD WIDE ----greek synthesis. In any case -- Jews entirely rejected joining up------An interesting exception was the HISTORIAN JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS who did the ROMAN thing and actually became a ROMAN CITIZEN For this act lots of jews did not like him----but his reputation has been rehabilitated for various reasons. There are many creeds that DO NOT include a world wide totalitarian approach and never did------zoroastrianism is one and Hinduism -----very little Judaism actually rejects the idea almost to the same degree that zoroastrianism does Quakers are not totalitarian utopianists

an interesting feature of totalitarian utopianists is that they are clear in stating that their creed is for THE WHOLE WORLD and then go about accusing other people of "WORLD WIDE CONSPIRACY" Achmadinejad actually ANNOUNCED IN THE UN _----ISLAM IS FOR THE WHOLE WORLD He might as well have announced himself GENGHIS KHAN, STALIN, ADOLF HITLER and CONSTANTINE ---all rolled into one. I was watching the speech----i believe live-----I was astounded that the UN guards did not bind the maniac up in restraints and drag him over to BELLEVUE Since that time I have not heard any TV commentator refer to that MEGALOMANIAC speech About 50 years ago I saw a live conversation between GORE VIDAL and WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY -----Buckley was a conservative politiican ----he got upset with liberal gore and suddenly STOOD --TOWERED OVER THE SEATED GORE AND GROWLED "IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP YOU PINKO QUEER, I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE" I was a child------I have never seen that footage again just as I have never seen the footage of Achmadinejad's megalomaniac speech again some people concerned for the world must have destroyed both
PIC reported this story. Later Haaretz reported it.

So far, though, I have seen nothing in the Lame Stream Media.
PIC reported this story. Later Haaretz reported it.

So far, though, I have seen nothing in the Lame Stream Media.

Evidently the whole world is not waiting with bated breath for news of this guy.
Perhaps you and your "cause" aren't the big deal you like to think it is.
What a sheltered academic life I have led, for instance I had no idea that Marx was the father of Islam....and to compound these wondrous insights this poster concludes her inspiring pearls of political wisdom with a quote from Ann Coulter...the mind spools and reels
What a sheltered academic life I have led, for instance I had no idea that Marx was the father of Islam....and to compound these wondrous insights this poster concludes her inspiring pearls of political wisdom with a quote from Ann Coulter...the mind spools and reels

Spools and reels? Is that you, Skit?
What a sheltered academic life I have led, for instance I had no idea that Marx was the father of Islam....and to compound these wondrous insights this poster concludes her inspiring pearls of political wisdom with a quote from Ann Coulter...the mind spools and reels

how sad -----you missed a very important era-----well its ongoing---not too late Now try to cope -----BAATHISM is syncresis of INTENSE ARABIST NATIONALISM and COMMUNISM remember gamal abdel nasser who murdered half his army in his sick attempt to UNITE THE ARAB WORLD into one socialst entity? That was 1967 That is BAATHISM ASSAD IS AN INTENSE BAATHIST TOO the whole thing does embrace communist aspects of communist theory but it actually is the CALIPHATE DELUSION its not new its the BAATHIST CALIPHATE DELUSION that ----shoved Gaza down Israel's throat Your hero SADDAM was also a BAATHIST
The Ayatoilets do not need BAATHISM to be nuts -----in fact they cannot use it----they are not ARABISTS -----they are simply CALIPHATE FASCISTS -------in a way you can consider them something like Hitler's Japan
its the background of the current situation in the Middle east----in fact it is the background of the topic of this messageboard
These are the commonalities of TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES the most prominent of the past 100 years------Nazism, Communism, Islamicism

for those who have not noticed that the current "arab spring" is TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN MOVEMENT---
you are braindead

so is heaven.

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