PA Muslim Pleads Guilty to Hit List of Over 100 US Military Published On Twitter

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015
Mug shot of PA Muslim, Jalil Aziz who created and published a hit list of over 100 American Military personnel which included their photos, rank and home addresses, along with instructions to murder them, on Twitter. He used 70 different Twitter accounts and encrypted mobile messaging app.

How did a list of over 100 names of US Military personnel fall into the hands of a Pennsylvania Muslim man and how long did it take to notify these people that their home addresses had been published on Twitter and were now in the possession of Islamic terrorists? The following news report states that Federal officials said the service members on the list were notified and appropriate measures were taken. What were those appropriate measures? Their photographs, military rank and home addresses were published on Twitter! Did they pay for each family to be relocated to an undisclosed address? Did they assign Secret Service agents to protect them, their spouses and children 24 hours a day? These are questions that deserve an answer. The following story was published by the Daily Mail in the UK over a week ago:

Pennsylvania man admits he conspired to help ISIS | Daily Mail Online

In March 2015, Aziz published on Twitter a list of more than 100 American military personnel that included photos, rank and addresses, along with instructions to kill them, Sander told the judge. Aziz referred to it as an assassination list, Sander said.

The message exhorted people to 'kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their street.'

Federal officials say the service members on the list were notified and appropriate security measures were taken.

During a search in November 2015, authorities found five high-capacity magazines, a knife, a balaclava and other equipment in the home he shared in Harrisburg with his parents. - end quote

Where is the mainstream media on this story and why do the American people have to get their news from Europe? Once again, the Daily Mail in the UK is reporting what should be on the front page of the Daily News, Washington Post, New York Times and every mainstream news source inside the United States. Instead we're inundated with stories about how unfair President Trump's temporary ban on Muslim immigrants from certain Islamic nations is and how it is infringing upon the rights of said Muslim immigrants. What about the rights of our US military men and women who have given their very lives to defend and protect us from enemies foreign and domestic? Why doesn't the mainstream media want to protect their rights? This case is from 2015. It's two years old. Where is the mainstream media and why haven't they bothered to inform the American people about this?

Here are some additional facts to the case that reveal just how out of touch one US Federal public defender is from reality. He could be the poster child for the liberal left and it's mainstream media who are blindly driving America over the cliff with their myth based protests, blood lust for violence and inability to listen to the voices of reason.

Federal public defender Thomas Thornton's defense strategy is an affront to the intelligence of the American people. He argues that his client is just a young kid who was tweeting from his bedroom. He says his client is sorry. Sorry? His client has endangered the lives and families of over 100 military personnel by posting on Twitter their photographs, names, rank and home addresses! Sorry will not do it, Mr. Aziz. I find it interesting that Mr. Aziz had also tweeted his interest in purchasing a Yazidi woman which he planned to pick up once he arrived in ISIS territory.

Yazidi women have been reported to have been kidnapped and held captive by ISIS as sex slaves. This man is interested in "purchasing" a Yazidi woman. Just a harmless young kid tweeting from his bedroom? Think again. This man has committed treason and should be put in front of a firing squad. If our government does not step up to the plate and begin to confront the treason that is taking place against our President, his staff, the US Military and the American people who support President Trump, we will have no country left to protect.

Enough is enough. Put this man on trial for treason. This case does not belong in a civilian courtroom and Mr. Aziz does not belong in a federal prison. Put him in front of a firing squad or send him to Gitmo. He's a terrorist. Treat him like one!

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The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I would like to know his citizenship, how how parents came to this country and if they frequent mosques.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.
Last edited:
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Now you've gone from this was a widely publicized story (with not a single mainstream media source, link or you tube video to back up your claim) to being sure that someone created a thread about it on USMB. An old thread on USMB that you cannot find is not evidence either. Perhaps you have confused this story with another Muslim terrorist plotting against our military. There's been far more than one yet this is the first one I can recall ever obtaining a list of over 100 of our military men & women and publishing their photos, ranks, home addresses on 70 different twitter accounts. That is downright disturbing and should be the headline story throughout the country right now.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one.

Because actually checking and being honest would have hurt your narrative. One quick google search and here's fake news CNN reporting about it over a year ago. Lots of other years old links too.

Men in California and Pennsylvania tried to aid terror groups, feds say -
One online (CNN politics) does not make the grade of highly publicized. This should have been on their news station and running bigger than the Zimmerman case was yet it wasn't. There is a reason for that. The liberal media refuses to admit how huge this problem is and that President Trump is doing the right thing with his plan to ban.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Now you've gone from this was a widely publicized story (with not a single mainstream media source, link or you tube video to back up your claim) to being sure that someone created a thread about it on USMB. An old thread on USMB that you cannot find is not evidence either. Perhaps you have confused this story with another Muslim terrorist plotting against our military. There's been far more than one yet this is the first one I can recall ever obtaining a list of over 100 of our military men & women and publishing their photos, ranks, home addresses on 70 different twitter accounts. That is downright disturbing and should be the headline story throughout the country right now.

I think I would remember correctly when a man a rock's throw away from my house is arrested for ties to ISIS.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Possibly this one: Another homegrown muslim terrorist caught
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one.

Because actually checking and being honest would have hurt your narrative. One quick google search and here's fake news CNN reporting about it over a year ago. Lots of other years old links too.

Men in California and Pennsylvania tried to aid terror groups, feds say -
One online (CNN politics) does not make the grade of highly publicized. This should have been on their news station and running bigger than the Zimmerman case was yet it wasn't. There is a reason for that. The liberal media refuses to admit how huge this problem is and that President Trump is doing the right thing with his plan to ban.
It is noted that nothing short of total media hysteria would have satisfied you about this story, and so there is little point in continuing this conversation with you.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Possibly this one: Another homegrown muslim terrorist caught

That's it. You can even see my post where I said he lived 3 miles away, and close to our capitol building.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Now you've gone from this was a widely publicized story (with not a single mainstream media source, link or you tube video to back up your claim) to being sure that someone created a thread about it on USMB. An old thread on USMB that you cannot find is not evidence either. Perhaps you have confused this story with another Muslim terrorist plotting against our military. There's been far more than one yet this is the first one I can recall ever obtaining a list of over 100 of our military men & women and publishing their photos, ranks, home addresses on 70 different twitter accounts. That is downright disturbing and should be the headline story throughout the country right now.

I think I would remember correctly when a man a rock's throw away from my house is arrested for ties to ISIS.
He was arrested in Pennsylvania. Didn't you post a Florida Newspaper story about your home being damaged in the Florida Hurricane this year? Yes, I believe that was you.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one.

Because actually checking and being honest would have hurt your narrative. One quick google search and here's fake news CNN reporting about it over a year ago. Lots of other years old links too.

Men in California and Pennsylvania tried to aid terror groups, feds say -
One online (CNN politics) does not make the grade of highly publicized. This should have been on their news station and running bigger than the Zimmerman case was yet it wasn't. There is a reason for that. The liberal media refuses to admit how huge this problem is and that President Trump is doing the right thing with his plan to ban.
It is noted that nothing short of total media hysteria would have satisfied you about this story, and so there is little point in continuing this conversation with you.
So you cannot find any mainstream media news stories about it? I didn't think you would. I couldn't find any either. In any case, I agree with you. There is little point to continuing this conversation. You've got nothing to discuss. Thanks for your participation.
The story was widely publicized when it first happened. A thread was even posted on this forum at the time.
I checked. I could not find one major news source who reported this story over a two year period. Not one. I see the AP picked it up 2 days ago. The story is 2 years old.

Please post the news sources, links and you tube videos from mainstream media news stations reporting this story, aaronleland. Trayvon Martin case was widely publicized. This case wasn't even on the radar and it should have been.

I know for a fact that there was a thread created on this forum about it because the guy lived about 3 miles from me, and I wasn't the one who created the thread.
Possibly this one: Another homegrown muslim terrorist caught

That's it. You can even see my post where I said he lived 3 miles away, and close to our capitol building.
The last time I saw one of your news stories it was about your house being damaged in the Florida Hurricane last year.
Didn't you post a Florida Newspaper story about your home being damaged in the Florida Hurricane this year? Yes, I believe that was you.

You must be mistaken. Everybody who has followed my posts over the years has seen me mention numerous times that I have lived between Pittsburgh and West Virginia, and am currently living in Harrisburg PA. My fellow yinzer mdk can vouch for that. :thup:
Didn't you post a Florida Newspaper story about your home being damaged in the Florida Hurricane this year? Yes, I believe that was you.

You must be mistaken. Everybody who has followed my posts over the years has seen me mention numerous times that I have lived between Pittsburgh and West Virginia, and am currently living in Harrisburg PA. My fellow yinzer mdk can vouch for that. :thup:
My apology. Someone here posted a news story about their home being damaged in last years Florida hurricane and I thought it was you. My mistake. Carry on.

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