OWS Supporters held a conference in Iran.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I hope someone can get link up for me. Three Professors went to Tehran University for a conference on the Occupy Wall Street movement.

This they say is going to become a "global movement to fight Zionism". There were other Americans there as well.

Whoopsies this story is at the Blaze.
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U.S. Professors and Activists Participate In Tehran University Conference On Occupy Wall Street

U.S. academics participated in an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) conference held this month at Tehran University, in which, according to Iran's Press TV, "university professors and scholars from around the world discussed various aspects of [the] Occupy Wall Street Movement" and "talked about the nature of the people that take part in the Wall Street movement, what effects it has had up to now, and its future."

One academic, Prof. Alex Vitae of Brooklyn College, discussed the impact of OWS "locally and nationally" and pondered "whether or not this will have momentum that could have more far-reaching implications." Prof. Heather Gautney of Fordham University noted that the Occupy movement is "entering more into social institutions, and trying to pressure politicians or pressure leadership" and said that she thought "that the movement is going to be incredibly active in pressuring politicians to start addressing issues of social inequality." Both she and Vitae mentioned OWS's possible impact on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.

Prof. John Hammond of City University of New York spoke of the future, mentioning a "big movement planned in New York City, called Occupy the Corporations," and demonstrations in Chicago in May where the G-8 summit is set to take place.
U.S. Professors and Activists Participate In Tehran University Conference On Occupy Wall Street

U.S. academics participated in an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) conference held this month at Tehran University, in which, according to Iran's Press TV, "university professors and scholars from around the world discussed various aspects of [the] Occupy Wall Street Movement" and "talked about the nature of the people that take part in the Wall Street movement, what effects it has had up to now, and its future."

One academic, Prof. Alex Vitae of Brooklyn College, discussed the impact of OWS "locally and nationally" and pondered "whether or not this will have momentum that could have more far-reaching implications." Prof. Heather Gautney of Fordham University noted that the Occupy movement is "entering more into social institutions, and trying to pressure politicians or pressure leadership" and said that she thought "that the movement is going to be incredibly active in pressuring politicians to start addressing issues of social inequality." Both she and Vitae mentioned OWS's possible impact on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.

Prof. John Hammond of City University of New York spoke of the future, mentioning a "big movement planned in New York City, called Occupy the Corporations," and demonstrations in Chicago in May where the G-8 summit is set to take place.

Thanks CG. I appreciate this. Further down in the article there are quotes from that radical Imam that will blow your socks off.
talk about useful idiots....maybe they're getting a cadre of Basij together and are going to get them some motorbikes to run around on here...
Did the manual. This Imam is trouble.

Besides the professors, there were other American participants in the conference. MEMRI reports:

One of them was Abdul Alim Musa, imam of the Masjid Al-Islam mosque in Washington DC, who is known for speaking in support of jihad and martyrdom, as well as his anti-American and antisemitic statements, including blaming terrorist attacks such as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, 9/11, and the failed 2009 Christmas Day airplane bombing on the government.

At the conference, Musa told Press TV about the OWS movement’s mission of fighting “global Zionism” which, he said, uses “interest” and “debt” to “control the world.” […] “And I believe that Wall Street is fighting the monster of the day. The monster is not the Shoah [Holocaust] – the monster today is global Zionism. You’re using riba and interest – the tool that they use to control the world, to control each state, and each area of the world, is debt.”

In his address to the conference on February 14, Abdul Alim Musa “deplored the ruling establishment in the U.S., insisting that there is no democracy and human equality in the country.
Is any of the major outlets covering this? Other than Fox?

I'm going to check now. My husband emailed me on this story.

This really disturbs me.

" I think many people are waiting to see what effect it may have on this year’s national elections, and whether or not this will have momentum that could have more far-reaching implications.”….”

That's from a Brooklyn college professor.
Also at the conference was Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute. He told Press TV: "The reason that Occupy Wall Street is continuing to go on is because people are protesting the policies of the American government." He added, "Spontaneous activism which is organized by social media will always have a huge opportunity to make large economic and societal changes. Just like it did in Egypt with Tahrir Square, so it will, in various permutations or forms, continue to give the public that doesn't necessarily have economic and social standing an opportunity to make a difference, because in the land of the Internet, there are no kings or queens."

U.S. Professors and Activists Participate In Tehran University Conference On Occupy Wall Street
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Is any of the major outlets covering this? Other than Fox?

A quick search suggests No.

Yea.... I find that quite interesting.... silence from the MSM.... hmmm... it's like they would prefer no one know about it.

I know I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling when radical academics and Imams are starting to discuss world domination in Tehran to give the planet to the 99%.

Tehran. That home of true democracy.:lol:
Also at the conference was Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute. He told Press TV: "The reason that Occupy Wall Street is continuing to go on is because people are protesting the policies of the American government." He added, "Spontaneous activism which is organized by social media will always have a huge opportunity to make large economic and societal changes. Just like it did in Egypt with Tahrir Square, so it will, in various permutations or forms, continue to give the public that doesn't necessarily have economic and social standing an opportunity to make a difference, because in the land of the Internet, there are no kings or queens."

U.S. Professors and Activists Participate In Tehran University Conference On Occupy Wall Street

He's an apologetic.
I hope someone can get link up for me. Three Professors went to Tehran University for a conference on the Occupy Wall Street movement.

This they say is going to become a "global movement to fight Zionism". There were other Americans there as well.

Whoopsies this story is at the Blaze.

I just came back from Iran. They are working on the ovens for the white conservative concentration camps. I went to make sure they included the microwave.
Still waiting for someone to offer an analysis of what they think this means.
When will you people learn?

Just who is 'you people' and what, pray tell, are we supposed to 'learn'?

You people are the desperate losers who are on a tireless search for any news of wrongdoing, impropriety or deviousness on the part of liberals or progressives.

It is hoped that you will learn to suppress the urge to chime in until you have some friggin' facts...............and those facts demonstrate something meaningful.

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