
Obamacare should get rid of a few senior citizens and poor with rationing and not allowing services for them.
Say what you want but it will soon or later be an issue that needs to be tackled.

8000 BC - 5 mil
1000 BC - 200-300 mil
1900 1 bil
2010 6.8 bil
2050 10-11 bil

It took nearly 2000 years to get to 1 bil, in little over 100 years we increased by nearly 6800%! In just under 40 years, experts predict it could be at 10-11 mil. The world is already a crowded place, keep this up and we are in deep trouble. Where will the food, water, clothes, medicine, energy and space come from.

Unlike global warming, overpopulation is a legacy we will leave for our children and ESPECIALLY our grandchildren to tackle.
Overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the solution?

Overpopulation isn't a problem yet. As less developed countries become developed, they'll have less kids.

I read an article some time ago - maybe five years - that said if every human being on the planet still up in a 2ft by 2ft space, they'd all fit into Texas, which suggests there is plenty of room.

Also go to google maps and check out the amount of green space around even the most crowded cities.

The problem is food production and lack of sex education in third-world countries IMO..
Overpopulation is NOT an issue. It will not happen. If you look at world pops in history in smaller increments it paints a better pic than just glazing over large time periods. The earth’s population will grow until it hits maximum occupancy for the current level of technology. This is mainly due to food production. When there is no more food people have fewer children as they cannot afford to have any kids OR people begin to starve and that, of course, cuts down on the population. This has happened before during agricultural breakthroughs such as crop rotation.
Water will be the likely be the limit on food production.
We are already hitting it in many areas of the USA.

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