Over 100 Tornadoes Rip Through The "Deep Red South". Dont Expect Obama To The Rescue.

So you've stopped using public highways?

Sweet Jesus, the Federal Government doesn't own any roads except those in National Forests, parks and dams. The state or county own the rest unless they are private roads.

Government funds may have helped build the interstate system years ago but the states maintain them and have repaved most of the originals several times.

Stop with this Federal Government road crap, Obama doesn't own them!!

Government owned roads are the most common. The federal government owns roads serving national forests, parks and dams. State governments own most of the highways between cities and towns and the Interstate highways. Cities and counties own the local roads.

Government roads normally have rights-of-way dedicated for roads and utilities. Government roads also have some type of access control. Adjacent owners must get permission from the agency road owner before they build a driveway onto the road. Private access to the Interstate and some other highways is not allowed at all. Federal and state highways almost always depend on local roads for access from private property.

FEMA on the other hand is a federal agency that is supposed to help those facing and rebuilding from natural disasters. It's a shame Obama gets to pick and choose who gets that help.

the states get federal tax dollars for maintaining the interstate highway system.

One of the few instances where the INTERSTATE commerce clause applies

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