Outsmarting Obama: Reasons Why Sarah Palin Has More Brains Than Barack!!


May 29, 2010
What a exceptional piece of journalism that speaks the truth about Obama and why Palin is smarter than him. Liberals never fail to flatter themselves by claiming the latest president to garner their vote is the smartest person in the world. And, not coincidentally, his spouse is also the smartest, most capable, most attractive and caring woman that could ever be. That is farther than the truth. On the other hand, Sarah Palin’s story is an incredible American story. The last frontier in the country — Alaska. A former reporter and housewife runs for mayor and is elected twice. She hunts, she fishes, she goes to church and raises kids. She runs against an incumbent Governor of her own party and former Democratic Governor and wins the Governorship of the state, where she takes on the largest industry in the state — big oil — on behalf of the people and wins. She is nominated for Vice-President where she creates more energy and enthusiasm than the candidate himself. The intelligent left is scared of her, because her story is amazing and resonates with mid America and they will do everything they can to discredit her which steadily fails everytime. She then steps onto the national stage to lead what seems to be brewing into a peaceful revolution in politics and that’s where we are today. So in closing, let’s see Obama's transcripts from Occidental, Columbia and his Harvard Law Review articles, and we’ll be the judge of his intelligence. The embargo on all things Barack speaks volumes.

GORDON: Outsmarting Obama - Washington Times

While most pundits and late-night comedians place President Obama far ahead of Sarah Palin in terms of intellect, perhaps Public Enemy's best-known hit - "Don't Believe the Hype" - is a fitting tribute to this myth.

Propped up by the mainstream media as the intellectual version of Superman, Mr. Obama with his eloquent, if not robotic, public appearances has fed into the perception that he is one of the most brilliant people in world history - a political Albert Einstein, worthy of the Nobel Prize.

Mrs. Palin meanwhile, has been mercilessly attacked by most in the media and chronically lampooned on late-night TV to the point where some believe she said things that actually were said by comedians.

Though Mr. Obama and Mrs. Palin are no doubt extremely skilled politicians and remarkably intelligent overachievers - hence becoming a president and a Republican vice-presidential candidate - the tale of the tape on their intellect is that it's actually much closer than conventional wisdom might suggest.

In fact, given Mr. Obama's track record in comparing his 2008 presidential campaign to the results of his presidency thus far and contrasting it with Mrs. Palin's steadfast leadership of the Tea Party movement, which is changing the political landscape of the country, I would argue that she is actually smarter than Mr. Obama.

First, Mrs. Palin understands that lofty campaign promises don't equate to good governance. Mr. Obama's presidential campaign, centered around "hope and change," has led to runaway spending in a roughly $800 billion stimulus bill, dramatically increased unemployment to roughly 10 percent - twice the rate of George W. Bush's administration - and ushered in Obamacare, which the majority of Americans oppose...

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It depends on how we're defining 'smart'. Neither of them are overly intelligent, both of them are exceptionally good manipulators.
What a exceptional piece of journalism that speaks the truth about Obama and why Palin is smarter than him. Liberals never fail to flatter themselves by claiming the latest president to garner their vote is the smartest person in the world. And, not coincidentally, his spouse is also the smartest, most capable, most attractive and caring woman that could ever be. That is farther than the truth. On the other hand, Sarah Palin’s story is an incredible American story. The last frontier in the country — Alaska. A former reporter and housewife runs for mayor and is elected twice. She hunts, she fishes, she goes to church and raises kids. She runs against an incumbent Governor of her own party and former Democratic Governor and wins the Governorship of the state, where she takes on the largest industry in the state — big oil — on behalf of the people and wins. She is nominated for Vice-President where she creates more energy and enthusiasm than the candidate himself. The intelligent left is scared of her, because her story is amazing and resonates with mid America and they will do everything they can to discredit her which steadily fails everytime. She then steps onto the national stage to lead what seems to be brewing into a peaceful revolution in politics and that’s where we are today. So in closing, let’s see Obama's transcripts from Occidental, Columbia and his Harvard Law Review articles, and we’ll be the judge of his intelligence. The embargo on all things Barack speaks volumes.

GORDON: Outsmarting Obama - Washington Times

While most pundits and late-night comedians place President Obama far ahead of Sarah Palin in terms of intellect, perhaps Public Enemy's best-known hit - "Don't Believe the Hype" - is a fitting tribute to this myth.

Propped up by the mainstream media as the intellectual version of Superman, Mr. Obama with his eloquent, if not robotic, public appearances has fed into the perception that he is one of the most brilliant people in world history - a political Albert Einstein, worthy of the Nobel Prize.

Mrs. Palin meanwhile, has been mercilessly attacked by most in the media and chronically lampooned on late-night TV to the point where some believe she said things that actually were said by comedians.

Though Mr. Obama and Mrs. Palin are no doubt extremely skilled politicians and remarkably intelligent overachievers - hence becoming a president and a Republican vice-presidential candidate - the tale of the tape on their intellect is that it's actually much closer than conventional wisdom might suggest.

In fact, given Mr. Obama's track record in comparing his 2008 presidential campaign to the results of his presidency thus far and contrasting it with Mrs. Palin's steadfast leadership of the Tea Party movement, which is changing the political landscape of the country, I would argue that she is actually smarter than Mr. Obama.

First, Mrs. Palin understands that lofty campaign promises don't equate to good governance. Mr. Obama's presidential campaign, centered around "hope and change," has led to runaway spending in a roughly $800 billion stimulus bill, dramatically increased unemployment to roughly 10 percent - twice the rate of George W. Bush's administration - and ushered in Obamacare, which the majority of Americans oppose...

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The author is incredibly confused between "smartness" and the ability Ms. Palin has to not have to live with her policies. Sarah Palin couldn't handle Katie Couric.
Dude your about as bad as that hypocrite Pale Rider with your obesession over Obama.Hate to break your heart but Palin is every bit as corrupt as Obozo is in the fact that they are both members of that elite evil group the CFR and only there as puppets to do their bidding.Ron Paul was the only candidate in the past election who was a president for the people.He is not a CFR member and thats WHY he will never get elected.
Mr. Obama's presidential campaign, centered around "hope and change," has led to runaway spending in a roughly $800 billion stimulus bill, dramatically increased unemployment to roughly 10 percent - twice the rate of George W. Bush's administration - and ushered in Obamacare, which the majority of Americans oppose...

The unemployment rate today (assuming it's still hovering where it's been for the past two months) is 1.9% higher than it was the month Obama took office. This despite the fact that the financial sector was teetering and job losses were, at that point, still accelerating. Remember how serious things were at that time?

The latest job loss is the worst since December 1974, and brings job losses to 1.8 million in just the last three months, or half of the 3.6 million jobs that have been lost since the beginning of 2008.

The loss since November is the biggest 3-month drop since immediately after the end of World War II, when the defense industry was shutting down for conversion to civilian production.

Yet Great Depression II didn't happen, the job losses began decelerating and eventually turned into (slow) job gains, and, in fact, the unemployment rate right now is lower than it was at the same point in Reagan's first term. How quickly we forget where we were and where we might be now.
Mr. Obama's presidential campaign, centered around "hope and change," has led to runaway spending in a roughly $800 billion stimulus bill, dramatically increased unemployment to roughly 10 percent - twice the rate of George W. Bush's administration - and ushered in Obamacare, which the majority of Americans oppose...

The unemployment rate today (assuming it's still hovering where it's been for the past two months) is 1.9% higher than it was the month Obama took office. This despite the fact that the financial sector was teetering and job losses were, at that point, still accelerating. Remember how serious things were at that time?

The latest job loss is the worst since December 1974, and brings job losses to 1.8 million in just the last three months, or half of the 3.6 million jobs that have been lost since the beginning of 2008.

The loss since November is the biggest 3-month drop since immediately after the end of World War II, when the defense industry was shutting down for conversion to civilian production.

Yet Great Depression II didn't happen, the job losses began decelerating and eventually turned into (slow) job gains, and, in fact, the unemployment rate right now is lower than it was at the same point in Reagan's first term. How quickly we forget where we were and where we might be now.

You mean Harry Reid saved the world from a Depression?

This really gets old, you know.

Unemployment blew right through 8%, where we were told it would peak after Stimulus, and it's close to 10%. No Obama sycophant says it's going down anytime soon.
Unemployment blew right through 8%, where we were told it would peak after Stimulus, and it's close to 10%. No Obama sycophant says it's going down anytime soon.

Unemployment was at 8.2% before the stimulus passed.

With time comes data. And in hindsight we know, of course, that the economy at that point was in significantly worse shape than Romer or anyone knew at the beginning of 2009. What did we find out in August of 2009?

Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The first 12 months of the U.S. recession saw the economy shrink more than twice as much as previously estimated, reflecting even bigger declines in consumer spending and housing, revised figures showed.​

If only they'd had that data eight months in advance! They wouldn't have upset poor Revere with flawed projections.

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