OutRAGEOUS!!! WHITE HOUSE website requires email address!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was outraged!

Our taxes are paid to support the White House web page.
But unless I provide an email address.. NO entry!

"The White House will not share your email address with persons or organizations outside the Executive Office of the President, and you can unsubscribe from updates at any time. Learn more at WhiteHouse.gov/Privacy.

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! unbelievable
Our tax dollars and the WHITE HOUSE wants to track my email address!

The White House
The White House

"Sign up to get periodic updates from President Obama and other administration officials."

For that you have to enter your email address. Otherwise they have no way to send you those updates.

"No thanks. Go to the website."

You do NOT have to enter your email address to go to the website.
I was outraged!

Our taxes are paid to support the White House web page.
But unless I provide an email address.. NO entry!

"The White House will not share your email address with persons or organizations outside the Executive Office of the President, and you can unsubscribe from updates at any time. Learn more at WhiteHouse.gov/Privacy.

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! unbelievable
Our tax dollars and the WHITE HOUSE wants to track my email address!

The White House


OH... in my most crude "Emily Litella a character ...

played by Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Life use to misunderstand the news would then jump to gross conclusions....

"What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!"
The news anchor interrupted Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death." Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different...." then meekly turn to the camera and say,
"Never mind." Emily Litella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey.. no one can that this conservative can't laugh at himself!

Sorry for the "outrageous" thread regarding the White House Web site...
I couldn't for the fine print I was able to go on!
epic failsauce thread, batman. it is not required to view any content on whitehouse.gov.
OH... in my most crude "Emily Litella a character ...

played by Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Life use to misunderstand the news would then jump to gross conclusions....

"What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!"
The news anchor interrupted Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death." Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different...." then meekly turn to the camera and say,
"Never mind." Emily Litella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I beg to differ with all due respect.

Her best ever was the Crustacean routine. Only tied with Endangered Feces,
OH... in my most crude "Emily Litella a character ...

played by Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Life use to misunderstand the news would then jump to gross conclusions....

"What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!"
The news anchor interrupted Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death." Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different...." then meekly turn to the camera and say,
"Never mind." Emily Litella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I beg to differ with all due respect.

Her best ever was the Crustacean routine. Only tied with Endangered Feces,

Soviet Jewelry.
OH... in my most crude "Emily Litella a character ...

played by Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Life use to misunderstand the news would then jump to gross conclusions....

"What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!"
The news anchor interrupted Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death." Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different...." then meekly turn to the camera and say,
"Never mind." Emily Litella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I beg to differ with all due respect.

Her best ever was the Crustacean routine. Only tied with Endangered Feces,

Soviet Jewelry.


She was comedy gold. Man I loved her. She had the best timing. Just a genius.
Her with Bill Murray trying to look down her blouse on the couch ! Pure comedic genus!

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