"Our" War is Really Israel's

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William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

My man Pat Buchanan knocks flat the neocon nut jobs out to commit the men and women of this nation's military to an all-out assault on the world on behalf of Israel. Thank God for Pat. Too many neocons out there, too few PATRIOTS. I hope you do your patriotic homework and READ this article.
Originally posted by William Joyce

My man Pat Buchanan knocks flat the neocon nut jobs out to commit the men and women of this nation's military to an all-out assault on the world on behalf of Israel. Thank God for Pat. Too many neocons out there, too few PATRIOTS. I hope you do your patriotic homework and READ this article.

I read the article and I hate to say it, but Pat has got his head in the ground. There are so many points to argue with I would not know where to start.

I will submit that some of the neo-cons are getting off base, but the threat from the Islamisists is real and we should not ignore it.

The only difference between now and the 7th century BC when Islam first started preaching world dominance is that the weapons have changed.

30 years ago I would have agreed with Pat but the times have changed and he needs to get up to date. Nukes in the hands of fundamentalist radicals is scary. Can you imagine what we would say if David Duke had nukes? What about Pat Robertson and the 700 Club?

Oh, but wait, it is fashionable to point out the fallacies of fundamentalist Christians and Aryan nation dicks like Duke, but we don't dare point out the fallacies of the poor Muslims and their beliefs.
Pat Robertson and David Duke with nukes? How'd that get in there? Oh, wait! You don't have an argument, so you smoked up with Billy Buckle-knee and now you're not making any sense.

Really, if either had nukes, they probably wouldn't use them.

The point is that an Arab fundamentalist with a nuke is mad at three things:

1. Secular Arab governments
2. Israel
3. The U.S., because of its support of Israel

See how making that last one just the U.S. solves the problem?
Pat Robertson and David Duke with nukes? How'd that get in there?

My point is that most Americans (lefties especially) would be horrified if a government led by one of those two had nukes. I was trying to present the inverse position of that of Islam today.

If a fundamentalist Christian nation was doing what places like Iran is, and Libya and Iraq were, trying we would say, "wait a minute, is this so wise?". Whereas when it is Muslim nations, we just put it off as being the fault of the Jews. Hell, it is easier to blame the Jews than it is to face reality.

What have you been smokin?

The point is that an Arab fundamentalist with a nuke is mad at three things:

1. Secular Arab governments
2. Israel
3. The U.S., because of its support of Israel

WRONG! They want Islam to rule the world just as David Duke wants Aryans and Pat Robertson wants Christians to do.

I might be stoned, but at least I know what I am talking about.
But you're giving Islamic fundamentalists way, way too much credit. As Pat correctly points out, they've taken over three countries, only to see all three slip away. What do you think the chances of an Islamic takeover of the U.S. are? The only way Islam will take over Europe and the U.S. is if we continue to FREELY ALLOW THEM TO MOVE TO OUR COUNTRY, which is insanely what liberal Jews all push for, not realizing the consequences of their actions. In other words, we let these people into our country without so much as blinking, then act surprised when they hit us. Then we send troops to blow up stuff around the world. How about the simple sanity of not letting them in? I bet you're one of those "open borders" commies who doesn't get this. Maybe not, but most of the "conservatives" on the board are, anyway.

The only reason Islamics are charged up enough for 9/11 is because of Israel. That is a cold, hard, big, huge, massive, undeniable FACT. But you don't think it's true because of what you read in the media.

Well, WHO do you think runs the media? Let me clue you in: it's not white Christians.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The only reason Islamics are charged up enough for 9/11 is because of Israel. That is a cold, hard, big, huge, massive, undeniable FACT. But you don't think it's true because of what you read in the media.

Well, WHO do you think runs the media? Let me clue you in: it's not white Christians. [/B]

You say that like it is the white Christian's right to run America. But then, given your obsession with race and blind hatred of Jews, I shouldn't except anything more intellegent.
Will, you don't get it.

Do you really think they would try an invasion?

If they get nukes, all they have to do is point them at us and then blackmail us.

Study up on the religion and what the Q'uaran says. I am not saying all Muslims are bad as I personally know that is not the case. However, just as there are fundamentalist Christians that are wacko, there are fundamentalist Muslims that are wacko. Itis just that there are more Muslims that are wacko right now than there are Christians because their leaders (both religious and governemental) are inflaming them.

The religious leaders preach against Israel, and so the governmental leaders, try to tap into that "opiat of the masses" that is being spewed forth as a way to hold onto their power by attacking Israel. Either literally or symbolically.

It worked for a while, but it is beginning to backfire on the government dudes as the religious guys have become as powerful as them, if not more. They fed off each other and they are continuing to do so. However, the radicals have consumed a lot of the government guys so if something isn't done, the region is going to fall into total chaos. Look at history and remember, it really does get repeated.

I am not giving them too much credit. Pakistan has nukes and they are very close to falling into the hands of radicals. Radicals that take the Q'uaran to heart (even if they do misinterpret it just as Christians have misinterpreted the Bible in the past and still today - Christians are just much weaker today).

If a Pakistan were taken over by radicals that think they have the all-mighty blessing of Allah, do you not think they would use their nukes to try and get their way? If they are willing to fly planes into buildings, do you not think they would be willing to nuke New York from afar using an ICBM?

Even if they just point them at the US or Israel and threaten to use them what are we to do.
But you're giving Islamic fundamentalists way, way too much credit. As Pat correctly points out, they've taken over three countries, only to see all three slip away. What do you think the chances of an Islamic takeover of the U.S. are?
What? There are plenty of people who agree with what the fundamentalists have to say. They are in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and many other places. How could you say that they are getting too much credit?

Well, WHO do you think runs the media? Let me clue you in: it's not white Christians.
Is this you?


I don't get this BS about how all this hatred and violence would stop if the US would stop supporting Israel. That's just a convenient excuse, and they would find more bogus reasons to hate "the West"/US. People always come up with some overly simplistic solution to a very complex problem.

But that's just the beginning of why I don't think this should happen. Look at all the suicide bombings and other terrorism with the US backing Israel. Do you really think this situation would actually improve if the US didn't support them? What planet are you on? They are not going to just lay down their weapons and try to work out this whole thing with the Israelis and the Palestinians and try to co-exist peacefully with Israel. The anti-Isreal rhetoric would only get worse and the terrorism would probably increase tenfold.
The violence in the Middle East wouldn't stop, but we would be spared.

Saying someone is Hitler for criticising Jewish influence is ridiculous. You need to drop the insults and start coming up with actual arguments to refute me.
"You say that like it is the white Christian's right to run America. But then, given your obsession with race and blind hatred of Jews, I shouldn't except anything more intellegent."

That would be EXPECT, smart guy.
Don't back down from the insinuations of his involvement with the Nazi party. He's sidestepped every question regarding Hitler and Nazis that has been given to him. He knows that he's hip deep in that crap.
This thread is an absoulte joke. How simple minded can you be to believe the only reason for islamic terrorism against the US is it's support for Isreal !

That is such an over-simplification that I am almost in tears laughing !
I'm going to have to say the Pat hads gotten his whole america forst thing backwards, and Will you're just adding to this mans insanity. There is no way in hell that we can sit back and pull out of the region millitarilly or politically. that area of the world is on the brink of total chaos and as FreeandFun put it once those govt's that posses Nuclear arsenals fall under extermist groups the whole world is in trouble. once those nuckes are pointed at Europe you better belive they fold faster than a lawn chair and give these people what ever they want. Why do you think the N.koreans have been building nukes. They're trying to bribe the US out of money and bush is telling them to fuck off. Leaving a region and allowing these govt's alone to fight the religious zealots is insane. Guess what all that has to happen is a Grand Aytolla has to declare Jihad against a middle eastern govt. and the population will go crazy. We have a reasponsibility to defend our nation. before 9-11 that was with a military that responded to direct attacks, after 9-11 the duty becomes a proactive govt. we can no longer sit and wait for bad things to happen we have to stop them at the source. If that means intervention so be it.
Today is my first day hanging around the USMB, and I must say that I am skocked at some of the blatant antisemitism that is coursing through the threads. Not shocked in a PC sort of way, but rather in the "my God, these people are really misinformed" sort of way.

Does anyone here really think the Arab-Jew problem is as simple as "we hate each other, therefore we kill"?

How about 9/11 happened because OBL and AQ are really unhappy about our support for Israel? That's sufficient reason for young men and women to strap C4 to their bodies and blow themselves up. Right?

Could it be that these problems have deeper root causes that have nothing to do with the crap we hear day in and day out on the TV?

Let me know if you would like to talk about some of the real causes. But first you might want to read "Arab and Jew" by David K. Shipler. It might elevate the conversation by infusing the dialog with facts rather than idiotic and offensive claptrap.
yeah, Monty, I'm interested in talking about the "real" reasons for ths conflict. But maybe we should do it in the Palestine / Israel forum. You start.
Today is my first day hanging around the USMB, and I must say that I am skocked at some of the blatant antisemitism that is coursing through the threads. Not shocked in a PC sort of way, but rather in the "my God, these people are really misinformed" sort of way

I felt the same way when i first got on this board. There are a few people here that blame this whole fiasco on the Jew's. They really do have a deep seeded hatered for these people and not just Jew's mind you but evry minnoruty race that is not a white cristian. But weve known these groups exist in america and they have a right to post whatever "hate" they want to. Just take it with a grain of salt.
Oh history lesson, Osama was an allie in Afganistan during the 80's. The man did not hold deep seeded hostilities till the first gulf war. The thing that drove him starke raving mad was the fact that non-muslim troops were in Saudi Arabia. He felt our non-secular coalition was a devilement against Islam and he took it rather personally. Why were we there? Stupid ass Saddam. See he is responsible for 9-11.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"You say that like it is the white Christian's right to run America. But then, given your obsession with race and blind hatred of Jews, I shouldn't except anything more intellegent."

That would be EXPECT, smart guy.

Way to nitpick and miss the whole point of the post. So let me ask it to you bluntly:

Do you think that all governmental leaders should be white and Christian? Or are there certain white nationalites (Irish, German, Polish, etc.) that are more qualified than others to lead, or certain denominations or offshoots of Christianity that make one more qualified to lead America? Or should a lifetime KKK membership be the only prerequisite?
Christian, I don't know about. That's certainly a big part of my people's culture, but the "Christians" today seem a little silly, at least many of them. But white, yes. GWB is a white Christian, but hates white people, so he's no good. I would like to be led by a racially conscious white government. Would you want less than to be led by men who are like you? When you are not, they care less about you, and act without honor.
Strait out of the Dr. William Pierce handbook. Willie don't you get it? Your kind is not wanted here, you can leave this "third world country" anytime you like.

"A big part of my people's culture" as if there is any such thing as an ethnic white American. Willie we all came from somewhere else for your info. Would like to know if in your anti immigration stance if it includes Northern Europeans?
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