Our Society of Enlightened Wimps


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Nowadays the first step to take after a school shooting, far from mourning or otherwise feeling sorry for the families whose children were killed by a maniac, is calling for new and immediate restrictions on gun ownership.

The second step is insisting that there must be some external reason why this wonderful, loving 20-year-old would commit such an atrocious crime. He must have been driven to it by society’s unrealistic expectations, our culture of violence, or something else. Certainly it couldn’t be that Adam Lanza was the problem, that he fully understood what he was doing and didn’t care.

Many seem to believe otherwise, though. They act as if it’s our collective duty to find out exactly why everyone—with the exception of Adam Lanza—is responsible for the massacre so we may change our ways and become a model society of enlightened wimps. People and organizations are taking ridiculous lengths to ensure that they don’t offend anyone’s delicate sensibilities for the next few weeks...........

A Model Society of Enlightened Wimps - Taki's Magazine
Yep that is why the NRA took down their social networking sites....
And why fox was told not to discuss gun gontrol.
Teabaggers also took down their crosshairs references after the congresswoman was shot.

Wimps are not only on the left.
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There certainly is a "victim" mentality which permeates through America today. Our commander-in-chief set the example for blaming his poor administration of the country on the his predecessor. As they say, the fish rots from the head down.
There certainly is a "victim" mentality which permeates through America today. Our commander-in-chief set the example for blaming his poor administration of the country on the his predecessor. As they say, the fish rots from the head down.

Ahh why did you just get this attitude now and not while the last administration was in power and blaming Clowntoon?

Everyone knows that what a politician does during his occupancy will not continue past his leaving office.
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The NRA took down their social networking sites because of sabotage by insane leftists. Fox has done nothing but discuss gun control, both sides. Taking down the crosshairs after Gabby Giffords was shot was a courtesy. As the march for acceptance of marijuana continues and Jared Loughner was a pothead, the actual cause of the Gifford's shooting has never been addressed.
There certainly is a "victim" mentality which permeates through America today. Our commander-in-chief set the example for blaming his poor administration of the country on the his predecessor. As they say, the fish rots from the head down.

Ahh why did you just get this attitude now and not while the last administration was in power and blaming Clowntoon?

Everyone knows that what a politician does during his occupancy will not continue past his leaving office.
I don't doubt there was some initial blame of Clinton, but I'm pretty sure that by the time of his second term that had pretty much dissipated. The Democrats, and especially Obama, are much better playing the "victim-hood" card. Hell, it certainly won them the last election.
Before all the blood had time to dry, pro-government zombie toady scribes were shrieking for more “gun control” and insisting that “something” must be done NOW. They trotted out the tired meme that the “gun lobby” is very powerful and has a lot of money behind it—as if the government they dutifully worship doesn’t have far more power and money than the NRA. One went so far as to proclaim that “no person in the United States Of America should own a gun, unless they’re a police officer or a soldier.” And of course, “white men” were blamed, albeit by one white man after the next.

“How did they turn from being the harshest critics of ‘The Man’ in the 1960s to being his most brainwashed advocates today?”

Protected on all sides by well-armed Secret Service members, Barack Obama’s eyes grew misty as he proclaimed it was time to “take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this.” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg also screamed from behind his posse of armed bodyguards for more gun control. Taking time off from repeatedly authorizing billions in taxes to bomb the shit out of the Middle East, other politicians decried the USA’s “gun culture.”

The Soros shills at Think Progress, who never seemed to meet a white male they liked nor a government regulation they didn’t like, hastily cobbled together “A Timeline Of Mass Shootings In The US Since Columbine.”

Gunsville, USA - Taki's Magazine
If the liberals are a bunch of wimps what does that make conservatives who are constantly losing the battle of ideas to these "wimps".
The NRA took down their social networking sites because of sabotage by insane leftists. Fox has done nothing but discuss gun control, both sides. Taking down the crosshairs after Gabby Giffords was shot was a courtesy. As the march for acceptance of marijuana continues and Jared Loughner was a pothead, the actual cause of the Gifford's shooting has never been addressed.

Do you really think pot had anything to do with the shooting of Gabby Giffords? That is a really simple sentiment. Anyone who believes that has either never smoked weed before, or has a distorted view of the substance.

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