Our reality: Work sucks, it's hard, often demeaning, but you gotta do it. Period.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
You libtards and OWS whiners must realize something. If you got a worthless college degree, it guarantees you NOTHING. The reality is, work sucks. There is a reason why 99.9% of jobs must pay people to show up, because otherwise they wouldn't go. Its demeaning. You are gonna have to do some stuff you hate doing. Thats boring. That you think back to all your college edumacashion, and realize "I'm way better and way smarter than THIS" but guess what? You're gonna do the job anyway, or end up sleeping in a tent amongst a bunch of smelly communists on Wall Street whining about...well, not sure what, but just mad that you gotta do work you hate.

When you were in college, people all said "The real world is gonna hit you in the face". Of course, as a good colllege lefty, you knew that only applied to OTHER people. Dumb people, like right wingers and football players. YOU were convinced that your liberal arts degree, your attention and respect to diversity and fairness, your world view that....well, that was simply superior to those in the real world....would be plenty. It would propel you to wealth and power.

Well libtards, pack up your tents and sleeping bags. Tell Michael Moore goodbye. It's almost winter time. Almost time for OWS to end this little parade and get their butts to work. Many companies are hiring. Target. Dominoes. Google. Boeing. Many governments are hiring, for military, police, firemen, etc.

Go get your ass a job. File your college degree in a folder and tuck it away. You got about 10 years worth of entry level, bottom-of-the-ladder work to put in. One day you'll work your way up, like the rest of us.

But for now...stop your bitching, and get to work. And if there are any 18 year old HS grads or soon-to-bes out there, DONT waste 50K on a degree in "Multiculturalism" or "Puppeteering". In fact your best bet might be to get a job somewhere first, then take night classes and slowly earn a degree in a useful trade. Sure, you'll have to skip frat parties and left wing sociology lectures, but you are living in the new global reality.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

Awe...how cute. We all have a carboard cookie for you, because you're so special!

Let me guess, you stepped directly into that great paying job immediately upon graduation, right? You didn't spend any years working your way up from the bottom, right?

And I'd also be....you aren't a felon, didn't pop out 4 kids before age 22, didn't do hard drugs, and probably worked really hard in those entry level years.

It wasn't the economy that did you well, or any damn politician. It was you, being responsible, and working hard. Which is the path all OWS'ers 'could' take.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

You mean you got a job before Obama fucked everything up?
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

Awe...how cute. We all have a carboard cookie for you, because you're so special!

Let me guess, you stepped directly into that great paying job immediately upon graduation, right? You didn't spend any years working your way up from the bottom, right?

And I'd also be....you aren't a felon, didn't pop out 4 kids before age 22, didn't do hard drugs, and probably worked really hard in those entry level years.

It wasn't the economy that did you well, or any damn politician. It was you, being responsible, and working hard. Which is the path all OWS'ers 'could' take.

Just so you know, there are many in those ranks that have made good decisions only to have life happen and misfortune hit. Its easy to say they are all lazy, but that isnt reality.

There are many worthy goals from the group, its just misdirected and should be taken to Washington.

How can you diss a group when they plan protests for the super congress. Everyone wants to support that right?
I love my job. Well, except for the nasty plumbing part. Besides that my job is great. I got complete independence. I don't think laziness is exclusive to liberals.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

Awe...how cute. We all have a carboard cookie for you, because you're so special!

Let me guess, you stepped directly into that great paying job immediately upon graduation, right? You didn't spend any years working your way up from the bottom, right?

And I'd also be....you aren't a felon, didn't pop out 4 kids before age 22, didn't do hard drugs, and probably worked really hard in those entry level years.

It wasn't the economy that did you well, or any damn politician. It was you, being responsible, and working hard. Which is the path all OWS'ers 'could' take.

i never had a job i hated. not even when i worked summers in between school terms. i worked a cash register at a supermarket in high school. i didn't hate that either. i had good friends to work with and we had fun. i think i probably had two bosses along the way i couldn't stand.

and no, i'm not a druggie type and wasn't even in high school and college, though i was a nicotine junkie and am still a caffein freak.

i was responsible. but the point that most (not all) of these kids are trying to make is that they DID do everything right and there's no jobs. there are five applications for every job now. I had opportunities they don't have. I went to a state university that i probably couldn't even get into now because there are so many people competing for the seats (since they can't afford private school).

you can't look at the issue of joblessness and blame the unemployed when our economy has been eviscerated and there are five applicants for every job opening and we're not creating enough jobs every month to meet the numbers of people entering the job market.

when i went into the market there were jobs available. and when i worked for myself, there was clientele who paid me. and when i wanted to go back into the work force, there were STILL jobs available.

that is my point.
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i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

You mean you got a job before Obama fucked everything up?

no... before bush crashed the economy.

you need work on your basic timeline. you know, if you want to be honest and all.
You libtards and OWS whiners must realize something. If you got a worthless college degree, it guarantees you NOTHING. The reality is, work sucks. There is a reason why 99.9% of jobs must pay people to show up, because otherwise they wouldn't go. Its demeaning. You are gonna have to do some stuff you hate doing. Thats boring. That you think back to all your college edumacashion, and realize "I'm way better and way smarter than THIS" but guess what? You're gonna do the job anyway, or end up sleeping in a tent amongst a bunch of smelly communists on Wall Street whining about...well, not sure what, but just mad that you gotta do work you hate.

When you were in college, people all said "The real world is gonna hit you in the face". Of course, as a good colllege lefty, you knew that only applied to OTHER people. Dumb people, like right wingers and football players. YOU were convinced that your liberal arts degree, your attention and respect to diversity and fairness, your world view that....well, that was simply superior to those in the real world....would be plenty. It would propel you to wealth and power.

Well libtards, pack up your tents and sleeping bags. Tell Michael Moore goodbye. It's almost winter time. Almost time for OWS to end this little parade and get their butts to work. Many companies are hiring. Target. Dominoes. Google. Boeing. Many governments are hiring, for military, police, firemen, etc.

Go get your ass a job. File your college degree in a folder and tuck it away. You got about 10 years worth of entry level, bottom-of-the-ladder work to put in. One day you'll work your way up, like the rest of us.

But for now...stop your bitching, and get to work. And if there are any 18 year old HS grads or soon-to-bes out there, DONT waste 50K on a degree in "Multiculturalism" or "Puppeteering". In fact your best bet might be to get a job somewhere first, then take night classes and slowly earn a degree in a useful trade. Sure, you'll have to skip frat parties and left wing sociology lectures, but you are living in the new global reality.

You have obviously made some bad choices in your life.
Work should not suck till you get old and are unable to do the work you like.

Over 90% of the jobs I have had I enjoyed.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.

Awe...how cute. We all have a carboard cookie for you, because you're so special!

Let me guess, you stepped directly into that great paying job immediately upon graduation, right? You didn't spend any years working your way up from the bottom, right?

And I'd also be....you aren't a felon, didn't pop out 4 kids before age 22, didn't do hard drugs, and probably worked really hard in those entry level years.

It wasn't the economy that did you well, or any damn politician. It was you, being responsible, and working hard. Which is the path all OWS'ers 'could' take.

Just so you know, there are many in those ranks that have made good decisions only to have life happen and misfortune hit. Its easy to say they are all lazy, but that isnt reality.

There are many worthy goals from the group, its just misdirected and should be taken to Washington.

How can you diss a group when they plan protests for the super congress. Everyone wants to support that right?

There are many worthy goals in that group? Really? Perhaps you'd like to tell us what they are, since what passes for their "leaders" can't seem to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to issue a mission statement, and every time someone comes forward and says, "This is what we want", the rest of the smelly rabble shouts him down and says he's not speaking for the group.

It's easy to diss a group that apparently has no more purpose than to exist and take up space.
i don't know what reality you work in.

i love my job. i get paid a nice amount of money to do it. and i go home at night and enjoy my family and friends.

oh right... i got a public education and took student loans to go to college and law school that i then was able to pay back because the economy was booming and there were great jobs available.

funny that.


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