Our President Says Stupid Stuff Some More


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.

Better get used to it as the Trump Administration works on redefining the English language to defend Trump policies

Alternative facts
You will also notice his continuing attempt to delegitimize and brow beat the press...
Playing one organization against the other, I was glad to see that it did not work.

The dog and pony show with the General was even worse...he was briefed my ass.
He attempted to dodge the question by saying he was briefed, just like everyone else by "candidate" trump, while tump was running.
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.

Another butthurt Leftard thread
You mean like calling obozocare a benefit instead of a tax? Or being able to keep your doctor? Or those "not so shovel ready jobs"?

Somehow I'm not too worried about what Trump calls an EO to keep out people I don't want allowed in.

Just sayin...

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.
When did you become our President?
We have dictionaries.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.
And you are a typical liberal. Uninformed, full of emotion and highly opinionated. Trump ran on this policy, it came as no surprise to anyone that doesn't get their news through leftist media outlets. It's a 90 day halt on immigration from those trouble regions, as outlined by Obama as well, until a better vetting process is in place.

I don't care what word they use to describe it, although the word ban has permanent connotations. The word freeze would be better imo because it has a temporary assumption.

It's just like a lib to get their bowels in an uproar over the words and not give a shit about the harm that could come to us. As proven in Europe. I don't hate liberalism, I despise it for the brainwashing propagandizing corrupt institution that it is.
You will also notice his continuing attempt to delegitimize and brow beat the press...
Playing one organization against the other, I was glad to see that it did not work.

The dog and pony show with the General was even worse...he was briefed my ass.
He attempted to dodge the question by saying he was briefed, just like everyone else by "candidate" trump, while tump was running.
The msm has deligitimized themselves any any watching the news for the last 20 years knows it.
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.

You should know that your OP is in fact Orwellian Newspeak and Doublespeak.
Democrats have been using newspeak and doublespeak for so long, they don't even know they're doing it anymore.
I suggest you turn off the news....but I think at this point you're like a rubberneck looking at a car accident.
That's the stupidest suggestion I've ever gotten here. Stop being informed? Is that what Trump will suggest next?
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.
When did you become our President?
What does that mean?
Well, I think the administration will learn to be more politically adept as time goes on.

Obama himself admitted that this same sort of full speed ahead focus on policy without properly selling it to the public was a mistake they made early on also.

I think it's pretty typical to see this in a young administration. Throw in the fact that Trump is not a seasoned politician, but used to running a business where he simply decides and that's it, and the effect is going to be magnified.

And a large part of me doesn't mind, but actually prefers, to hear the straight dope truth instead of the polished, massaged plate of BS that is "the message", which often is nothing more than lying by omission or some other crafty means of saying one thing while doing another while they're lying to our faces to try to jam some policy through, but building in enough plausible deniability or other means of escape to be able to claim that the message, once proven false, meant something completely different than it did or some other gobbledygook.

The only mistake they made after the fact here, imo, is re-spinning. Take your position and stick to it.

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