Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites. Imagined if non-blacks started to stream into Africa. Imagine that for a second!!!

How would the blacks feel about that? Would they be angry or what??? I want tens of millions of East Asians, Indians and Arabs to flood into Africa. I want them to set up shop in every country in Africa and start making money.

How would blacks feel???
You must be a miserable little creature; completely ruled by your own cowardice every minute of every day. It's sad.
Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites. Imagined if non-blacks started to stream into Africa. Imagine that for a second!!!

How would the blacks feel about that? Would they be angry or what??? I want tens of millions of East Asians, Indians and Arabs to flood into Africa. I want them to set up shop in every country in Africa and start making money.

How would blacks feel???

Africa has been chasing out white people for the last 50 years and white nations should do the same to black. Africa has had massive AA for it's majority blacks and america should do likewise for it's majority whites. Esp since whites are the producers and blacks the parasites.
Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites. Imagined if non-blacks started to stream into Africa. Imagine that for a second!!!

How would the blacks feel about that? Would they be angry or what??? I want tens of millions of East Asians, Indians and Arabs to flood into Africa. I want them to set up shop in every country in Africa and start making money.

How would blacks feel???

Africa has been chasing out white people for the last 50 years and white nations should do the same to black. Africa has had massive AA for it's majority blacks and america should do likewise for it's majority whites. Esp since whites are the producers and blacks the parasites.

Why don't you go find a "white nation" and tell them all about it. The United States of America is not, and has never been, a "white nation."
Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites. Imagined if non-blacks started to stream into Africa. Imagine that for a second!!!

How would the blacks feel about that? Would they be angry or what??? I want tens of millions of East Asians, Indians and Arabs to flood into Africa. I want them to set up shop in every country in Africa and start making money.

How would blacks feel???

This has got to be one of the most inane, stupid questions ever asked in a public or private forum.

How the hell would black Americans know how black Africans "felt" about this?

This is like asking some hapless dipstick like you how they would feel about blacks migrating to Antartica.
Our governments(white nations) are flooding our nations with non-whites. Imagined if non-blacks started to stream into Africa. Imagine that for a second!!!

How would the blacks feel about that? Would they be angry or what??? I want tens of millions of East Asians, Indians and Arabs to flood into Africa. I want them to set up shop in every country in Africa and start making money.

How would blacks feel???

Africa has been chasing out white people for the last 50 years and white nations should do the same to black. Africa has had massive AA for it's majority blacks and america should do likewise for it's majority whites. Esp since whites are the producers and blacks the parasites.

Why don't you go find a "white nation" and tell them all about it. The United States of America is not, and has never been, a "white nation."

Sure it has. Founded by whites, for whites. Actually, British, if you want to be specific. They did not extend citizenship to the Indians. They massacred them. Blacks were held as slaves. Between the founding about about 1965, we pushed 90 percent white. The non-whites were, as I reference, blacks and Indians.

That's a white nation.
Africa has been chasing out white people for the last 50 years and white nations should do the same to black. Africa has had massive AA for it's majority blacks and america should do likewise for it's majority whites. Esp since whites are the producers and blacks the parasites.

Why don't you go find a "white nation" and tell them all about it. The United States of America is not, and has never been, a "white nation."

Sure it has. Founded by whites, for whites. Actually, British, if you want to be specific. They did not extend citizenship to the Indians. They massacred them. Blacks were held as slaves. Between the founding about about 1965, we pushed 90 percent white. The non-whites were, as I reference, blacks and Indians.

That's a white nation.

The US never has been and never will be a "white nation," you idiot. Your ignorance of US History is encouraged by your cowardly racism. You don't deserve to be allowed to live in America, because you don't understand what America is, and your cowardice is in direct opposition to everything my country stands for.

At EVERY step along the way - EVERY step - people of all backgrounds and ethnicities have built, protected, strengthened, and improved my great nation. Ever thus.

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You must be a miserable little creature; completely ruled by your own cowardice every minute of every day. It's sad.

It is not sad, but amusing in a tasteless sort of way that that is your only response to threads about racial issues t hat imply that black problems are not caused by white racism.
When considering immigration, we must compare the biological quality of various racial groups. On the average, Ashkenazi Jews are the most valuable with IQs of 112. Orientals average 106. White Gentiles average 100. Hispanics average 90. Blacks come in dead last. In the United States they average 85. In Africa they barely move the scale with an astonishingly low average of 70. Australian Aborigines and Bushmen are even lower than that. Fortunately, they are not inclined to immigrate.

Consequently, every country in the world should allow white and Oriental immigrants. No white or Oriental country should allow black or Hispanic immigrats. Black and Hispanic countries should welcome white and Oriental immigrants. Every country in the world should pay Ashkenazi Jews to move in.
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When considering immigration, we must compare the biological quality of various racial groups. On the average, Ashkenazi Jews are the most valuable with IQs of 112. Orientals average 106. White Gentiles average 100. Hispanics average 90. Blacks come in dead last. In the United States they average 85. In Africa they barely move the scale with an astonishingly low average of 70. Australian Aborigines and Bushmen are even lower than that. Fortunately, they are not inclined to immigrate.

Consequently, every country in the world should allow white and Oriental immigrants. No white or Oriental country should allow black or Hispanic immigrats. Black and Hispanic countries should welcome white and Oriental immigrants. Every country in the world should pay Ashkenazi Jews to move in.

You do realise that the two men who drafted the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965, which put preference on Third World immigrants over Europeans, were Jews, don't you?
You must be a miserable little creature; completely ruled by your own cowardice every minute of every day. It's sad.

It is not sad, but amusing in a tasteless sort of way that that is your only response to threads about racial issues t hat imply that black problems are not caused by white racism.

If your every post is based on racist fears and false, stormfront 'science,' then you can't expect to be taken any more seriously than the ignorant, frightened little child you are.
When considering immigration, we must compare the biological quality of various racial groups. On the average, Ashkenazi Jews are the most valuable with IQs of 112. Orientals average 106. White Gentiles average 100. Hispanics average 90. Blacks come in dead last. In the United States they average 85. In Africa they barely move the scale with an astonishingly low average of 70. Australian Aborigines and Bushmen are even lower than that. Fortunately, they are not inclined to immigrate.

Consequently, every country in the world should allow white and Oriental immigrants. No white or Oriental country should allow black or Hispanic immigrats. Black and Hispanic countries should welcome white and Oriental immigrants. Every country in the world should pay Ashkenazi Jews to move in.

You do realise that the two men who drafted the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965, which put preference on Third World immigrants over Europeans, were Jews, don't you?

And here comes Nazi-boy to add his anti-semitic fears and conspiracies to this stew of stupidity... :rolleyes:
You must be a miserable little creature; completely ruled by your own cowardice every minute of every day. It's sad.

It is not sad, but amusing in a tasteless sort of way that that is your only response to threads about racial issues t hat imply that black problems are not caused by white racism.

If your every post is based on racist fears and false, stormfront 'science,' then you can't expect to be taken any more seriously than the ignorant, frightened little child you are.

After two weeks on Stormfront I was banned for praising the Jews while criticizing Hitler.
And you think that gives you a free pass to be an asshole here? The fact that you wanted to be part of that Klan says more than enough about you.
And you think that gives you a free pass to be an asshole here? The fact that you wanted to be part of that Klan says more than enough about you.

I enjoy investigating different points of view and expressing my own. Antisemitism infuriates me, but unlike you I can respond to points of view I dislike with with civil rationality. The average IQ for an Ashkenazi Jew is 112. Those who hate Jews resent them because of their superiority. No one resents blacks because they perform too well in school and on the job.
And you think that gives you a free pass to be an asshole here? The fact that you wanted to be part of that Klan says more than enough about you.

I enjoy investigating different points of view and expressing my own. .

You seem to "enjoy" being a racist POS. Go crawl back to stormfront and beg them to give you another chance.
And you think that gives you a free pass to be an asshole here? The fact that you wanted to be part of that Klan says more than enough about you.

I enjoy investigating different points of view and expressing my own. .

You seem to "enjoy" being a racist POS. Go crawl back to stormfront and beg them to give you another chance.

I am reasonably confident that you are black, or you are a white person who has had contact with few blacks.

Why is it that everywhere on earth blacks are characterized by low intelligence and high crime? Why have the civil rights legislation passed in the United States during the 1960s and the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994 been such disappointments? Where are the indigenous civilizations created by blacks? Where is there a well run country with a black majority, and a low crime rate?

I expect you to respond with an ad hominem attack, but I am entitled to a rational and civil answer. Your inability to provide one will demonstrate that I am right about you, and what I presume to be your race.

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