Our Celebrity President

All I can say is Kardashian is an Obama supporter. She is the type of rich person liberals claim to hate. Spoiled, inheritad money, and she will not EVER live in MN, NEVER NEVER NEVER, I doubt she's been outside CA, NY or Miami Beach. Typical limosuine liberal that hates the "Little" guy that liberals claim they like. Liberals have all the elitist snobby folks, like at the Bitter Clinger fundraiser for Obama.
Who was there? You're American aristocracy: the Gettys, the Astors, the Kennedys, ect

I can't stand Kardashian, why the hell would you even mention that talentless hack? 'All you can say' evidently isn't much...are you suggesting Obama supporters shouldn't support him because some idiotic amateur porn star supports him? Make more sense please.

buckeye45_73 said:
At least Bush, Koch Brothers, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney seem like guys you could have a beer with and shoot the shit with at a ballgame.

Except that the majority of Americans can't afford memberships to the ritzy country clubs to get in the bar, not to mention luxury suites or seats behind home plate at a baseball game. But other than that, spot on. :thup:

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