Other famous Americans Republicans will be compared to in the following years:


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Aldrich Ames

Aaron Burr

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Robert Hanssen

John Walker, Jr.

Tokyo Rose

Benedict Arnold

Some names that will be added to that list:

Paul Ryan

Mitch McConnell

Michael Flynn

Paul Manafort

Donald Trump

Those are the names that will be on that list 25 years from now.
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If the mods cared about Dean, they would have made a Rdean subforum in the Rubber Room

If they cared about the forum they'd ban the fuckin troll.
Hilarious. And this is what is in your signature line:

George Soros >>> :suck:<<<Libturds
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.-- P.J O'Rourke
I am The Emperor of the Western Hemisphere and I can use whatever bathroom I want.
I'm coming to your house moonbats, and I'm going to take a giant breakfast taco shit in the toilet tank.

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Maybe we'll all be speaking Russian a hundred years from now.
Americans republicans? What does that mean? Ames was a CIA traitor that the Agency with a gigantic (undisclosed) budget couldn't uncover for almost a decade. Hanssen was an FBI traitor who made a deal to plead guilty if they awarded his family a freaking pension as if he retired honorably. The chicken shit FBI agreed in order to avoid the negative publicity of a trial. There are no secrets anymore so what is the function of the CIA? Somebody with some balls needs to drain the freaking swamp but I'm afraid that Sessions ain't the man to do it.
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