Other Board Suggestions


Jun 17, 2009
Anybody know of any boards like this one but where people spend more time talking about issues and less time name calling and using profanity?
Anybody know of any boards like this one but where people spend more time talking about issues and less time name calling and using profanity?

Wow, 11 posts in and you're criticizing, perhaps you should try google.
Anybody know of any boards like this one but where people spend more time talking about issues and less time name calling and using profanity?

If there are any other boards "like this one", then it's likely they're going to be *just* like this one, and you won't like them either. THIS one is unique in that everyone's shit is tolerated to a higher degree than normal.

Including yours.

Oops. I used profanity. But I didn't name-call. Is that ok?
Oh.... Bones definitely got that one backwards....

Main Entry: 2kowtow
Function: intransitive verb
Date: 1826
1 : to show obsequious deference : fawn <kowtows to the boss>
2 : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect
o btw who is the it...here...that 4nines? or kitty? i think we should have more options...instead of medals...i would like skulls.....we need to shake this up a wee bit..
Yes, you should definately go to Hannity.

Why? Why shouldn't he be allowed to express his viewpoints on topics without being hammered by a bunch of ill-mannered heathens? It's like there's a band of cave-people roaming some of the forums that attack any and everything they disagree with like a mob.

I'd prefer a well-mannered person without a clue than super-intelligent people who act like a band of tree monkeys every time they post.

That's why I like YOU.;)
o btw who is the it...here...that 4nines? or kitty? i think we should have more options...instead of medals...i would like skulls.....we need to shake this up a wee bit..

Nuns, we need more nuns. With rulers! Big Rulers! :lol:

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