Oscar winning movie about Islam


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
The Innocence of Muslims

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OSlPE04Ubt4]YouTube - Innocence of Muslims (12MN) 11sept2012[/ame] \
How many times have Christians & Jews been portrayed as nothing but apes & pigs by Muslims? And many times have the Christians & Jews reacted to the insults like Muslims do? What a difference a religion makes.
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Wow Roudy ur being a donkey now....we're breaking up

how long have you had a fantasy that roudy would change into a DONKEY FOR YOU? has the animal of your affections changed to a different species? -----now you want goats?
fuck you.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.

You are so right Seal...the more time I spend on these boards, the clearer it becomes that the Israeli supporters on these boards use hate a weapon of war to help Israel at all costs...I just can't seperate that 100 Jewish donors not investors put up 5 million dollars for a film purely to incite Muslims which kills Americans purely to help Israel.

I tell you when the Muslims get it together or get nukes Israel will pay the piper, defeating their purpose of trying to save the Israeli State.

You reap what you sow.
Whoa Now. As you know Seal, I have always cared about you & your poochie problem. Is it not true that your poochie problem with me started because of you acting with me like you are now acting with Hoss & Roudy? Be careful Seal, I am running out on disposable diapers to send you.

fuck you.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.
fuck you.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.
Listen Mohommod, in this country, there is thing called free speech, and it's NOT the right to kill people who exercise their free speech rights, like it is in the IslamoNazi SHITHOLES you support.

Run along and fuck your goat now.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.

You are so right Seal...the more time I spend on these boards, the clearer it becomes that the Israeli supporters on these boards use hate a weapon of war to help Israel at all costs...I just can't seperate that 100 Jewish donors not investors put up 5 million dollars for a film purely to incite Muslims which kills Americans purely to help Israel.

I tell you when the Muslims get it together or get nukes Israel will pay the piper, defeating their purpose of trying to save the Israeli State.

You reap what you sow.
Douchebag, The film was made by Egyptian copts who have just about had enough of Islamist animals and their murder and oppression. If I knew about this film I would have donated to it as well. About time somebody spoke out and told the truth about Islam and Musim behavior. You think you Jew hating pigs even remotely represent American public opinion on Islam and Muslim behavior? YOU DON'T.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.
Listen Mohommod, in this country, there is thing called free speech, and it's NOT the right to kill people who exercise their free speech rights, like it is in the IslamoNazi SHITHOLES you support.

Run along and fuck your goat now.

lolol...so says the dumb shit who supports laws thaat throw people in the calaboosa or killing them for saying anything against israel.

you stupid kapo fuck. the only ree speech you agree with is if people say what you want to say, like calling american soldiers "baby killers", kiss ass. you are about the sorriest, limp dicked, motherfucker i have evert seen.
Ya knaw, the way you sound, I think you're a fucking Muslim posing as a Christian, so let me conclude by saying...Fuck you, fuck Islam, and fuck Mohamad.

kapo nazi shit. fuck you. you don't even care about the dead americans as long as you caan show your hate film.

you think dead americans are funny, kapo jew.
Listen Mohommod, in this country, there is thing called free speech, and it's NOT the right to kill people who exercise their free speech rights, like it is in the IslamoNazi SHITHOLES you support.

Run along and fuck your goat now.

would that "free speech" thing be in the first amendment of thee constitution which i took an oath to protect and defend so that sorry, shit cocked, pussy boy kapos like you and yours and those of your ilk, domestic enemies to the core, could lay around in the safety of the dumpster in the alley and call those of us who served in the military "baby killers."

by golly, i think it is, you stupid fart. bite me.

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