Organizers planning Birth Certificate March on Washington to tell President to Quit.

Jan 17, 2010
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
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Hahh..Don't these people have jobs, kids or something else to occupy their time? I suggest they get something to occupy themselves..Maybe a TV so they can keep up with the NEWS..Even Beck deemed Birthers "Crazy.." Hawaii State Officials confirmed the Birth Certificate is legit..Case Closed..What a bunch of LOSERS.
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
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IMO there's lots to march about regarding the current fuckup in Washington without falling for that same fuckups game by continuing the "birther" nonsense.
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
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Wow....I sure hope they join forces with the Tea Baggers on this one. Faux News will be sure to cover it, and I imagine initial estimates from Faux News must be around 12 kajillian by now. Maybe they can get Palin and her tele-palmter to give another speech?
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

Oh god, I hope they really do this. :eusa_pray:
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
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Why in the world would they choose that particular subject to march about? There are so many more sensible issues to march over?
Obama would be crazy to show the certificate now. Hell the birther crap makes me feel sorry for that noob-rube small brain POTUS.

Birthers are almost as bad as truthers and will do as good a job as them or anyone else making their side look foolish.
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.

I didn't know they let mental patients sign petitions! Man, times are really changing!
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.

how many have signed a petition to prosecute Bush for blowing up the World Trade Center? I bet the numbers are close.
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

IMO there's lots to march about regarding the current fuckup in Washington without falling for that same fuckups game by continuing the "birther" nonsense.

I disagree. Let them keep trying. Its hurting one party and helping the other one.
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.

Who said the tea baggers had a "massive" march? Fox?

70 thousand people were there....70 thousand people were also at the gay march soon after...yet fox didn't cover that one.

What a joke you are.
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.

how many have signed a petition to prosecute Bush for blowing up the World Trade Center? I bet the numbers are close.

eots signed the petition 494,366 times.:lol:
A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.
70 thousand people were also at the gay march soon after...yet fox didn't cover that one.
Gay's don't deserve media coverage.
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:
He already did you nut job, otherwise they wouldn't have let him run for President. YOu must really think the people at the FBI are idiots.
And you forgot to mention the Berg's court cases were thrown out.

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