Organized Nuclear a.k.a. Organized Crime


Sep 23, 2010
Clinton and a nuclear North Korea was never a deep, dark, secret:

But you will never hear a talking head pontificate on the obvious:

“The Obama administration folks could have saved some ink and paper by just taking the Clinton administration statements and blotting out ‘North Korea’ and inserting ‘Iran.’”

Iran nuke deal parallels Bill Clinton's failed N. Korea strategy
Posted By Garth Kant
On 04/13/2015 @ 7:46 pm

Iran nuke deal parallels Bill Clinton s failed N. Korea strategy


Nuclear proliferation is a well-developed strategy. The more nations that can afford to join the nuclear fraternity, the greater the certainty that every country will be forced to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations in order to prevent a nuclear war.

Originally, the governing class partnered with the Mafia (alcoholic beverages) —— today it is drug cartels —— in order to convince the public that the government is protecting them. In plain English, organized nuclear is a descendant of organized crime. The two are so identical they are staggering in their simplicity —— so indistinguishable, nuclear is also a protection racket. The United Nations/global government sales pitch says that preventing nuclear war implies protection for those countries without nuclear.

Incidentally, parasite United Nations hustlers added manmade global warming to the nuclear war scare tactic. Global warming is not working out for the UN because nobody is afraid of it.



Organized crime required protection from independent entrepreneurs. Law enforcement agencies stamping out the competition before it grew too large was treated like a fee paid for services rendered. The cost of doing business so to speak.

Unlike gangster movies where Mafia dons fought wars over customers, a realistic gangster movie would include a scene where Mafia dons sit down with high ranking government officials. In fact, it was the government protection racket that organized the competition for the sole purpose of stopping gangs from killing one another. Indeed, government protection was a matter of economic survival for everyone.

Remember that the details of how modern governance would be shared among criminals and government were worked out during the Prohibition era in the certainty that bootlegging was there to stay. The nuts and bolts of shared governance remained in place after Prohibition was repealed. Bottom line: The United Nations adopted Prohibition era thinking to accommodate a global government worldview based on nuclear proliferation rather than based on alcohol.

Eliminating national sovereignty served the purpose of eliminating competition for the benefit of successful corporations in the alcohol business. In short: Controlling nuclear proliferation is the diplomatic objective rather than eliminating nuclear weapons altogether. If you do not agree with my interpretation try to imagine the UN’s place in a world without the promise of protecting the world from nuclear war

NOTE: Islam forbids alcohol consumption, yet Muslim governments are rushing headlong into the UN’s nuclear trap —— the very governing philosophy born in the Prohibition era.


The global government crowd rakes in billions every year through the United Nations the same way government officials raked in hundreds of millions annually from bootleggers throughout Prohibition’s short life span (13 years). By the time Prohibition was repealed the partnership between criminals and government was as firm as the one that existed for thousands of years between organized religion and government.
I read something the other day that said it so much than I could. But here goes, just as the results there, they are wishing for the same with Iran. The progressive dems feel the whole world should have equal status, and for all to be on as equal footing as the US. No more exceptionism. They believe that no one country is more dangerous than the US.

They also believe all should have equal access and trade should commence with all. It helps keep the economy on more equal terms, for the minions, and thus control is easier. Helps achieve their goal of socialism much easier.

And my own thoughts, their elite increase their power, and gives them more freedom (which they remove from others) to institute, and control. Why? Because they feel they know what is best for the rest of us.
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Criminls like Carnegie and Getty?

To Moonglow: You are blind if you cannot grasp the difference between builders and parasites.

I read something the other day that said it so much than I could. But here goes, just as the results there, they are wishing for the same with Iran. The progressive dems feel the whole world should have equal status, and for all to be on as equal footing as the US. No more exceptionism. They believe that no one country is more dangerous than the US.

They also believe all should have equal access and trade should commence with all. It helps keep the economy on more equal terms, for the minions, and thus control is easier. Helps achieve their goal of socialism much easier.

And my own thoughts, their elite increase their power, and gives them more freedom (which they remove from others) to institute, and control. Why? Because they feel they know what is best for the rest of us.

To depotoo: Equal distribution of the wealth is one of Communism’s principles. American Socialists twisted it into ‘equal circulation of the wealth.’ Both end up with a totalitarian government.

Briefly, ELITISTS (not elites) cooperate with Communists. Enslave the private sector, do not touch our fortunes, and we will work with you.
Criminls like Carnegie and Getty?

To Moonglow: You are blind if you cannot grasp the difference between builders and parasites.

I read something the other day that said it so much than I could. But here goes, just as the results there, they are wishing for the same with Iran. The progressive dems feel the whole world should have equal status, and for all to be on as equal footing as the US. No more exceptionism. They believe that no one country is more dangerous than the US.

They also believe all should have equal access and trade should commence with all. It helps keep the economy on more equal terms, for the minions, and thus control is easier. Helps achieve their goal of socialism much easier.

And my own thoughts, their elite increase their power, and gives them more freedom (which they remove from others) to institute, and control. Why? Because they feel they know what is best for the rest of us.

To depotoo: Equal distribution of the wealth is one of Communism’s principles. American Socialists twisted it into ‘equal circulation of the wealth.’ Both end up with a totalitarian government.

Briefly, ELITISTS (not elites) cooperate with Communists. Enslave the private sector, do not touch our fortunes, and we will work with you.
Builders that strip benefits and wages to have more in their pocket for more control over an industry, that is a parasite also, Carnegie finally came to that conclusion and sold off his empire and lived the rest of his days being a philanthropist...
The Temperance movement is what caused Prohibition, along with Woman's Suffrage Laws....and the downside to Prohibition is that it enacted income taxes, over lost revenues from booze and beer production...
Builders that strip benefits and wages to have more in their pocket for more control over an industry, that is a parasite also, Carnegie finally came to that conclusion and sold off his empire and lived the rest of his days being a philanthropist...

To Moonglow: Parasites skip the part about earning wealth. They jump right to the part about giving away everybody else’s wealth —— preferably giving it to parasites.

The Temperance movement is what caused Prohibition, along with Woman's Suffrage Laws....and the downside to Prohibition is that it enacted income taxes, over lost revenues from booze and beer production...

To Moonglow: Government revenues were replaced, and increased, from alcohol sales after prohibition was repealed. By then it was too late. The XVI Amendment eventually created a parasite class that grew to the size it is today.

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