O'Reilly lies about New Black Panther Party

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The New Black Panther party is ultra small and doesn't even represent most African Americans yet Bill O'Liar lies about them:

O’Reilly Lies About Black Panther Case: “They Want To Kill White Babies” | News One

Man, I would like to see the video where a New Black Panther Party person held a baton in his hand blocking people and threatening death against white babies. These types of distortions/lies are just what some idiots in the Tea baggers/conservative white media feed off of.
The New Black Panther party is ultra small and doesn't even represent most African Americans yet Bill O'Liar lies about them:

O’Reilly Lies About Black Panther Case: “They Want To Kill White Babies” | News One

Man, I would like to see the video where a New Black Panther Party person held a baton in his hand blocking people and threatening death against white babies. These types of distortions/lies are just what some idiots in the Tea baggers/conservative white media feed off of.

You know, Bass, I had come to expect more temperature-raising threads from you...

this one is kind of a yawn.

Mind if I try to stir things up?

How's about Professor Gates?

"We’ve learned, too, that a professorship at Harvard isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As a scholar in the trendy field of black studies, Gates has built a career on being deferred to by cowed liberal colleagues, and he’s obviously unaccustomed to anyone’s calling him out on anything.

In the midst of the current episode, the estimable Mark Steyn recalled Gates’s courtroom appearance some time back on behalf of the rap group 2 Live Crew, in which the professor testified that one of the group’s lyrics was similar to Shakespeare’s “My love is like a red, red rose.”

“As it happens,” noted Steyn, “‘My luv’s like a red, red rose’ was written by Robbie Burns, a couple of centuries after Shakespeare. Oh, well. Sixteenth-century English playwright, 18th-century Scottish poet: What’s the diff? Evidently being within the same quarter-millennium and right general patch of the North-East Atlantic is close enough for a professor of English and Afro-American Studies appearing as an expert witness in a court case.

Certainly no journalist reporting Gates’s testimony was boorish enough to point out the misattribution.” As one anonymous online commentator observed about the current controversy: “Why wouldn’t Gates expect preferential treatment? He’s been getting it his whole life.”
Unteachable by Harry Stein, City Journal 27 July 2009

Does this do the trick?
Hey Bass, what would your reaction be if some white guys dressed in militant garb stood on the corner shouting '. . . . with black dirty whore *** on your arm' '. . . . you want freedom, you gonna have to kill some *******, you gonna have to kill some of their babies'?

What freedoms don't blacks have? Blacks and minorities have been given breaks for years. Many, many have have squandered the opportunities these breaks have afforded and continue to just piss, bitch and moan and 'blame whitey', all the while taking zero responsibility for where their own actions - or lack thereof - have placed them.

Fuck the black panthers and fuck you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3MbqupVxMY]YouTube - Black Panthers Say That Blacks Have To "Kill Some Crackers And Their Babies!"[/ame]

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